
It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

author:Small pets, big worlds

When you have a cat for a while, you may notice that your Garfield often uses the movements of the top of your head. It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

Intimate expression

Garfield with the top of your head is an intimate expression. They want to have a closer relationship with you, expressing their affection and attachment. The top of the head is usually non-invasive, so it's a safe and warm way to interact with you.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

Social interaction

In Garfield's social behavior, the top of the head is a common way to interact. They use the top of their heads to interact with you, get your attention, and want you to interact with them more.

This may include patting, stroking, playing, etc. When your cat puts its head over you, it may be trying to signal to you that it wants to interact with you.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

Mark the site

The cat's head contains special incense glands, with which you can leave your own scent on you, which is a way for cats to mark their territory.

When your cat puts its head over you, it is actually sending a message to other cats and animals that you are where they belong. It's a way of asserting and territorial marking.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

Pay attention to talking

Cats are very sensitive creatures, and they can detect changes in the mood of their owners. When you're feeling down, anxious, or uncomfortable, your Garfield may put their head over you to show their care and comfort.

They may be able to sense your emotions and try to make an emotional connection with you through this body language on the top of their heads.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!


Cats are curious animals that often want to explore their surroundings. When they put their heads on you, they may be trying to expand their sense of territory and understanding the things around them. It's also their curiosity about the smell on you.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

Seek comfort

Sometimes, when your cat puts its head on you, it may be seeking comfort or hoping for your attention. This can happen when they feel nervous, anxious, or uncomfortable. Using the top of your head can be interpreted as a plea for comfort or a sense of security, hoping that you will pay attention to them and give them appropriate care and comfort.

The owner can respond to Garfield in time, you can give Garfield some small snacks to improve mood and relieve the cat's restless emotions.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!


Sometimes, when your Garfield puts his head on you, it may be trying to express his hunger or seek food. This can happen when feeding time is approaching or when the cat is hungry and impatient, Garfield will try to get your attention, putting your head on you to indicate their needs.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

When you notice this behavior, the owner can check if their food bowl is empty, and if so, it is one of the reasons why they are hungry. Provide Garfield with food in a timely manner to meet its needs and make them feel satisfied and at ease.

Garfield is prone to tear stains, so the owner should not feed it heavy oil and salt food, it is best to choose a cat food containing psyllium ingredients, which can clear heat and reduce tear stains.

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!

Conclusion: Will your Garfield put his head on you?

You may wish to share your cat's coquettish appearance in the comment area~

It took a few years to understand that Garfield "topped" people with his head, hiding these meanings!