
Geling Deep Pupil H1 revenue increased by 34.35% year-on-year, rapid commercialization in multiple fields Large models bring broad imagination

author:Finance Associated Press

On August 26, Beijing Geling Shenpu Information Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 688207. .SH; Stock abbreviation: Geling Deep Pupil) released a half-year report card. In the first half of 2023, Geling Shenpu performed brilliantly, maintaining rapid growth and achieving net profit, and its industry large model has also been applied in the financial field.

Since the beginning of 2023, the artificial intelligence track has been soaring, and the ChatGPT boom has triggered a new round of technological changes and entrepreneurial waves, and AI companies have once again been pushed into the spotlight. Based on the corporate strategy of realizing general artificial intelligence, Geling Deep Vision continues to increase investment in computing power and data, and in the long run, its technical strength will be greatly enhanced, and it will seize the opportunity in a new round of competition for AI companies.

Revenue increased by 30% year-on-year

According to the 2023 semi-annual report of Geling Deep Pupil, during the reporting period, Geling Deep Pupil achieved operating income of 157 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 34.35%; The net profit attributable to the parent was 2.1154 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 116.84%, and the loss was reversed, which is not easy in today's environment.

The half-year report pointed out that in the first half of the year, due to the increase in acceptance orders, the revenue growth was eye-catching, and the revenue sources mainly had two directions, one is smart financial products and solutions, and the other is urban management products and solutions.

It is understood that from 2018 to the first half of 2021, its most important revenue sectors are urban management business, accounting for 50%-80%, and the smart finance sector only accounts for 15%-35%, but since the second half of 2021, the proportion of revenue in the smart finance sector has exceeded urban management, becoming the largest source of income for Geling Deep Pupil. It can be seen that Geling Deep Pupil has successfully realized the transformation of new and old kinetic energy and seized the market opportunity of financial digital transformation.

In fact, in addition to basic financial indicators such as revenue and profit, other operating indicators of Geling Deep Pupil in the first half of the year are also remarkable-the overall gross profit margin of Geling Deep Pupil in the first half of the year was 62.06%, an increase of 1.14% compared with Q1 single quarter; sales expenses were 28.5978 million yuan, down 8.16% year-on-year; management expenses were 16.97 million yuan, down 18.79% year-on-year; Accounts receivable decreased by 15.94% year-on-year, and inventory turnover days decreased by 135 days year-on-year.

It is not difficult to see from the above data that the operating quality of Geling Shenpui continues to improve, especially when compared with the financial report data of previous years. It is understood that this year is the second year of Geling Deep Pupil's listing, and its revenue from 2020 to 2022 is 242.7156 million yuan, 293.5623 million yuan and 353.6535 million yuan respectively, growing steadily year by year. The 2022 annual report released by Geling Deep Pupil in April this year has attracted market attention: Geling Deep Pupil's annual revenue growth in 2022 has bucked the trend, turning losses into profits, becoming the first profitable AI computer vision company in A-shares, and also becoming the first AI computer vision company in A-shares to win U.

Multi-field landing application

It is understood that Geling Deep Pupil focuses on the deep integration of advanced computer vision, big data analysis, robotics, human-computer interaction and other technologies with application scenarios, and provides artificial intelligence products and solutions for smart finance, urban management, commercial retail, rail operation and maintenance, sports and health, and metaverse. Based on its long-term and stable business strategy, Geling Shenpui has leveraged its advantages in the three mature AI application markets of smart finance, urban management and commercial retail, providing support for continuous improvement in performance; On the other hand, it continues to increase investment in R&D, consolidates its accumulation in 3D computer vision technology, and lays out emerging tracks such as sports health, rail operation and maintenance, and metaverse.

With efficient algorithm production technology and in-depth understanding of various downstream industries and application scenarios, Geling Deep Vision has the ability to quickly commercialize products, and has successfully implemented applications in four major fields: smart finance, urban management, commercial retail, and rail transit operation and maintenance, while carrying out forward-looking layout in the fields of sports health and metaverse.

Up to now, Geling Deep Vision has achieved great results in many fields: the smart finance field has covered tens of thousands of branches of Agricultural Bank of China in various provinces and cities across the country, including multiple financial business scenarios such as intelligent security, intelligent operation, and intelligent risk control, and at the same time participated in the construction of an AI platform for the head office of a state-owned bank, and began to carry out pilot projects in other branches of state-owned banks. In addition, Geling Deep Vision has built a large model technical architecture for behavior analysis suitable for the financial field, and has completed scene experiments, technical demonstrations and practical applications, the company explores and expands multimodal technology on the basis of computer vision, and will integrate self-developed natural language processing and automatic speech recognition technologies in the future to fully empower bank users with intelligent scene applications.

In the field of rail transit operation and maintenance, Geling Deep Pupil's 3D reconstruction and stereo vision analysis technology solves the problem of large error in traditional algorithms, makes it possible to apply computer vision technology to the landing application of rail transit maintenance, and the self-developed train intelligent detection solution has passed acceptance in high-speed rail and subway projects to achieve landing application.

In the field of sports and health, Geling Deep Vision's 3D stereo vision technology reduces the cost of equipment while improving reliability and ease of use, while sports pose analysis technology can overcome the problem of inaccurate and unstable collection of key points of the human body by collecting human posture data in different scenarios and self-developed three-dimensional human posture estimation algorithm. In May, the company released the smart campus sports product Deep Pupil Ah Pupil, with "sports physical training project + visual posture recognition + AI" as the core, based on 3D reconstruction technology, including sports training system, somatosensory interaction system and sports big data system, which has been successfully piloted and applied among customers.

In the meta-universe field, Geling Deep Pupil has developed a large-scale immersive human-computer interaction system based on 3D stereo vision technology, providing human movement posture perception and six-degree-of-freedom game equipment perception in large scenes, which can be applied to immersive interactive games, events, press conferences, cultural tourism and exhibition halls in the future.

In the technology-driven development of the artificial intelligence industry, technological competitiveness is the foundation and lifeblood of AI companies. The aforementioned series of achievements are inseparable from Geling Shenpui's deep cultivation and accumulation in the field of artificial intelligence for nearly ten years. It is reported that it has effectively mastered a number of core technologies in the direction of model training and data production technology based on deep learning, 3D stereo vision technology, large-scale cross-mirror tracking technology, automatic traffic scene perception and event recognition technology, robot perception and control technology, etc., and has a number of independent intellectual property rights.

Financial data shows that Geling Deep Vision continues to strengthen R&D investment in various fields in order to further enhance its competitiveness. In the first half of the year, the company's R&D investment was 77.0615 million yuan, accounting for 48.95% of the operating income, the R&D investment increased by 34.96% year-on-year, and as of the end of the reporting period, there were 321 R&D personnel, a year-on-year increase of 41.41%. The core technical team of Geling Shenpui covers senior talents in algorithms, intelligent applications, product design, hardware development and other fields, with rich academic knowledge and R&D innovation experience, and has a deep understanding and judgment of the industry's cutting-edge technology and development trends, ensuring the continuous R&D and innovation of the company's core technologies.

Aiming for large models can be expected in the future

Since 2023, AI has become a hot segment in the market, and the AI language model competition set off by ChatGPT has gradually expanded to computer vision, image and other fields. With its technical strength in the field of machine vision for many years, Geling Deep Pupil also aims at the hot spot direction of the industry and has in-depth layout.

Geling Deep Pupil has established an underlying AI technology platform with data platform and training platform as the core, covering data collection, data preprocessing, data annotation, model training, model optimization and other modules - Deep Pupil Brain, which effectively improves the research and development efficiency and automation level of algorithm models. At present, the deep pupil brain can support billions of training data, hundreds of millions of class tasks, and billions of parameter model training. The training platform produces high-quality algorithms to promote the landing of applications, and the data platform collects high-quality data generated by applications and promotes the improvement of algorithms, so that algorithms, applications and data form a positive cycle of artificial intelligence in the deep pupil brain system, which provides strong support for the efficient R&D innovation and industrial application of Geling Deep Pupil.

Geling Shenpui recently said in an institutional survey, "The emphasis on multimodal large models and generative AI has been raised to the strategic level, and will strive to actively explore the direction of general artificial intelligence." The company has been deeply engaged in the field of AI for 10 years, and has in-depth and extensive accumulation of the underlying technology of AI, and will also draw on the constantly updated and iterative open source technology, combined with downstream application scenarios to create a large model with strong commercial value and corresponding products and solutions. ”

The company said that the investment is mainly concentrated in three directions: algorithms, computing power and data. "This year's investment, on the one hand, will strengthen the development of general platforms such as underlying algorithms, engines, and hardware; On the other hand, we will continue to invest in some new downstream scenarios, such as rail transit, sports health and metaverse, in the hope that these scenarios can achieve large-scale commercialization faster. ”

From the perspective of the industry, the development of artificial intelligence has entered the deep water area, and how to achieve large-scale commercial application faster and more steadily while maintaining technological advantages has become the focus of a new round of competition for AI companies. On the other hand, Geling Deep Pupil achieved its first profit in the first year of landing on the capital market in 2022, taking the lead in highlighting the siege to become the first stock of AI computer vision profit and "picking U", and its financial performance in the first half of 2023 once again stood out among many AI companies. Looking forward to the future, Geling Shenpui's continuous performance growth and continuous improvement of business quality have proved its strength and potential, and I believe that it will bring more surprises to the market in the future.