
Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

author:Come on, Shin Shin

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In April, news of his release from prison drowned in a sea of constantly updated news. In 2012, the protagonist Cai Yang crashed a Toyota car in Xi'an, causing serious injuries to the owner.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Behind the 10-year imprisonment are the bitter blood and tears of many family members. Now do you clearly realize your mistake?

Capture the marks of the times, reminisce about classic moments, and savor the taste of life. The romance of the characters in this issue of "Ziya Tongqu" brings us closer to Cai Yang, one of the perpetrators of the "September 15" Xi'an incident.

Life circumstances create bad personalities

Cai Yang was born in 1991 in a village on the outskirts of Nanyang City, Henan Province. His hometown is remote and economically backward. Everyone wants to earn money, just to feed and keep warm.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

As for the education of children, whether it was essential to earn money in the concept at that time basically depended on each family's self-awareness. Even today, many parents have not invented "early education" and "personalized education." What is called "cultivation" and the like, let alone back then.

I can't wait to get dressed and eat. Cai Yang's parents are busy making a living all day and have no time to do anything else. When he was a child, Cai Yang spent most of his time alone at home, curled up in his own small world.

Introverted and self-righteous, she gradually became unable to listen to others, had difficulty communicating, and behaved to embarrass others or even endanger the safety of others.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

According to available records, as a child he stared at the butcher, picked up the remaining raw meat, and ate it without getting dirty; When I grew up, I obviously had a good chat, but I suddenly roared.

What's even more frightening is that he suddenly pushed the pregnant woman hard behind his back.

In fact, Cai Yang at this time has already shown uncontrollable destructive power. His level of intelligence, his concept of right and wrong, his emotional state, and so on. They apparently cannot support his eventual independent life in the future.

But in the end, reality does not meet economic needs. The family was too poor, food and clothing were unstable, and a broken TV refused to be replaced for many years. The desperate Cai's parents still hold on to a fluke mentality and ignore this ominous omen.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Although he later attended school on time, he only read until the fifth grade of primary school. Due to poor grades, peer pressure, and yearning for a colorful world, Cai Yang left school early to work.

There are no strong professional skills, although young, society pays only useful people.

Therefore, Cai Yang can only do simple but dangerous work, such as painting walls. The low house is fine, but once you get to the tall building, it looks scary.

Of course, in fact, he was also under pressure to learn other jobs on the construction site, but his reaction did not keep up. After two or three years, in the end, nothing was achieved.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

But he couldn't stop making money. Around 2009, when Cai Yang was 18 years old, he went to Xi'an with his uncle and was watched by his elders. He also worked at the same construction site, and his salary rose to about 200 yuan a day. The family could only walk with him.

However, under the seemingly stable appearance, Cai Yang's negative emotions secretly broke out.

He doesn't talk much at the construction site, but he always likes to lock himself in an Internet café after work, of course, he also plays games to vent his emotions, but the failure rate is a bit high, about 100%. Succeed.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

I also left a message in the QQ mailbox, and the content is actually very age-specific. I want to fall in love, I want to make money, I want to get good grades in school, I want to complain about academic qualifications that even monks don't know.

The Internet gave him space to release his emotions temporarily, and his daytime work also gave him plenty of rest.

But the Internet is, after all, a virtual space. As time went by, there were more and more game errors, and no one replied to QQ Space. Cai Yang didn't know any other way to control his emotions.

In this case, even a small touch from the outside world can ignite the emotional bucket in his heart.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Another group of teams shouting in unison in the street, involuntarily punching and kicking, looking so powerful that you will immediately lose a little of your mind and absorb the flow of people in vain. Verdict.

Protests led to violence

On September 15, 2012, during the Diaoyu Dao incident, which angered all Chinese people, Hong Kong patriots boarded the Kaifeng No. 2 and desperately broke through the repeated violent attacks on the hull of the ship by the Japanese side.

He eventually made a successful landfall and hoisted a five-star red flag on the reef for a whole month.

On that day, on the streets of Xi'an, the crowd chanted.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

In addition to Cai Yang, who was attracted by the sound, Li Jianjian, who drove a so-called "Japanese car" in the building materials market and was actually a joint venture with his family, Toyota Corolla, also happened to pass by the Yuxiangmen roundabout.

At first, Cai Yang and Li Jianli did not face each other, but some people in the team used Li Jianli's car as an excuse to attract as many people as possible.

There was no way, Li Jianjian could only get out of the car with his family and begged them not to continue.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Despite the Li family's pleas, people who were clearly patriotic and probably venting their personal grievances simply did not listen, and cars continued to be beaten and kicked.

At this time, Cai Yang somehow felt that because the surrounding sounds were very noisy, he was amplified by this situation and did not hear his judgment at all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he picked up a U-shaped lock in front of him, and with a "wow", a huge crack appeared on the windowpane, most of which was broken.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Lee worked hard to build his own family business. She happened to be shopping for decorations and building materials for the newlyweds with her children. The crowd was too noisy.

Innocently suffering this innocent disaster, he couldn't stand it all of a sudden, and immediately picked up a brick on the side of the road and slapped Cai Yang. The lock smashed on Li Jianli's head without hesitation.

After stopping, Cai Yang just wiped the blood on his head, and then continued to walk with the crowd, and the crowd did not even wake up to see the bloody scene.

At this time, Li Jianli's brain was impaled, and he was finally medically identified as a fourth-degree disability. His brain was bruised and his right upper limb was unable to move freely.

Blind "patriotism" ruined two families

Although a total of 12 people were punished according to law in this 9.15 incident, Cai Yang received the most severe punishment.

Most of the others are 1-2 years old. Cai Yang was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and the Li family received 250,000 yuan in financial compensation. However, Cai Yang's actions almost ruined two families.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

The most important pillar of the Li family fell. Li Jianjian could no longer regain his previous brisk pace and eloquence. He and his wife, Wang Juling, had planned a trip to Russia in 2013 that had not yet materialized.

What's more, after full treatment and recovery, the Li family also owed nearly 1.6 million yuan in foreign debt.

As for Cai Yang's own parents, in order to earn money to repay the 250,000 yuan, their income next year is already very high, but no matter how hard they are, they can't stop and rest.

For the first few years after the accident, he was able to earn money on the construction site with physical strength. In the past two years, my body has been very tired, but the debt has not been paid off. The old couple live in parts of Botian and receive several thousand yuan in extra wages from the forestry department every month.

In addition to the debt that made the old couple of the Cai family toss and turn and sleep poorly at night, Li's poor physical condition also constantly made them feel embarrassed.

After a series of treatments, Li Jianli recovered slightly, was able to speak and eat slowly, but could not return to work as before, and also developed symptoms such as speech disorders, hearing loss, and armpit pain. Discharge and severe memory loss. Outcome.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Li Jianli is a strong character, he also thinks that he should recover well, let alone fully recover, but you can always go alone.

But once, when his wife was away, he tried to go downstairs on crutches, but fell. The family never dared to let Li Yiyi go alone.

Today, ten years later, Cai Yang is 30 years old. After being released from prison, he returned to his hometown. However, over time, we don't know if he clearly recognized his mistake at the time.

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Patriotism is to tie the people of a country together like twine, and not harm their own compatriots under any name. A country can truly be fearless in the face of foreign aggression, and it is not in the name of "patriotism" to provoke trouble for those with the word "foreign".

Ten years ago, Xiao Cai Yang smashed a Japanese car with a U-lock, and the owner was seriously injured, what is the current situation?

Only when we truly love our motherland, contribute to national construction, and let more people like us and our children and grandchildren live, work, develop and prosper here, can this love truly last forever.

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