
Spring for Pomegranate Trees – Why Isn't My Pomegranate Tree Germinating in May?

author:Eslite Green Warehouse

The pomegranate tree is a beautiful and vital plant, its bright flowers and sweet fruits are loved by many. Pomegranate trees generally begin to germinate in spring in April, and new leaves and buds can be produced in May. However, some people may encounter questions like: Why is my pomegranate tree not germinating in May? What's going on here? What should I do?

Spring for Pomegranate Trees – Why Isn't My Pomegranate Tree Germinating in May?

In fact, there may be many reasons why pomegranate trees do not germinate, such as climate, soil, light, moisture, fertilizer, and so on. Below, I will analyze these possible causes for you and give some solutions.

1. Climatic reasons. The pomegranate tree prefers warm, dry climates, and if it encounters cold or rainy weather, it will delay or not germinate. This year's temperature has changed a lot, and frosts have occurred in some places, which is not conducive to the growth of pomegranate trees. If your pomegranate tree is potted, you can keep it indoors or in a greenhouse to maintain a temperature above 15°C; If it is planted on the ground, you can cover it with a straw mat or plastic sheeting to prevent frostbite.

2. Soil causes. Pomegranate trees prefer fertile, soft, well-drained soil, and if the soil is too poor, hard or waterlogged, it can affect root respiration and absorption, resulting in non-germination. If your soil is not suitable, you can change the soil or improve the soil quality, add some humus, sand or perlite and other materials to improve the fertility and permeability of the soil.

Spring for Pomegranate Trees – Why Isn't My Pomegranate Tree Germinating in May?

3. Lighting reasons. Pomegranate trees are very light-loving plants, and can germinate and bear fruit better in a well-lit environment. If your pomegranate tree is not exposed to the sun for a long time, it will lack the energy needed for photosynthesis, resulting in not germinating. If your pomegranate tree is potted, you can keep it in a sunny place and receive direct light for at least 6-8 hours a day; If it's ground-grown, you can prune other plants around you to avoid blocking the light.

4. Moisture causes. Although pomegranate trees are drought tolerant, if the soil is too dry, it is difficult to germinate in spring. If your pomegranate tree is short of water, you need to water it in time to keep the soil slightly wet. But you should not water too much and too often, otherwise it will lead to waterlogging and root rot. Generally speaking, it is enough to water every 1-2 days in spring, and the amount of water should be controlled when watering until it is thoroughly watered.

Spring for Pomegranate Trees – Why Isn't My Pomegranate Tree Germinating in May?

5. Fertilizer reasons. Pomegranate trees are very fat-loving plants, and if there is a lack of fertilizer in the germination stage of growth, it is not easy to germinate. If your pomegranate tree is short of fertilizer, you need to apply fertilizer in time to provide enough nutrients. But you should not apply too much too much, otherwise it will lead to root burning and excess nutrients. In general, it is enough to apply well-rotted organic fertilizer or diluted compound fertilizer every 15-20 days in the spring, and sprinkle fertilizer evenly around the roots when applying, and then water it thoroughly.

Spring for Pomegranate Trees – Why Isn't My Pomegranate Tree Germinating in May?

The above is the reason and solution that I analyzed for you that the pomegranate tree does not germinate, I hope it will be helpful to you. If your pomegranate tree has not yet sprouted, do not worry, follow the above methods to condition, I believe that soon you will see its new shoots and leaves. The pomegranate tree is a very strong plant, as long as you give it the right environment and proper maintenance, it will bring you rich flowers and fruits and beautiful scenery.

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