
The method of authentic mapo tofu, the little chef lady teaches you the trick, it is tender and delicious, and the spicy is super delicious

author:Small chains to tell things
The method of authentic mapo tofu, the little chef lady teaches you the trick, it is tender and delicious, and the spicy is super delicious

The method of authentic mapo tofu, the little chef lady teaches you the trick, it is tender and delicious, and the spicy is super delicious

Spicy flavors have always shone on the stage of Chinese cuisine, and one of the representatives of this is the well-known Sichuan classic - mapo tofu. Its rich spicy taste and tender bean have always been endless. Today, let's follow the steps of the little chef and learn how to make an authentic mapo tofu, so that you can taste the tender and spicy delicious food at home.

**Step 1: Prepare the ingredients**

First of all, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

- Tender tofu: 300g, cut into chunks and set aside;

- Minced beef: 100g, marinated in cooking wine and light soy sauce for a while;

- Spicy bean paste: appropriate amount, soaked in advance and soft for later use;

- Minced ginger and garlic: to taste;

- Bean paste: 1 scoop;

- Dried peppers: to taste, remove seeds and cut into sections;

The method of authentic mapo tofu, the little chef lady teaches you the trick, it is tender and delicious, and the spicy is super delicious

- Sichuan peppercorn powder: to taste;

- Cooking oil: to taste;

- salt: to taste;

- Chicken essence: to taste;

- Bean paste: to taste;

- Minced green garlic: to taste, use as a garnish.

Step 2: Cooking Process**

1. Blanch tofu in boiling water: ** Cut the tofu into chunks and blanch it in boiling water, which removes the bean smell and makes the tofu more tender. Fish out for later.

2. **Fried minced beef:** Heat cooking oil in a pan, add marinated minced beef, fry until discolored, then remove and set aside.

3. **Fried chili segments:** Heat the remaining oil in the pan, add the dried chili segments, fry until slightly discolored, remove the aroma and set aside.

4. **Stir-fry peppercorn powder:** Pour out the remaining oil in the pot, put in an appropriate amount of Sichuan peppercorn powder, stir-fry over low heat until fragrant, then add an appropriate amount of spicy bean paste, bean paste and stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat after the red oil comes out.

5. **Stir-fry minced ginger and garlic:** Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Stir-fry minced beef: Place the fried minced beef in a pan and stir-fry evenly.

7. Add bean paste: ** Pour in an appropriate amount of bean paste and continue to stir-fry well.

8. Sauce: Add an appropriate amount of water, stir-fry well, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to make a delicious sauce.

9. Add tofu and chili segments: Put the blanched tofu cubes in a pot, add the fried chili pepper segments, and gently stir-fry well.

10. Collect the juice before coming out of the pan: ** Pour the prepared sauce into the pot and stir-fry evenly, so that the tofu can fully absorb the sauce and thicken the juice.

11. Sprinkle with minced green garlic: Sprinkle some minced green garlic before turning off the heat to enhance the taste.

Step 3: Enjoy the delicious**

After a series of careful cooking, a tender, spicy authentic Mapo tofu is finally completed. Serve it on a plate with bright colors and aroma. In one bite, the tenderness of the beans blends with the spicy hotness in the mouth, awakening the taste buds and evoking the infinite longing for Sichuan cuisine.


- When frying minced beef, you can add some starch appropriately to make the beef more tender and juicy.

- The frying of the pepper segments can control the time and avoid excessive frying.

- When stir-frying chili sauce and bean paste, the heat should be moderate to avoid mushrooming.

- Do not use bean paste too much, adjust it according to personal taste.

Whether it's a cold winter or a hot summer, a plate of authentic mapo tofu can add to your table

Add warmth. Cooking a delicious Mapo tofu at home not only satisfies the taste buds, but also respects and inherits traditional food. Let's follow the steps of the little chef to make this spicy classic with our own hands, savoring the warmth of home and the charm of taste.

The method of authentic mapo tofu, the little chef lady teaches you the trick, it is tender and delicious, and the spicy is super delicious