
One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women


He, once known as a man who was "born without hands and feet", but because of his extraordinary courage and determination, he got rid of the limitations of his body and wrote an inspirational chapter in life. The name, Ototake Yokura, is famous in Japan, and his story is both an unfortunate starting point and an extraordinary twist.

Born in 1976 in Tokyo, Japan, Ototake Yokura lost limbs from birth, but this did not sink him. The love of his parents and his own optimism made him integrate into kindergarten, primary school, and middle school like a normal child. Despite the difficulties, he was admitted to the Faculty of Economics and Political Science of Waseda University in Japan after graduating from high school, and began an impressive college career.

One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women

On campus, Ototake Yokura exudes energy and sunshine, and his eloquence and optimism put him in the limelight. He actively participated in school activities, especially in a program with NHK TV, where he advocated for people with disabilities and advocated for barrier-free facilities, which attracted widespread attention in Japanese society. In his junior year of university, he wrote and published his autobiography "The Five Body Dissatisfaction", which caused a sensation in Japan and made him a famous best-selling author. "The Five Body Unsatisfied" sold more than 6 million copies and spread his name throughout the country.

One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women

However, Ototake's story doesn't stop at inspirational. His passion for education led him to obtain a primary school teacher certificate after graduation and become a primary school teacher, lighting the way forward for children. His efforts and influence gradually expanded, and in 2013, he was even appointed to the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Commission, embarking on a new political journey.

However, Ototake's story is no longer perfect. In 2016, the media broke the scandal of cheating in his marriage, and the fact that it gradually surfaced made people sigh. Once an inspirational role model, he also had worldly weaknesses. Although he bravely admitted these mistakes, the pursuit of the media and the surge of public opinion put his image to an unprecedented test. His marriage eventually came to an end, news of the divorce came, and his once political dreams were dismissed.

One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women

However, Ototake Yokura did not become depressed. He once again entered the public eye, dating a mixed-race female college student, which not only showed his personal charm, but also attracted the attention of the media and people again. His popularity continued to climb and he became a popular guest on TV shows, demonstrating his versatility and wide reach.

Even on the political road, Ototake Yokura did not stop. In 2022, he once again plunged into politics and ran for the Senate as a "no-belonging" member, and although he was ultimately unsuccessful, his courage and determination are still admirable.

One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women

Time passed, and on a cold winter day in 2023, Ototake Yokura once again made headlines in the media. New feelings, new journeys, his life still seems to be constantly searching for something. He is no longer young, but his life goes on. On this road full of uncertainties and ups and downs, he may still be pursuing his dreams and hopes, constantly transcending the limitations of life and writing his unique chapter.

In this diverse world, people also have different views on Ototake Yokuang. Some will be admired for his tenacity, others will be disappointed by his weakness. However, in any case, his life has become a living story, making people re-examine the fragility and strength of human nature, and think about the meaning and value of life.

One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women

There may be imperfections in each of our lives, but just like Ototake Yoko, we can always maintain a positive attitude, keep moving forward, and create our own wonderful. The world, because of every person who persevered, became more colorful.

One of Japan's most famous scumbags, he was born without hands and feet, but he cheated on more than 50 women

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