
Due to pregnancy, the local government refused to honor the demolition agreement, and the official: did not meet the conditions for resettlement and violated family planning

author:Put the thoughts

Recently, a demolition agreement on Pingjiang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province has attracted widespread attention. According to reports, local villager Xiao Wang said that he could not move because of his pregnancy, and was refused to honor the demolition agreement. Officials said Mr. Wang did not meet the conditions for resettlement and violated the one-child policy.

The background of this story is that in the process of urban renewal and renovation in Pingjiang County, many residents need to move out of their original homes. During this process, a demolition agreement is signed between the government and residents, and appropriate compensation and resettlement are given.

Due to pregnancy, the local government refused to honor the demolition agreement, and the official: did not meet the conditions for resettlement and violated family planning

However, in such a complex process, problems often arise. For example, in cases like Xiao Wang, she is pregnant and cannot move, but the government believes that she is no longer eligible for resettlement.

How can this problem be solved? First of all, we need to clarify two aspects: the first is what is the "resettlement condition", and the second is whether the family planning policy applies to this situation.

Due to pregnancy, the local government refused to honor the demolition agreement, and the official: did not meet the conditions for resettlement and violated family planning

"Resettlement conditions" refer to the minimum and minimum requirements that must be met after the relocation of residents is determined in accordance with the relevant regulations. This usually includes aspects such as floor area per capita, environmental facilities, and transportation routes. If a resident does not meet the above requirements, he or she will not be entitled to the corresponding treatment.

Then for Xiao Wang, the inability to move during pregnancy is obviously not caused by voluntarily giving up the above treatment or failing to meet the basic requirements. From this point of view, therefore, it does not appear that "resettlement conditions" can be grounds for rejecting his application.

Due to pregnancy, the local government refused to honor the demolition agreement, and the official: did not meet the conditions for resettlement and violated family planning

Then comes whether the family planning policy applies to such situations. According to relevant national regulations, "both husband and wife should participate in family planning". In other words, in some special cases (e.g. single women or older couples), failure to participate in family planning in accordance with the regulations may affect other rights (e.g. pensions) and social stability.

However, from the current public information, there is no clear mention of Xiao Wang and his wife not participating in family planning or overbirth. "Denied to honor demolition agreement solely because of pregnancy" as a news headline can attract attention; In practice, however, more details are needed to reach a conclusion when dealing with specific cases.

Finally, a word about style and language: narrative can guide readers to explore truth and values by describing the course of events and revealing thoughtful truths contained in them; At the same time, plain and simple can also focus on the event itself and the theme, and convey the author's impartial, objective, pragmatic and in-depth exploration of the truth.