
The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

author:Ice cream lovers Cher 1122

Since ancient times, farmers have been the cornerstone of society and the backbone of the country. In this land forged by time, they cultivate hope with their hands and nourish the harvest of life with the sweat of hard work. However, in these transformative times, the plight of farmers is thought-provoking.

The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

Land dilemma

First, China's peasants, although they sow their dreams on the land, do not own the land. Farmland, although known as the "pearl of the countryside", is often not the pearl of the farmers themselves. The owner of this land is actually the state, and the peasants only have the right to use the land. For a long time, farmers' land use rights have been restricted, and the contract period is limited and cannot be transferred, making farmers' land ownership as unstable as quicksand. With the acceleration of urbanization, agricultural land is often expropriated, and farmers' land benefits and development opportunities gradually disappear.

The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

Homestead pain

Second, the homestead issue has also become a sore spot for farmers. Homestead is the cornerstone of peasant family life, however, the farmer's right to use the homestead is not the same as ownership. The State retains ownership of the homestead, on which the peasants can only live and farm. This restricts farmers from circulating homesteads as assets and fails to realize the maximum value of homesteads. The small size of the homestead also limits the space for the development of modern agriculture for farmers.

The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

A farmer's treasure

However, although land and homesteads are not the ultimate destination of farmers, farmers still have inalienable treasures. First of all, it is their labor. The hope cultivated by the hands of farmers is the soul of the farmland. Secondly, it is the warmth of the family. The peasants' families are the driving force of their struggles and the place where the farming culture is inherited. Finally, it is their dignity. Farmers are an integral part of the country and society, and their contribution is obvious.

The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

The way out

However, we cannot sit idly by. In order to give farmers real ownership of land and homesteads, we need to strengthen the protection of laws and regulations. Farmers' land use rights and ownership rights should be better protected from expropriation and expropriation. At the same time, we will encourage the diversified development of farmers, realize the industrialization of agriculture, tap the potential of rural tourism, and let farmers have more development opportunities.

The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

A call for justice

The voice of the peasants is like a tidal wave. They work for the land, protect their families, and contribute to their country. However, this dedication is not fully recognized. In today's society, justice calls us to fight for the dignity and rights that farmers deserve. Let us call out in unison for real land and homestead ownership for farmers, praise their labor, applaud their families, and applaud their future!

The farmland is not his own, the homestead is not his own, so what exactly is the farmer's own?

Free fields

Although their land does not belong to them, their hearts are free. Although the ownership of the homestead is not theirs, their family is happy. Farmers are the most resilient beings in this land and the most respectable group of people in this country. Let's work side by side with farmers to pursue a better tomorrow!

The article was created by Cher, who loves ice cream, and may not be reprinted without permission.