
"Einstein's brain" sold 20 thousand copies online! Expert: Useful

author:Dawan News

Recently, an e-commerce platform "Einstein's brain" became popular, and the merchant declared that "it will automatically grow on your brain after taking a picture, and all those who have bought it have said that it is good... This product is a virtual item, it will be shipped automatically after taking a photo, please confirm the receipt directly..." The Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter noticed that it is such a seemingly playful product, the data shows that more than 20,000 people have paid, and there are a number of nonsensical products in the store, such as "wild Tyrannosaurus rex", "wild elephant", etc., priced from 0.1 yuan to 0.88 yuan, some of which show that more than 100 people have paid. Psychology experts say that buying "Einstein's brain" does have some use.

"Einstein's brain" sold 20 thousand copies online! Expert: Useful

More than 20,000 people buy

The comment section is happy

"Einstein's Brain" product details write: "This product is a virtual product, no logistics is required, it will be shipped automatically after taking pictures, please confirm the receipt directly... After taking a picture, provide entertainment chat services, go to customer service chat yourself, entertainment projects, mind those who take careful shooting", someone asked in the message area "What is it that you bought back?" Below there are buyers reply, "buy automatically become smart", "very easy to use, after buying the exam encountered are all my questions", and some buyers pointed out, "is to buy a psychological comfort", "buy a sense of faith". Others think that "Einstein's brain" is an IQ tax, "useless", "only after buying did I realize that I was stupid, and I really became smart", "Upload an Einstein picture, you can make so much money?" ”

The reporter noticed that there are many merchants selling "Einstein's brain" on e-commerce platforms, and some merchants have also played flower work and classified goods: smart brain, happy brain, liberal arts brain, science brain, exam brain... Among them, the happy brain only needs 0.1 yuan, the test brain needs 1 yuan, and there is also a prompt under the product: "You can remark to a certain long brain, if you need other brains, please contact customer service." Then the reporter consulted customer service, and the customer service said, "Take pictures of automatic delivery, virtual items are shipped in seconds, after placing an order, wait to become smarter, generally sleep can start to grow brains." "These merchants are using Einstein's avatar as a product picture, the price ranges from 0.1 yuan to 1 yuan, in addition to sales of more than 20,000, there are many sales of thousands.

In addition to "Einstein's brains", these stores will also sell some more nonsensical goods, such as "Wild Tyrannosaurus rex, vaccinated, will walk by itself by address after placing an order", "Wild elephant, will be coquettish, elephant will walk by address after taking pictures"... These products, which cost less than 1 yuan, show that hundreds of people have bought them, and some netizens said that the titles of these sellers are particularly interesting, and you can have a little fun just by looking at them. In the comment section, it was even more joyful, with someone asking "Is it easy to use?" I kind of want to buy", someone at the bottom replied, "Useful, to ensure that the addition and subtraction within ten will be learned", "Now I have the ability to take care of my own life", "After buying, I know that I don't pick up the ground and eat it, and I know that I ran home when it rains". There are also buyers' replies that are even more exaggerated, "now they are studying controlled nuclear fusion", "I scored more than 10,000 points in the college entrance examination"...

"Einstein's brain" sold 20 thousand copies online! Expert: Useful


It's really useful to some extent

In addition to the comments that Boren laughed at, there were also people who said that it was really useful, "the exam was played beyond normal", "the plan was sent to the customer in seconds". Chen Zhilin, a psychological counselor and chartered counseling psychologist of the British Psychological Society, told reporters that the "Einstein brain" is really useful to a certain extent.

"For example, many schools will organize mobilization meetings before the college entrance examination, can the conference improve students' knowledge, or can it reduce the difficulty of the college entrance examination? No, but through the mobilization meeting, students can go to the exam in good shape, which helps to play on the spot. The same is true of 'Einstein's brain', if you buy it to make you feel that you will have Einstein-like wisdom, enter the examination room with pleasure and confidence, even if your level of belief is only 1%, you will definitely perform better than usual. Chen Zhilin said that people often say "believe in the spirit", and these four words have some truth.

Chen Zhilin said that "Einstein's brain" is an emotional product, which refers to products developed around the functions of human emotional comfort, soothing, regulation, and management. There are many similar products on the Internet, such as the "wild Tyrannosaurus rex" and "wild elephant" mentioned above. "It should be noted that there is a category of emotional products that are not recommended to buy, such as 'friend IQ instantly zero, place an order to remember the name of a friend', 'purebred wild mosquitoes, place an order and go, remember to note the name of a friend', this kind of product bases their happiness on the pain of others, even if it is just a joke, it will affect the psychology of the buyer, and even lead to 'not seeing others well'."

"Einstein's brain" sold 20 thousand copies online! Expert: Useful

Mood products act as a regulating agent

But it can't cure all diseases

Chen Zhilin told reporters that "Einstein's brain" and other emotional products have become Internet celebrity hits, illustrating the importance of emotions in contemporary society, as well as young people's cognition and attention to emotions, and young people are now generally willing to pay for emotions, "Buy emotional products, spend not much money, but can exchange for a moment of happiness and satisfaction." In a fast-paced life, this simple and low-cost emotional experience becomes a way to relax and enjoy. ”

However, it is worth noting that emotional products can only relieve emotions to a certain extent, but they are not a panacea, let alone cure all diseases. At the end of the day, it's just a means of self-regulation. "So whether it is buying emotional products online, or choosing psychological counseling in reality, this shows an essence, these people need a psychological sustenance." Chen Zhilin said that generally after "exhausting personnel", people need psychological sustenance the most: for example, when the college entrance examination ends and other scores, you can do everything, or you are uneasy, at this time someone will choose a good luck charm to ease their emotions.

Finally, Chen Zhilin said that many young people now feel that their work and life are stressful, and many people are confused about the future, which is also one of the reasons why emotional products can become explosive. "It should be noted that many of the emotional products that everyone buys are fresh and fun, and it is difficult to say whether it is useful after the novelty has passed." Chen Zhilin said that just as the mobilization conference before the college entrance examination cannot improve knowledge reserves, emotional products cannot truly enhance a person's ability and value. "If you want to get a high score, the most convenient and effective way is to study hard."