
Well, the scar forgot the pain, and the Canadian warship broke into the Taiwan Strait again? The PLA will not be polite and dare to fight hard

author:North Star flies

Two powerful warships, a tense Taiwan Strait. The Royal Canadian Navy's FFH336 guided-missile frigate Montreal and the U.S. Navy's DDG93 guided-missile destroyer Zhongyun quietly crossed the rough waves of the Taiwan Strait on a hot summer morning. This incident has attracted the attention of the world. The PLA's response was unequivocal, and naval and air forces quickly dispatched to send a firm signal to the U.S. and Canadian challengers: in the Taiwan Strait, provocations are not tolerated.

But now, with new information, Canada seems to have failed to heed that warning. According to Japanese media reports, the FFH331 Vancouver missile frigate of the Canadian Navy is about to enter the Taiwan Strait again, this time the operation seems to be more threatening. Robert Watt, the military attaché of the Canadian Embassy in Japan, has confirmed the news, raising fears that a new crisis could erupt. Canada's fleet, including the FFH341 guided-missile frigate USS Ottawa and the USS Alitrix integrated supply ship, has embarked on a five-month deployment plan in the Asia-Pacific region, which means they will call at ports in Southeast Asian countries, sparking more speculation and concern.

Well, the scar forgot the pain, and the Canadian warship broke into the Taiwan Strait again? The PLA will not be polite and dare to fight hard

The PLA's 054A guided-missile destroyer has a 32-cell vertical launch system, is equipped with advanced anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes, and has electronics far ahead of Canadian Navy ships. In addition, the PLA's H-6K bombers carry YJ-12 supersonic anti-ship missiles, which constitute a powerful deterrent to the Canadian Navy. On the surface and in the air, the PLA has enough strength to put the Canadian Navy at a disadvantage and dare not act rashly.

When the U.S. Navy tried to exert pressure by sending ships across the Taiwan Strait, Canada seemed to follow their lead, once again demonstrating its close U.S. nature. Canada has always been a country with a relatively low presence in international affairs, and has long been under the shadow of the United States, becoming a resource supplier and market for the United States. This dependency leaves Canada with little initiative on the international stage and can only follow the strategy of the United States. For Canada, this is a huge dilemma and a sadness.

Well, the scar forgot the pain, and the Canadian warship broke into the Taiwan Strait again? The PLA will not be polite and dare to fight hard

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This chain of tensions reminds us that the geopolitical vortex is expanding. At this challenging time, we must cherish peace and uphold the principles of international law and order to ensure global security and stability. At the same time, countries should actively seek diplomatic solutions to disputes, rather than resorting to provocations and military confrontations, which will help reduce tensions and find more opportunities for peace.

Well, the scar forgot the pain, and the Canadian warship broke into the Taiwan Strait again? The PLA will not be polite and dare to fight hard

Above all, world leaders need to show calm and rational leadership. In tense international relations, impulsive and aggressive behavior can lead to irreversible consequences. We therefore call on leaders to exercise restraint, resolve differences through dialogue and diplomacy, and jointly move the world forward in the direction of peace, stability and cooperation.

In this time of uncertainty, the global community should unite and work together to ensure that every corner of the planet can enjoy the opportunity for peace and prosperity. Only through cooperation and reason can we meet the challenges together and create a better future.

Well, the scar forgot the pain, and the Canadian warship broke into the Taiwan Strait again? The PLA will not be polite and dare to fight hard

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