
Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

author:Fat dun hot chat

Recently, Hu Ge posted a puzzling dynamic on Weibo, accompanied by a photo of his own stubble, writing: "I try, try, I try to stay calm, I am sorry for many people, I hope to be worthy of this short life." ”

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state
Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

This Weibo caused heated discussions and concerns among netizens, some doubted whether he was depressed, some advised him to rest early, some expressed support for his public welfare undertakings, and some ridiculed whether he drank too much.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

Hu Ge is a well-known film and television actor and pop singer in China, who once became popular for playing Li Xiaoyao in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy". His acting skills and appearance are loved and recognized by the audience, and he is known as the "Prince of Costume".

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

He once experienced the plight of being seriously injured in a car accident, but with a strong will and a positive attitude, he got back on his feet, and showed more mature and profound acting skills in works such as "Langya List", "Hunting Ground", "The Wind of Langya List" and so on. He is also a caring and responsible philanthropist, and has participated in many charity activities and environmental initiatives.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

However, Hu Ge also has his own troubles and pressures. He once revealed in an interview that he sometimes feels lonely and empty5. He also once posted some texts on Weibo suggesting that he was in a bad mood. He said he was a sensitive and sentimental person who was easily influenced by the outside world. He also admits that he sometimes thinks too much and demands too much of himself.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by low mood. Depression is different from normal mood changes and feelings about daily life. Depression can affect all aspects of life, including relationships with family, friends, and the community. Depression may be the result of a combination of social, psychological, and biological factors. People who have experienced adverse events in their lives (unemployment, bereavement, traumatic events) are more likely to suffer from depression. Depression, in turn, can lead to greater stress and dysfunction, affecting the patient's life and exacerbating depressive symptoms.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

Effective treatments for depression exist, including psychotherapy and medications. If you have symptoms of depression, see your doctor or see a mental health professional. If you're reluctant to seek treatment, talk to a friend or loved one, a health care professional, a faith leader, or someone else you trust. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact any available emergency services or crisis lines.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

Hu Ge's Weibo has aroused the attention and discussion of netizens, and also aroused people's attention and awareness of depression. Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects not only the physical and mental health of patients, but also their families, work and society. Depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 264 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Depression can be affected by anyone, regardless of gender, age, occupation or geography. However, depression is not an incurable disease, and most patients can return to a normal life as long as professional help and treatment are sought in time.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

We should face up to the existence of depression and not ignore or deny it. Depression is not a sign of shame or weakness, nor is it an emotional problem that can be overcome on oneself or overcome by willpower. Depression is a medical problem that requires professional treatment.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

We should care for ourselves and those around us, and detect and intervene in time for the signs of depression. Depression has some common symptoms, such as low mood, decreased interest, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, self-deprecation, suicidal ideation, etc. If you or someone you know has these symptoms and they last more than two weeks, see a doctor or mental health professional as soon as possible.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

We should give understanding and support to people with depression, not blame and discrimination. People with depression need our care and encouragement, not our ridicule and rejection. We should respect their privacy and choices, not force them to do things they don't want to. We should maintain good communication and contact with them instead of making them feel isolated and helpless.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

In short, Hu Ge's Weibo allows us to see a real and vulnerable person, and also makes us aware of the harm and prevention of depression. For Hu Ge's Weibo, we don't know exactly what kind of mood he is, nor do we know if he really suffers from depression. But we want him to stay healthy and happy, not put too much pressure on himself and don't feel sorry for anyone.

Hu Ge took a photo of his beard and sighed: I'm sorry for many people, and netizens are worried about his psychological state

He is already an excellent actor and public welfare person, and he has deserved this short life. He has countless fans and friends who support and love him, and he is not alone. We look forward to him continuing to bring us more wonderful works and positive energy, and we wish him to find his own happiness.


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