
BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

author:Plaster YX

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BYD's new LOGO: brand evolution and design aesthetics

BYD recently released a new LOGO, which immediately caused widespread discussion. This is not the first time BYD has adjusted its logo, but it is part of the evolution of the brand. This design adjustment has had a profound impact on the brand image and uniformity, and has also sparked a lot of discussion.

Journey Review: The bumpy road of LOGO

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

To understand the background of BYD's new logo, it is necessary to first review the brand's LOGO journey. In the past, BYD's logo has changed many times. Initially, it featured a black oval frame and blue-white blocks, with the letter "BYD" placed at the bottom. However, this design is similar to BMW's LOGO in appearance, which has caused criticism from some netizens. Subsequently, the brand changed the main color to red, and the letter logo in the oval LOGO was slightly adjusted, but it still failed to meet the expectations of the majority of users. Finally, last year, BYD bravely abandoned the outer frame and released a new LOGO.

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

In this series of changes, BYD's LOGO has gradually matured and grown amid user controversy. However, even in the latest logo release, there are still doubts. Some netizens said that the new LOGO seems to have changed, but it does not seem to have changed, compared with the LOGO of other brands, BYD has changed greatly. This view reveals the complexity of brand identity design and the importance of LOGO in communicating brand image.

LOGO design philosophy: roundness and affinity

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

The design of the new LOGO has obvious features, first of all, the fine adjustment of the oval outer frame, eliminating the previous uneven lines, making the whole more even. The letter "BYD" still retains its unique shape and cut between strokes, but the most significant change is the transformation of the originally sharp glyph into a more mathematically aesthetic rounded corner.

Visually, this change makes BYD's LOGO appear more rounded and adds an affinity. Compared with the previous LOGO, this seems to be less "domineering", but in exchange for more warmth and kindness. This warm design concept fits with the image of affinity that the brand is trying to convey.

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

In addition, BYD has also set a clear scope of use for the logo, which will be widely used in its electronics, new energy, rail transit and automotive industries in addition to the group logo. This decision further highlights the brand's efforts in image uniformity, trying to integrate different areas of business into a consistent visual identity.

Brand evolution resonates with the market

BYD's LOGO evolution is not only a visual change, but also a positive response of the brand in the market competition. This design adjustment, especially from sharp to rounded corners, represents an evolution of the brand's vision. It conveys BYD's desire to interact with consumers more closely and harmoniously, which is crucial in the highly competitive automotive industry.

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

For BYD's new logo, the evaluation varies from person to person. Some argue that this change is in line with the trend of the times, strengthens the affinity of the brand, and helps to create a deeper emotional connection with consumers. Others may feel that this change is not completely visually distinguishable and still similar to the competition.

In general, BYD's LOGO adjustment represents a change in brand evolution and design philosophy. Regardless of the evaluation, this change will play an important role in future market competition, affecting consumers' cognitive and emotional connection to BYD.

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?


BYD's new logo presents a more affinity and warm image, becoming more uniform and rounded compared to the previous design. This change is part of the brand's evolution to better reflect the brand's vision and form a unified visual identity with different areas of the business. Despite some controversy, the change marks BYD's efforts to evolve and adapt to market competition, setting the stage for future success. Therefore, no matter how you look at this LOGO adjustment, there is no denying its importance to the brand and the market.

BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?

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BYD Group changed LOGO netizens: How many millions were deceived again?