
FESCO Zhai Qian: Expand the boundaries of trade union capabilities and build flexible organizations

author:News Insights

As Gen Z gains a foothold in the workplace, their influence in the workplace is gradually expanding. As an indispensable part of corporate governance, trade unions are facing new developments in service methods, new technology applications and innovations. Changing with the times and being new is an inevitable choice for the trade union service industry in the new situation.

Zhai Qian, Vice President of HRA Harmonious Labor Relations Branch and General Manager of FESCO's Union Service Division, pointed out in her speech at the 9th "Talent Economy Forum" held by FESCO and Harvard Business Review Chinese Edition on August 18, that trade unions play an important role in helping enterprises release management efficiency and promote enterprises to increase management flexibility between organizations.

She believes that the emotions and emotional values of the times have laid the foundation for the character of the organization; Through the duties and roles of trade unions, altruism can give an organizational humanistic warmth; The construction of harmonious labor relations helps to improve employee satisfaction and loyalty, thereby enhancing the stability and competitiveness of the organization. Therefore, by expanding the boundaries of trade union capabilities and giving better play to the advantages of trade union strength in organizational governance, we can improve organizational flexibility and release more management dividends. Under the new situation, FESCO Smart Trade Union Service Platform helps enterprises achieve more efficient, convenient and rapid intelligent construction of trade unions.

FESCO Zhai Qian: Expand the boundaries of trade union capabilities and build flexible organizations

Zhai Qian mainly elaborated from three aspects:

Business management should pay more attention to the "Z generation" and read the emotional changes of the times.

Dopamine is a well-deserved traffic password this summer. The term originally referred to a chemical secreted by the brain that transmits messages of excitement and happiness, and the Internet has led to a highly saturated, brightly colored atmosphere. Starting from dopamine dressing, the concept of dopamine girls, dopamine food and dopamine copywriting was launched online, and in the past summer, the entire dopamine phenomenon swept the entire Internet, and there were countless shares about "dopamine" on Douyin and Xiaohongshu. Taking advantage of this wave, major brand products have also taken advantage of marketing, quickly swept through many industry circles, and set off a consumption boom.

From the "dopamine phenomenon", it can be seen that young people now need more release of emotional value, need to fully express their emotions, and they hope to use flamboyant colors and highly saturated emotions to convey their emotions to everyone in daily life. In the face of fast-paced life, bright colors can bring pleasant emotional resonance, conveying confidence and positive attitude towards life. Therefore, in the future of the new generation of workplace, enterprise management should be combined with the dopamine phenomenon, managers should pay attention to the "Z generation", pay attention to their emotional release needs and requirements, better understand the employee groups in the workplace and workplace demand changes, and constantly optimize management methods on this basis, so that corporate governance can keep up with the rhythm of the times.

Second, uphold the spirit of altruism and protect the basic rights and interests of employees.

In the management of labor relations and the construction of corporate culture, the role of trade unions is a crucial link. As a bridge and link between enterprises and employees, trade unions have the basic duties of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees and serving the masses of workers.

1. Increase awareness of the role of trade unions within the enterprise. On the one hand, through continuous publicity, we let more enterprises that have established associations know "what a trade union can do" and "how to serve employees in an intelligent way", answer "what is a trade union", "how to establish a trade union" and "what are the processes" to enterprises interested in establishing a union, interpret trade union policies, and answer the doubts of enterprise managers; On the other hand, after understanding the actual difficulties of enterprises, by answering employees' questions at communication meetings, employees can have a better understanding of union dues payment, medical insurance secondary reimbursement, legal aid, skills training and other directions, and publicize the role of trade unions in promoting the development of enterprises and safeguarding the rights and interests of employees. Trade union organizations represent the interests of the majority of employees, do a good job of smoothing between enterprises and employees, help employees to better enjoy the benefits of the enterprise, and better work for the enterprise.

2. Use modern means to improve the level of open factory affairs and democratic management. In daily work, we will use many modern means to help trade unions do a good job in intelligent construction, such as Gonghuitong developed an online election platform to help companies that set up branches across the country to complete the work related to succession and election online through the Internet. More important is the control of details, such as organizing everyone to rehearse in advance, practicing raising hands in front of the camera, ensuring that everyone's faces and hands are in the camera, and taking screenshots to save them. Retaining this prescribed action reflects the ceremonial sense of voting by raising hands at the meeting, and also transmits the solemnity and sense of responsibility of democratic voting to everyone in front of the camera through these details, and tries to ensure the atmosphere of online and on-site synchronization.

3. Use innovative ways to help employees in difficulty. This year, FESCO, as a caring enterprise, assisted a provincial federation of trade unions to jointly carry out the "Warming Project for Families of Difficult Employees", focusing on the problem that difficult employee groups are inconvenient to go out to purchase, and distributed daily necessities in the form of preferential matching donations. Most of these addresses are located in remote mountainous areas, in order to ensure that the materials are delivered on time, we set up a special post to track the logistics status in real time, and attach the material details and contact information in the package to ensure that the after-sales channel is smooth until it is successfully signed for each package. We hope to enhance the happiness and sense of achievement of employees through practical actions, and hope that this work can be carried out for a long time and continuously.

4. Promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsmanship. Gonghuitong has undertaken the "Publicity of Model Workers Innovation Recruitment, Trade Union Live Broadcast Has Good Things" activity for two consecutive years, the live broadcast is hosted by China Employee Service Group and Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the anchor is several model workers, while telling their own struggle stories, while introducing rural revitalization products, these agricultural and sideline specialties through limited time rush purchases, reserve price flash sales, lottery interaction and other games, were snatched up in the live broadcast room, and the struggle story behind moved the audience. For example, a model worker has developed the thousand-year-old Chuju from a near-extinction to a geographical indication product, and developed from workshop-type processing to industrial operation. Model workers are telling their simple stories through the platform, and it is also model workers who promote their hometown and enterprises to the working people across the country through the platform.

3. Protect the happy life of employees and build harmonious labor relations.

In order to close the distance with the audience, Gonghuitong designed the emoji image - Xiaotong and Huizai, Xiaotong is a passionate trade union PHS, he is warm and warm, is a warm heart that everyone loves, always wears a big red flower on his head, and hopes to shine like a model worker. His partner Wai Tsai is inspired by bees, symbolizing hard work and dedication, and a sense of technology symbolizing intelligence. These memes come with emotional expression, which is in line with the current communication characteristics and communication methods, making the service concept concrete, and Xiaotong and Huizai are the "dopamine" in daily work.

In the process of promoting the innovation of trade union work, FESCO's only sub-brand of trade union service direction, Gonghuitong, is committed to creating an online and offline integrated trade union service ecology with the concept of "trade union futurism", which can meet the needs of trade union organizations in different industries and levels, and customize and build a cultural and distinctive online employee home for trade unions at all levels.

In the direction of employee services, Gonghuitong not only has a wealth of condolences and various activities, but also presents a special service layout such as brisk walking, online movie viewing, club management, online book house, online live broadcast, and psychological counseling according to their respective corporate culture and employee needs. When working from home last year, in order to alleviate the anxiety of employees, Gonghuitong organized an online Lantern Festival activity, where employees across regions and workplaces participated in games such as intelligence battles, game breakthroughs, and video imitation shows, accumulating points to win the jackpot. Especially in the "Dialect New Year" session, hundreds of video submissions came from all over the world, with different rural sounds, but they all conveyed a strong taste of the New Year. There are many activities like this, and we use lively and vivid ways and accurate and efficient services to narrow the distance between enterprises and employees, achieve "meeting and family unity", achieve the goal of "zero distance" in serving employees, and make the work of the union more warm.

For example, childcare has been a pragmatic measure to implement the national policy of optimizing fertility and the "double reduction" policy in recent years. Especially during the winter and summer vacations, who will bring the children? How to bring? It has become a top priority for many employees' families. Due to the strong willingness of employees, many customers have envisaged setting up hosting classes, but they are cautious due to concerns about space, funds, and safety. Therefore, on the basis of detailed research and market investigation, Gonghuitong assists willing enterprise trade unions or parks to carry out site renovation and project implementation, designs various activities, carefully arranges daily courses, and strictly takes safety measures to help dual-career families solve their worries and help trade unions deliver warmth to employees' hearts.

In today's era, the workplace is no longer the workplace in the traditional sense of the past, and the expansion of the role of trade unions can deepen the trust and dependence of employees, and it is also a process of continuous flexibility of the organization, which can stimulate cohesion and cultivate a learning organization, thereby promoting the stability of the organization and releasing the dividends of organizational management.

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