
Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

author:Rick Labs
Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

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«——[·Nikon Japan faces bankruptcy crisis.] ——»

Recently, Japan's act of discharging nuclear sewage into the sea has aroused the anger of people around the world, and Japan itself seems to have suffered a "heavenly punishment", six earthquakes in four days after the discharge into the sea, a large number of marine life were relocated, and the mainland completely banned Japan's seafood exports, causing its seafood industry to suffer a heavy blow.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

In addition to the sharp decline in seafood sales, another thing has also made the Japanese economy worse: due to the impact of Japan's international ban, Nikon's business is unsustainable and is about to close down.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

As Japan's century-old manufacturer, Nikon's cameras have always been favored by consumers at home and abroad, but after learning about Japan's various actions against China, netizens not only did not express regret or even applauded, and some foreign media reported that this is Japan "lifting a stone to shoot itself in the foot", eating its own consequences.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

«——[··The United States and Japan suppress China's self-inflicted consequences.】——»

For the mainland, the technical difficulties of chip research and development are nothing, after all, mainland researchers have the courage to "break the wrist" to deeply cultivate the semiconductor industry, but the United States and Japan together hold the mentality of "zero-sum game" and unite to hinder the development of the mainland.

Seeing that the Kirin chip developed by Huawei on the mainland is thriving, and it is about to break through the technical difficulties of the "stuck neck", the United States, which has always held "hegemonism", cannot sit still, and signed a tripartite agreement with Japan and the Netherlands, strictly prohibiting the export of semiconductor-related equipment to the mainland.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

The reason for signing the agreement is also very absurd, the United States said that this move is to "strengthen the security of the semiconductor industry", and even slandered the mainland's independent research and development of chips as "breaking the rules", in fact, no matter what the United States says, it is not surprising that the double standards set by the United States because of the "China threat theory" have made people see through its ugly face.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

In fact, this move of the United States is undoubtedly the behavior of "eight hundred enemies and one thousand self-damage", because for gallium and germanium, which are indispensable for chip manufacturing, the mainland has always been the world's largest producer, accounting for 80% of the global supply chain.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

Moreover, China, as a huge buyer's market, has unique conditions for both price and demand, and once unilateral sanctions are imposed on the mainland, semiconductor companies in various countries will suffer huge losses, after all, the price will seriously shrink the price of chips.

However, although the mainland has accelerated the pace of independent research and development under control measures, this move still has caused a heavy blow to the mainland chip industry, because the research and development of lithography machines is still difficult for the mainland, in the words of Huawei's boss Ren Zhengfei: "Huawei has the confidence to design the world's most advanced chips, but can not manufacture the world's most advanced chips." ”

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

This sentence is full of sadness and helplessness, because the world's most advanced lithography machine is currently monopolized by the Dutch ASML company, and the United States acts as an obstruction to restrict the export of mainland lithography machines, so that the mainland chip industry develops "a skill and useless".

The Netherlands obviously compromised sanctions against the mainland under the coercion of the United States, and although the Netherlands abided by the agreement but restricted the mainland lithography machine, it still provided China with some low-end lithography machines to quench its thirst.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

In contrast, Japan's sycophancy to the United States is simply ugly, directly and comprehensively restricting the export of semiconductor equipment to the mainland, in addition to DUV lithography machine also includes photosensitive glue, chemical mechanical polishing equipment and other 23 kinds of equipment, many equipment in fact, the mainland can find another way, such a radical approach even the United States is surprised.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

However, the Japanese government did express its "loyalty" to the United States for a while, which is undoubtedly a cold winter for many enterprises that rely on exports.

The mainland has always been Japan's largest semiconductor exporter, last year alone signed 800 billion yen of semiconductor orders with Japan, basically accounting for 40% of Japan's overall exports, in today's economic development of Japan, but also with the United States to fight a trade war with China, which is undoubtedly for some small and medium-sized enterprises and even Nikon such a century-old company is adding fuel to the fire.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

On July 10 this year, Tokyo, a non-governmental corporate credit agency in Japan, released the results of a survey that reported that a total of 4,042 small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan went bankrupt in the past six months, an increase of 30% over last year, and the yen is also facing the risk of depreciation.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

Nikon said in January this year that because of Japan's impact on China's restrictions on semiconductor agreements, Nikon's various businesses have been seriously affected, and Nikon's second-quarter financial report on August 9 showed that the company's business was sold only 4 lithography machines throughout the year under the influence of policies, at least 3.5 billion yen of losses, and the company's net profit plummeted 78.3%.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

In addition, there is another very important reason why Nikon is facing a bankruptcy crisis, that is, all the calculations that were previously made have been in vain.

After Nikon rose to prominence as a camera manufacturer in 1917, it began to continuously extend the industrial chain and open up profit channels, and now it has become one of the world's three major lithography machine manufacturers, the first to achieve mass production of semiconductor lithography machines, and is known worldwide for its "Japan's highest technological achievement".

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

However, Japan has completely failed to meet the "appetite" of enterprise development, Nikon saw the saturation of the local lithography machine industry and traveled thousands of miles to the mainland, wanting to rush into the blue ocean of China's lithography machine market, under the efforts of many parties, Nikon won the business of Shanghai Jita Semiconductor Company, and plans to cooperate with this company to produce lithography machines.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

The good news is that in the list of 23 prohibited equipment announced by Japan, Nikon's mass-produced lithography machine is on the list, which makes the equipment they have previously produced can only be piled up in warehouses, and there is no sales channel at all.

It is worth mentioning that after Nikon announced its withdrawal from the project, the Dutch ASML company won the bid for the lithography machine of Shanghai Jieta after that, which can also be seen that the Netherlands is well aware of the unreasonable demands of the United States, on the other hand, Japan is simply "too stupid and naïve", in the face of the United States such a mercenary country still vainly wants to hold the thigh, and forget all about being "stuck in the neck" by the United States before.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

«——[· Japan's absurd "servility" to the United States ·] ——»

In today's complex geopolitical situation, the United States cannot hide its careful thinking, even if it uses gorgeous words: I would rather be bad than see you good, even if I break my hand, I will let you lose a fingernail.

Under such narrow-minded thinking, the United States frequently obstructs the friendly relations of various countries, vainly hoping to achieve a situation of "sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight", and Japan has completely become an "accomplice" under its oppression, just like a "soft-footed shrimp that cannot stand up."

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

After World War II, the United States made a fortune, Japan as a defeated country began to follow the United States indefinitely, basically how the United States expressed its position in the world, Japan had to make peace, in addition to their face of China's strength and rise, their hearts were full of fear.

As a junior brother of the United States, Japan's identity as an "independent sovereign country" has existed in name only, and basically all diplomatic actions must be subordinate to the interests of the United States, and some netizens even ridiculed Japan as a semi-colony, a capital vassal country.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

As early as the 80s of the last century, the three major enterprises in the global chip industry were all from Japan, because Japan's semiconductor industry began to start in the 60s, becoming the most technologically advanced and largest country at that time, but where is the reason why the little brother runs in front of the big brother, when Japan is complacent, a move by the United States directly makes it laugh:

The United States announced a 100% tariff on Japanese semiconductors.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

Japan has no ability to argue with the United States' "hegemonic clause", so it has to be at the mercy of the United States, and since then the Japanese semiconductor industry has rapidly fallen into a downward channel, and all high-tech companies in Japan have basically been impacted, and then Japan ushered in the "bubble economic rupture" of the 90s of the 20th century, so that high-tech enterprises were hit hard.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

If Japan has a clear position on itself, it should know what kind of end this will usher in, and how the United States will treat it as a waste after using it, and Nikon, which has been caught up in the torrent of the times, is not just an isolated case, which involves the development of completely Japanese companies and local economies, and if it still wants to hold the United States' lap and sit back and relax, it will definitely be eaten back.

Fumio Kishida didn't expect it either! Japan's century-old enterprises fell into crisis, and 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises collapsed!

«——[·Summary·] ——»

In China's 5,000-year history, it has always been on a not smooth road to seek development, which has trained our stronger and stronger backbone, Japan and the United States containment of China may not be so easy to work, the mainland is currently actively counterattacking, Huawei has officially announced that it will collect technology patent licensing fees from 30 Japanese companies, and restrict the export of a series of chip raw materials.

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