
In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

author:Tomoshi Numatsu

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In 1949, there was a sudden knock outside the door of the Six Nations Hotel, followed by a loud voice: "Report! I'm Jude! ”

Chen Mingren was taken aback, and thought that someone was joking him, but when he opened the door, he saw that it was Mr. Zhu's smiling face, and he was flattered and quickly returned the salute. Looking at each other, both of them couldn't help but laugh.

Although this is just a joke, it also shows Mr. Zhu's respect for him. So, who is Chen Mingren? Why was it treated like this?

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

Anti-Japanese famous general "Proud General"

Chen Mingren was born in Hunan, and he had a passion for serving the country since he was a child, and when he grew up, he resolutely applied for the army lecture hall, hoping to join the army after graduation to defend the country.

Later, this lecture hall merged with the Whampoa Military Academy, and Chen Mingren also accidentally became a cadet of the first phase of Whampoa. As early as during the Great Revolution, Chen Mingren showed great bravery, as a platoon leader, he ran at the front of every charge, and was not afraid of death at all.

During the attack on Huizhou, Chen Mingren served as the captain of the "death squad", tying a grenade to his waist and fighting to the death.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Mingren participated in the Battle of Wuhan, mainly responsible for the Jiujiang Defense Line. At that time, the Japanese army did everything in order to capture the position, the navy, land and air forces went into battle, and many defenders were defeated one after another, but only the "Pre-Second Division" led by him was still stubbornly resisting.

Later, this team participated in the Battle of Kunlun Pass and the Battle of Guinan, Guangxi, and each time led the soldiers to fight bloody battles with the Japanese invaders, shouting: Never take prisoner, fight to the last man!

After the Japanese army invaded Burma, Chen Mingren led the Chinese Expeditionary Force to fight for its prestige, and it took only three days to take back Yongshan, saving the entire war.

Such a powerful talent, Chiang Kai-shek naturally will not let go, in order to win him over, he must personally be a matchmaker for him. Chen Mingren already had a wife in his hometown, but his parents arranged it for him.

So someone advised him: "This is the fate of his parents, it is impossible to count, now when he goes out, he should find another beautiful person." ”

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

Even though he knew that this would make him promising, he still resolutely refused to be "Chen Shimei" and flatly rejected Chiang Kai-shek's "good intentions".

This is not the first time that Chen Mingren has not given Chiang Kai-shek face, nor is it the last.

Once Chiang Kai-shek came to Kunming to inspect and when he walked to a scenic area, he saw soldiers building fortifications, although wearing military uniforms, but looking tattered. Chiang Kai-shek felt that this was damaging to his image, and was very angry, so he quickly sent someone to find out whose troops he was.

After learning that it was Chen Mingren's subordinates, he demoted him without saying a word. Chen Mingren was a violent temper, and immediately ran to Chiang Kai-shek to ask for an explanation.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

"Why are you doing that?"

"You didn't do a good job as a division commander! How can any troop wear clothes like you? ”

Chen Mingren couldn't get angry after hearing this, didn't he want the brethren to dress better? It was not he Chiang Kai-shek who harmed it, what kind of torn clothes were issued! I wore it a few times, the quality was very poor, and it was all four percent new old clothes.

Chiang Kai-shek became embarrassed and shouted angrily, "There is no such thing!" ”

Chen Mingren did not adhere to it, began to quarrel with him, and also had to account with him. Chiang Kai-shek was angry and wanted to be sent back to Chongqing, but he didn't eat this set at all, and threw it on the ground with a collar.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

"Whatever you want! Lao Tzu stopped doing it! ”

As soon as Chiang Kai-shek was about to attack, Yunnan Chairman Long Yun quickly grabbed him, which saved Chen Mingren. Since then, Chen Ming has also fallen under the title of "proud general".

Hunan was peacefully liberated

In 1949, Chen Mingren became the deputy commander of the Central China "Suppression Chief" and was stationed in his hometown of Hunan. At this time, the situation of national liberation was already the trend of the times, the PLA troops were approaching the city, and the liberation of Hunan was imminent.

In order to strive for the peaceful liberation of Hunan, our personnel began to do Chen Mingren's work.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

In 1947, Chen Mingren was ostracized by Chen Cheng and wanted to remove him from his post, he ran to Chiang Kai-shek to ask him for an explanation, but Chiang Kai-shek did not pay attention to him, and Chen Mingren could only be helpless at home.

Chen Mingren, who was full of grievances, could only use alcohol to relieve his worries, and he also held a grudge against Chiang Kai-shek.

Just when Chen Mingren was struggling with whether to revolt, his mentor, Hunan Chairman Cheng Qian, found him. When he first applied for the Army Teaching and Martial Arts School, Chen Mingren almost couldn't get in, because the school had stopped enrolling students when he signed up.

At this time, Cheng Qian was the principal of this school, and after hearing about Chen Mingren, Cheng Qian opened a "small back door" for him, which allowed him to successfully enroll.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

Therefore, Chen Mingren has always been very grateful to Cheng Qian.

Not long ago, Chiang Kai-shek gave Chen Mingren an order to kill Cheng Qian "with great righteousness", and Bai Chongxi also asked people to tell him that he could first surround Cheng Qian's family and force him to submit, and when necessary, he could take the necessary means, that is, let him kill Cheng Qian like Chiang Kai-shek.

Because at this time, Cheng Qian had already been won over by our side and decided to revolt.

Chen Mingren knew that peaceful liberation was the trend of the times, and he was not willing to kill his mentor, so he made up his mind to break away from the national government with Cheng Qian.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

The friendship with Mr. Zhu

As early as when Chen Mingren was still in school, he admired Mr. Zhu, when Mr. Zhu followed General Cai Wei to fight against Yuan Shikai, and fought fiercely with hundreds of thousands of Beiyang troops in Naxi, Luzhou, Sichuan for 46 days, and made a great name.

Inspired by Mr. Zhu's heroic deeds, Chen Mingren's patriotic enthusiasm became even higher.

Mr. Zhu also appreciated it very much after hearing about his anti-Japanese prestige in western Yunnan, but the two never had the opportunity to meet, so in this work to win Chen Mingren, Mr. Zhu also made a lot of efforts.

In the process of considering the uprising, Chen Mingren was most worried about the treatment after the uprising, and he fought bloody battles with our army in the Battle of Siping, causing many casualties. So Mr. Zhu found Chen Mingxin, his younger brother, who was captured by our army in this battle.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

Our army has always treated prisoners favorably, and Chen Mingxin was immediately sent to the hospital for treatment after being captured, and during his convalescence, he deeply felt the excellent policies of our army and told Chen Mingren the original version of his experience, which dispelled his concerns.

After Chen Mingren's telegram uprising, Chairman Mao and President Zhu invited him to Peiping to attend the Political Consultative Conference.

When he stepped off the train, Mr. Zhu asked Nie Shuai to come to greet him, and then he personally visited the door, which was the opening scene.

After the meeting, Mr. Zhu warmly invited Chen Mingren to spend the dinner together, accompanied by several other marshals and generals, and the specifications can be said to be very high.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

After coming to the banquet hall, Mr. Zhu saw that Western food was placed on the table, and he didn't know whether he was used to eating or not, so he proposed to cook a Sichuan dish for him himself, which is also a province that loves spicy food, and Sichuan cuisine should meet his taste.

Chen Mingren was excited, he never expected that Elder Zhu would always treat him here, which was completely impossible in the ranks of the Kuomintang.

"How can I?" He quickly refused.

But Mr. Zhu still rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen to show him a hand in person, Chen Mingren was very grateful to Mr. Zhu's generous treatment, and immediately said: "After eating the spicy seeds of the revolution, we must carry out the revolution to the end!" ”

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

After the founding of New China, he led troops reorganized into the Chinese People's Liberation Army to Guangxi to suppress bandits, and at this time the remnants of the Kuomintang entrenched in Guangxi were Bai Chongxi's troops, and the person who fought alongside Chen Mingren was his old rival Li Tianyou.

Li Tianyou and Chen Mingren have fought many times and admire his military talent, and now with his help, the bandits in Guangxi can definitely succeed.

Without further ado, after a simple exchange of pleasantries, the two began to discuss the plan to suppress the bandits.

Relying on his knowledge of the Kuomintang troops, Chen Mingren quickly made a combat plan against the local bandits. Finally, with the cooperation of other troops, Chen Mingren and others wiped out a total of 50,000 bandits, eliminated all bandits in Guangxi Province, and ensured the safety of local people's lives and property.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

Since then, the friendship between Mr. Zhu and Chen Mingren has also continued, as long as they come to each other's location, they will definitely visit each other, and this has been the case for many years.

Chairman Mao had a broad mind

After Chen Mingren's uprising, he was invited to attend the Political Consultative Conference, and as soon as he saw Chen Mingren, Chairman Mao said happily: "With you, the representation is complete!" ”

At this time, representatives from various fields had been invited to the meeting, and Chen Mingren was the only general of Chiang Kai-shek's lineage, which was of great significance.

In addition to the efforts of President Zhu and the underground party members, Chairman Mao's attitude towards Chen Mingren was also an important factor in his determination to revolt.

During the CPPCC meeting, Chairman Mao invited everyone to tour the Temple of Heaven, saw Chen Mingren in the crowd, and called him out alone to take a group photo with himself.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

Later, he personally went to his home for dinner, during which Chen Mingren talked about the battle of Siping, and he was full of guilt, and Chairman Mao was relieved: "This is the same as rowing, we all want to win!" ”

When asked what his plans are in the future, Chen Mingren said that he still wants to serve in the army. Chairman Mao generously said: "In that case, then you will be the commander of the 21st Corps of the People's Liberation Army!" ”

On December 2, 1949, the 21st Corps of the People's Liberation Army was formally established, Chen Mingren changed into a new military uniform, and a grand inaugural meeting was held in Liuyang, where he was stationed.

Chen Mingren delivered an exciting speech at the meeting:

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

"From today onwards, we are the children and soldiers of the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to embark on a new path, to be on par with the People's Liberation Army of other corps, and to build ourselves into a powerful national defense force!"

After the speech, the audience broke into warm applause.

In 1952, the whole army was reorganized, and the original 21st Corps was renamed the 55th Army, and Chen Mingren continued to serve as the commander and defended Zhanjiang, Guangxi.

In 1955, Chen Mingren was awarded the rank of general as a non-party member, and he said excitedly that it was the first time in his life that he had become a general, and his highest rank in the Kuomintang ranks was lieutenant general.

In 1949, Zhu De visited Chen Mingren and specially saluted and shouted before entering the door: Report, I am Zhu De

In 1972, Chen Mingren unfortunately suffered from cancer, and Premier Zhou personally arranged for him to go to Beijing for treatment, but his condition deteriorated two years later, and he finally died in Beijing at the age of 71.


The hero does not ask the source, as long as he finally chooses to stand on the side of the people, he is a great hero. In addition to Chen Mingren's profound righteousness, the most important thing that achieved all this was the broad mind of President Zhu and Chairman Mao.

It is the efforts of these two great men that have led to our beautiful tomorrow today.

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