
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan

author:Shaanxi Fusions

In order to deeply study and practice the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, implement the spirit of the 14th Party Congress and the 15th Party Congress of the county, promote the cultural work of the whole county with "three grasps and three promotions", and promote cultural exchanges between counties. On the morning of August 28th, the Weiyuan County Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Longyuan County Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, and Lintao County Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, and organized by the Weiyuan County Federation of Literature, Weiyuan County Cultural Center, Weiyuan County Art Museum, Longxi County Cultural Center, Lintao County Cultural Center, and Lintao County Art Museum, the Weiyuan County Lintao Calligraphy and Painting Art Joint Exhibition opened at the Weiyuan County Art Museum.

The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan

Some of the works are displayed

The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan
The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Weiyuan, Lintao, Longxi and Xixi opened in Weiyuan