
Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

author:Genki Universe 520

Nowadays, many people lament that the relationship between relatives seems to be less intimate than before. One netizen raised the question on social media and received a god answer, which sparked shock and resonance among tens of thousands of readers. The following will elaborate on this netizen's question and God's answer, exploring the changes in kinship and possible causes.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

Feelings of alienation between relatives:

Many people feel that their relationship with relatives seems to have become estranged. In the past, relatives often visited, gathered, and helped each other, but now, relatives communicate less with each other and feel less close and close.

On social media, one netizen asked the question: "Why are my relatives not close now?" He said he was confused and frustrated by the change and hoped to find some answers.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

This question has resonated and concerned with many readers. However, the answer of one of the netizens was stunned. "Perhaps, people nowadays are too busy and focus their time on work and their own lives, neglecting the connection between family and relatives," he said. Or, society gradually becomes apathetic and people become more alienated and selfish. This netizen's answer directly touched the deepest pain point in people's hearts, and many people expressed shock and recognition.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

Social Change and Busy Life:

The pace of modern society is getting faster and faster, people are busy coping with various pressures such as work and life, and time is becoming increasingly scarce. Busy lives make it difficult to find time to stay in touch and interact with relatives. At the same time, the rise of social media and the internet has also made people more inclined to communicate with strangers and ignore the connection and importance of relatives.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers
Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

Changes in family structure also have an impact on kinship. With the pursuit of personal independence and freedom by modern people, many people leave their hometowns to work and live elsewhere. Such migrations lead to dispersion among family members and reduced contact and interaction between relatives. It also makes it more difficult to connect with relatives.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers
Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

Another possible reason is social apathy and self-centered attitudes. Modern society is facing various pressures and competitions, and people tend to pay more attention to their own interests and development, and lack care and attention to others. This self-centered attitude can affect the establishment and maintenance of kinship relationships, leading to a sense of alienation between relatives.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers
Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers

Although the evolution of kinship in reality is worrying, we can still take steps to rebuild and maintain the connection between relatives. First of all, we can actively keep in touch with relatives, communicate by phone, social media, etc. Secondly, we can use holidays or special occasions to hold family gatherings or relatives gatherings to strengthen the interaction between relatives. Most importantly, we should develop a caring and inclusive attitude, learn to respect and help our relatives.

Why are the relatives not close now? A netizen's divine answer stunned tens of thousands of readers


The feeling of alienation from relatives is indeed a real problem, but we should not just complain and take a positive attitude to rebuild and maintain these relationships. Connections between relatives are an important part of family and social bonds, giving us support, affection and a sense of belonging. Hopefully, through more communication, care and action, we will be able to rebuild and strengthen kinship and create a warmer and closer family network.