
After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

author:Xiao Kunyu

In the United States, an 85-year-old grandfather named Kars fell in love with a 24-year-old woman named Millerkel.

By chance, 85-year-old Kars met Milleker, who worked in a laundromat.
After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

[85-year-old Han Kars and 24-year-old hot girl Milleker staged a grandfather and grandson love! ] 】

在‬卡‬尔‬斯‬望着‬这个‬女孩‬‬的‬那一刻‬,他的心‬却‬莫名其妙‬地跳动了起来‬! 卡尔斯万万没想到自己在年过‬八旬后‬‬,居然还会有‬那种‬感觉....他觉得这一切太不可思议了!

当‬两人四目相对的时候,卡尔斯刻意回避了米勒克尔。 因为他‬知道自己在‬这个‬年纪‬,不该‬有‬太多‬的非分之想! So Kars left the laundry in a hurry.

After the first encounter between the two, Milleker always appeared in Carls' mind! 他本‬想‬克制‬自己‬,停止‬那些‬不切实际‬的幻想。

可是‬每到‬夜深人静‬的时候,卡‬尔‬斯‬总是‬情不自禁地想‬起‬与米‬勒‬克‬尔‬相遇‬的画面! ‬这个‬女孩‬让‬他‬找回‬了‬年轻‬时的感觉!

After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

【Passionate Milleker】


When Kars saw Milleker for the second time, he was out of control.


就在两人逐渐熟悉后,年迈的卡尔斯终于鼓起勇气‬对‬米‬勒‬克‬尔‬表达‬爱意‬! 他说,虽然‬自己‬已经85岁高龄,但是‬依旧宝刀未老!

米勒克尔考虑后,觉得卡‬尔‬斯‬是个‬有趣‬的小老头‬,表示自己不在乎他的年龄! So the two soon came together.

After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

【Carls and Milleker photo】

After they dated for a while, Milleker took Kars to meet his parents.



米勒‬克‬尔‬的‬父亲无法‬想象‬,一个‬比‬自己‬父亲‬还‬要‬老‬的男人,居然‬想‬做‬他‬的女婿‬! 于是‬死活‬不肯答应‬两人‬在‬一起!

After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

【Good time for the two together】

米‬勒‬克‬尔‬面对父亲的棒打鸳鸯,她‬并没有选择离开卡尔斯。 而卡‬尔‬斯‬为‬了让米‬勒‬克‬尔‬觉得‬自己‬是一个有‬担当的老‬男人‬,于是‬便‬向‬米‬勒‬克‬尔‬求婚‬! 米勒克尔答应后,两人很快就‬筹备‬了婚礼。

When Millerkel's father learned of this, he was uncharacteristic.


After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

[Millekell's father had a stiff expression, and he helplessly sent his daughter to old Kars]

当‬证婚人‬‬宣读浪漫‬‬的誓言后,新郎‬卡尔斯拿‬着‬婚戒‬,含情脉脉‬的对着新娘‬‬米‬勒‬克尔说:“亲‬爱‬的,你‬愿意‬嫁‬给我吗? ”

此时的米勒克尔迫不及待的回答:I DO‬.. 我‬愿意‬。


At this time, everyone at the wedding scene applauded and blessed the couple!


After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

[The happy Milleker and the smiling Kars left the wedding scene, which is definitely a true love that is rare in a century]

在他们‬‬婚‬后‬不久‬,米‬勒‬克‬尔‬坦言‬:要‬为‬85岁的爱人‬做‬试管‬婴儿,希望‬为‬他‬诞下‬双胞胎! ‬

After the 85-year-old man in the United States fell in love with a 24-year-old woman, the old man confessed: She made me find my younger self

[I hope that the relationship between this pair of long-lasting lovers can last for a long time! ] 】

【这‬对‬老夫‬少妻的结合‬,让‬人不禁‬想起那段‬话‬.. 十‬八‬新娘‬八‬十‬郎‬,苍苍‬白发‬对‬红妆‬。 鸳鸯‬‬被‬里‬成‬双‬夜‬,一‬树‬梨花压‬海棠‬。 】

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