
Desert Gobi roses bloom

author:Dunhuang release
Desert Gobi roses bloom

Desert Gobi Rose blooms summer hui "You have accompanied me through the 108-kilometer desert Gobi, and I will accompany you to the end!" This is what a wife said to her husband during a sharing event after a desert Gobi Trekking Challenge. Sometimes, a simple sentence will touch the heartstrings, and the poetry of life is exuded at the celebration after such a not-so-tall Gobi Trekking Challenge.

Desert Gobi roses bloom

Many times, we are troubled by the frivolities of life, but life itself is not so much romance, more pots and pans or frivolous. But they are blessed to be able to live a poetic life in one place. Most of the participants in this trekking challenge are energetic, passionate and energetic post-80s or post-90s, and four of them are husband and wife. Many people walk with a limp, because they have experienced four days and three nights on the desert Gobi, which makes them accustomed to riding luxury cars and subways, accustomed to asphalt roads, they have experienced a completely different life, and the uneven road has made these young people from all over the southeast, northwest and all over the country blister on the soles of their feet. They are either from the south, or from the northeast, or from the north and south of the Yellow River in the hinterland, and they "ask for their own hardships" with the dream of "challenging the limit". Or a pilgrimage thought, or the legend of Tang Xuanzang crossing eight hundred miles of quicksand, or a poet's phrase a thousand years ago, "The desert is lonely and straight, the sun sets on the long river", or tired of the busyness in the office building... In short, they came to Dunhuang. The desert of Dunhuang accepted them with open arms. They came, left the hustle and bustle of the city, crossed the desert Gobi, walked all the way to the camping base, and returned to the familiar or unfamiliar city. The 108 kilometers of lonely and desolate road was a road they had never traveled before. This road has thrown them from the usual life of red and green traffic to the other extreme, no longer dense high-rise buildings, no more commonplace traffic crowds, no longer crossed streets with changing traffic lights, no longer smooth and smooth roads... The endless desert Gobi, the winding Great Wall of Han, the strange Yadan, the red willows, the wild Luobu hemp, the dry and thousand-year-old plane trees, gravel, saline land, dust... In addition to desolation, it is still desolate! At most, only wild yellow sheep or rabbits run by from a distance.

Desert Gobi roses bloom

The heavens and the earth are so vast, looking southeast, northwest and around, except for the Gobi or the Gobi, maybe you can see a large area of water on the horizon from afar, but that is just a "solar flame illusion". You can run in either direction and no one will accuse you of going in the wrong direction. But in the end, you choose the path of walking with everyone, because it is not only the loneliness that desolation brings to fear, but also the unknown. If you choose another path that goes in a different direction than the crowd, you will never know what the end of the road will be? Or maybe you know that if you take a different path, you're going to be in a desperate situation! And you know better: after all, this road with many people has walked; This road, someone is leading and guaranteed; This road, after all the ups and downs and exhaustion, will eventually step on the bright Yangguan Avenue, will eventually return to the prosperity, and finally return to the hotel where you once complained that the conditions are not comparable to the big city but can give you the feeling of home, take a hot bath, and sleep well... So, in the end, we all chose to step in the footsteps of others. This Gobi desert seems to have magical powers that bring you back to the essence of life. On the road of more than a hundred miles, all you can rely on is your companions. Looking around, it is desolate, and you can't even see a single extra animal, let alone a person! Perhaps, when you are in a big city, you have been in the same field, you have been in the same company, you have suspected each other, you have defended each other, you forget the grand ambition you set at the beginning, and you can't wait for someone to disappear from your eyes immediately; Perhaps, you are tired of pots and pans, you have begun to dislike each other, you have turned away from each other, you have forgotten the intimacy of love, you have forgotten the sweet vows you once made; But once you step on this Gobi desert, there is no one to rely on, only each other, only trust, you no longer dislike whether there will be germs at the mouth of the water bottle handed over by your companions, but put it to your lips without hesitation; You no longer wonder if the man who has hurt you has ill intentions, but takes his hand unguardedly; You no longer worry about whether it will cause misunderstanding by others, but without hesitation, you carry the backpack of the thin woman, hold the hand of your wife or husband, and you feel the warmth of that year... Walking on this path, you no longer have so many desires. Your tired body only longs to return to the strange city, to the bed that is not yours! You just want to have a shoulder to lean on and a hand to pull you on. There are times when your demands are so low that all your cravings go to a bottle of mineral water or a ham sausage, and you no longer care about what you once thought was more important than anything else. Yes, what else? Many things we used to see were more important than life, we thought that life could not be sustained after we lost it, but when we let go of everything and came to the desert Gobi, we finally found that our life needed only a little bit. As long as there is a glimmer of hope in our hearts, we will never despair; As long as you know that in the distant city, there is still a bean light at home for you, no matter how much suffering you have, you can endure it. For a moment, you are left behind, and the people walking in front of you are only faintly backed; There is only a desolation behind you, and you are the only one left in the whole heaven and earth, and you have been abandoned! You begin to be upset, you begin to fear, you shout loudly, but no one will hear it, no one will pay attention! Only the Gobi wind whistles past your ears, and a cloud of fluffy grass rolls with the wind, jumping from you into the distance... Or, when there is no wind, you can no longer hear anything other than your own heavy breathing... You are desperate, maybe the whole world has forgotten about you! But at this moment, a figure, the roar of a car, a distant but clear whistle, all let you see hope! It turns out that this is just a clever experience design.

Desert Gobi roses bloom

In fact, this way, there are not so many legends. Because there is a whole team providing you with logistics, you will not risk your life, you don't have to worry about the lack of drinking water, and even when you leave the team and choose a different direction, someone will come to remind you in time. Your order is just a deliberate design by the event organizer. But the desert Gobi gives you a different experience of life. Our lives need prosperity, we need noise, but we also need solitude, we need tranquility. The hustle and bustle of the city gave you, the desert Gobi will not give you, but the desert Gobi let you realize, the lights and wine can never be obtained. It is after all this that we learn to cherish the present moment and learn to cherish each other. It is also just as they said the most words in the sharing activity: learned to be grateful, grateful for everything that heaven and earth naturally endowed, grateful for the support and help of friends and relatives along the way, grateful for each other's dependence and never abandoned. True love is not actually in the vigorous story, but in the interdependence along the way, in a trivial and ordinary life, 108 kilometers, just a small fragment of their life that can almost be ignored, but after walking through the 108-kilometer desert Gobi, they may have a new understanding of life, will cherish the people around them more, will cherish the small hour of light at the moment, which is not necessarily given to them by the desert Gobi of Dunhuang, It is their deep understanding after the collision of their hearts with Dunhuang. The years are quiet, I have this experience, I know how to cherish it, very good!

Desert Gobi roses bloom

Editor: Wang Yue

Responsible editor: Yin Yongsheng

Producer: Li Guohui

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