
The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

author:Wine on a small red clay stove


The Zhongyuan Festival, also known as the Half of July, Ghost Festival, Zhai Gu and God of Wealth Festival, is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, usually held on the 15th day of July in the lunar calendar. Zhongyuan Festival is a traditional Taoist festival, originally a day to worship ancestors and pudu sentient beings, but later developed into a folk sacrifice, on this day people burn paper money, make fasting rice, put lanterns, pray for peace and a good harvest.

There are various theories about the origin of the Zhongyuan Festival, one of which is that the Zhongyuan Festival originated from the Indian story of "Mu Lian Saving Mother". Mu Lian is a disciple in Buddhism, his mother fell into hell because of the great sins in her life, and Mu Lian finally rescued his mother from hell after many hardships in order to save his mother. After this story spread to China, it was interpreted into the legend of "Mu Lian Saving Mother", which became an important story of the Zhongyuan Festival.

The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

Burning paper money is an important custom during the Mid-Yuan Festival, and it is believed that it can send money to ancestors and deceased relatives to help them live better in Hades. The custom of burning paper money originated from the ancient Hades coins, which were made of paper and shaped like real coins, and were used by the ghosts of the underworld. When burning paper money, people usually write the names of their ancestors and some words of blessing on the paper money, and then burn the paper money at night, hoping that the ancestors will receive the money.

Lanterns are also an important custom during the Middle Yuan Festival, which is believed to light the way for ancestors and deceased loved ones to help them walk in the netherworld. The custom of placing lanterns originated in ancient lighting rituals, where lanterns were lit at night to pray to the gods for peace and a good harvest. When placing lanterns, people usually write the names of their ancestors and some words of blessing on the lanterns, and then place them in front of their homes or rivers, hoping that their ancestors will receive these blessings.

The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

The Zhongyuan Festival is also known as the God of Wealth Festival, and it is believed that by offering the God of Wealth on this day, you can obtain financial luck and good luck. The God of Wealth is a deity in traditional Chinese culture who is said to be in charge of wealth and fortune, bringing wealth and good fortune to people. On the day of the God of Wealth, people usually burn paper money, set off firecrackers, worship the God of Wealth, eat fasting rice, etc., hoping to obtain the protection of the God of Wealth and gain more wealth and good luck.

Ghost Festival is another name for the Zhongyuan Festival, and it is believed that ghosts will appear on earth on this day, so this day is also called "Ghost Moon". The festival of ghosts originated from ancient rituals in which ancestors and deceased relatives were sacrificed in the hope that they would live better in Hades. At the same time, it is also believed that ghosts will appear on earth on this day, so this day is also called "ghost moon". On the day of Ghost Festival, people usually burn paper money, put lanterns, worship ancestors, eat fasting rice, etc., hoping to obtain the protection of ancestors and ghosts, and gain more peace and good luck

The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

Zhongyuan Festival is a festival full of customs and traditions that not only help people sacrifice their ancestors and deceased relatives, but also help people gain more peace and good luck. For example, burning paper money can bring money to ancestors and deceased relatives, lighting lanterns can light the way for them, and fasting can help them live better in Hades. At the same time, the customs and traditions of the Zhongyuan Festival can also help people get more peace and good luck, such as worshipping the God of Wealth, eating peanuts, tofu and other foods.

On the day of the Chinese Yuan Festival, people also burn paper-tied houses, cars, clothes and other items, which can provide for ancestors and deceased relatives to provide for the needs of life in Hades. At the same time, people will burn paper money to lonely spirits and wild spirits, hoping that they will receive relief and comfort. In some places, people also hold activities to release river lanterns, and put lit lanterns into the river, so that the lanterns carry people's blessings and thoughts with the river to distant places.

Zhongyuan Festival is a festival full of gratitude and remembrance, and people express their respect and remembrance for their ancestors and deceased relatives in various ways. At the same time, the Zhongyuan Festival is also a festival full of traditions and culture, and people inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation through customs and traditions such as burning paper money, putting lanterns, worshipping the god of wealth, and eating fasting rice.

The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

The customs and traditions of the Zhongyuan Festival have been integrated into the life and culture of Chinese and have become an important part of traditional Chinese culture. In modern society, with the improvement of people's living standards and cultural diversification, the customs and traditions of Zhongyuan Festival are also constantly developing and innovating. For example, the activities of the Zhongyuan Festival in some places are no longer limited to traditional ways such as burning paper money and putting lanterns, but through various ways to express respect and remembrance for ancestors and deceased relatives, such as through online sacrifices and the production of cultural products with the theme of the Zhongyuan Festival.

During the Zhongyuan Festival, people usually eat some special foods, such as peanuts, tofu, peaches, etc., to express respect and remembrance for ancestors and deceased relatives. These foods have different meanings and symbols.

Peanuts are one of the common foods during the Chinese Yuan Festival, which symbolizes longevity and health. In traditional Chinese culture, peanuts are considered an auspicious food, symbolizing family harmony and happiness. Therefore, during the Zhongyuan Festival, people usually use peanuts to express blessings and thoughts for ancestors and deceased relatives.

The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

Tofu is another common food during the Zhongyuan Festival and it symbolizes cleanliness and purity. In traditional Chinese culture, tofu is considered a clean food, symbolizing cleanliness and purity of mind. Therefore, during the Zhongyuan Festival, people usually use tofu to express respect and remembrance for ancestors and deceased relatives.

Peaches are also one of the common foods during the Zhongyuan Festival, which symbolizes longevity and happiness. In traditional Chinese culture, peaches are considered an auspicious fruit that symbolizes longevity and happiness. Therefore, during the Zhongyuan Festival, people usually use peaches to express blessings and thoughts for ancestors and deceased relatives.

The Ghost Festival is coming, do you know those traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival?

In short, people usually eat some special foods during the Zhongyuan Festival, such as peanuts, tofu, peaches, etc., to express respect and remembrance for ancestors and deceased relatives. These foods have different meanings and symbols, which are used to express the thoughts and blessings of loved ones.

Zhongyuan Festival is a festival full of gratitude, remembrance and tradition, it is not only an important day to pay homage to ancestors and deceased relatives Chinese, but also an important part of traditional Chinese culture. In modern society, the customs and traditions of Zhongyuan Festival are constantly developing and innovating, bringing more peace and good luck to people.