
After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play


In response to the recent mock U.S. air strikes, we face an urgent question: How to deal with this threat? The answer to this question may lie hidden in our J-20 fighters. The J-20 is our victory with its superior performance and versatile combat radius, with the ability to intercept large strategic assets such as enemy bombers.

Recently, the US military has once again demonstrated its strong combat power. Not long ago, a P-8A anti-submarine aircraft entered the exit on the north side of the strait without authorization and crossed the entire area in the strait. At the same time, an RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft conducted strategic reconnaissance on the southern side of the strait, forming a certain threat to our army. This series of operations is clearly carefully planned, the US military is ready to deal with various possible contingencies, and they are likely to take this opportunity to obtain intelligence to prepare for subsequent strikes.

After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play

This was followed by a new round of operations on March 1. Two B-1B bombers took off from Guam, escorted by Navy carrier-based aircraft, for a total of eight aircraft in formation, and conducted a simulated strike to simulate air raid operations. As can be seen from the released images, the B-1B bomber has a variety of combat capabilities, including anti-ship and ground attack, and the escort fighters are also very bright, including four F-18EF carrier-based aircraft and two F-35 stealth fighters. Judging by the cockpit shape, these F-35s are likely to belong to the Marine Corps.

After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play

We can reasonably speculate that the US military used a formation dominated by naval carrier-based aircraft and Marine Corps fighters to cover bombers for anti-ship and ground attacks. Is this series of actions related to the previous incident of the P-8A anti-submarine aircraft crossing the strait? Perhaps we can imagine that the intelligence obtained by the US anti-submarine aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft is transmitted to the combat command center through the data link, and the B-1B bombers stationed in Guam quickly take off and carry out simulated air strikes under the protection of naval carrier-based aircraft.

After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play

Faced with this situation, we must respond quickly. At present, the most effective way is to rely on our army's J-20 fighters. The advantages of the J-20 are its ultra-long combat radius and the ability to carry a variety of air-to-air missiles, while also carrying auxiliary fuel tanks for long-range rush interception. Moreover, the J-20 also has stealth capabilities that are not easily detected by enemy fighters or AWACS aircraft, which allows it to covertly approach strategic assets such as enemy bombers and strike at them.

After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play

In general, our advantage lies in having the J-20, a powerful stealth fighter. Although the US military's F-35 fighters perform well in some aspects, they do not have an advantage in anti-stealth. The J-20 can be seen as a killer designed to deal with large critical strategic assets such as U.S. bombers, AWACS aircraft and electronic jammers. As long as the enemy intends to carry out cruise missile strikes on our surface ships and coastal targets, it must first face the close interception of the J-20.

After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play

To sum up, in the face of the US military's simulated air attack threat, we can rely on the unique advantage of the J-20 to respond. The J-20's stealth capability and versatile combat radius make it a key factor in restraining enemy operations. In this tactical confrontation, we are in a more advantageous position, which also benefits from the powerful performance of the J-20.

After the provocation of the anti-submarine aircraft, 8 US fighters launched a simulated air strike, and at the critical time, they had to rely on the J-20 to play