
How many casualties did the U.S. military have during the three years of the Korean War? Chen Geng's statement is true.

author:Li Jue 5829

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The Korean War, a confusing history, is embedded with opinions and data from all sides, including estimates of U.S. casualties. Although the Korean War and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea are similar on the surface, there are essential differences. On October 25, 1950, China became involved in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and provided support to North Korea, marking formal intervention. But the Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950, and South Korea was devastated, losing its capital, Seoul, just a few days later. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea lasted 33 months, while the Korean War lasted 3 years and 1 month.

How many casualties did the U.S. military have during the three years of the Korean War? Chen Geng's statement is true.

There were two key points in the U.S. military's participation in the Korean War. The first was on July 5, 1950, when U.S. forces intervened to face the Korean battlefield for the first time. Then, on September 15, 1950, U.S. troops landed at Inchon and occupied an important strategic position to launch a strike against North Korea. U.S. intervention changed the tide of the war, especially the success of the Inchon landing, which allowed it to counterattack North Korea and cross the 38th parallel to the Yalu River.

However, throughout the course of the war, the most decisive influence on the U.S. military was the intervention of the Chinese Volunteers. They not only strengthened the resistance, but also changed the course of the war. But the question is, how many casualties did the U.S. military suffer during the Korean War?

How many casualties did the U.S. military have during the three years of the Korean War? Chen Geng's statement is true.

According to Chinese and North Korean figures, the total number of enemy killed, captured and wounded reached 1093839, including U.S. and South Korean troops, and other national troops. The strict discipline of the Chinese Volunteers makes it difficult to misrepresent these figures. However, the data published by the US media is far from it. In 1953, the Associated Press reported that the total number of casualties among U.S. and South Korean troops was 1474269, nearly 400,000 more than the figures released by China and North Korea.

The gap between these figures is puzzling. The large discrepancy in casualty figures may involve opaque operations on the part of the U.S. military. General Chen Geng mentioned in a 1954 speech that the number of US casualties could reach more than 300,000, and the US military has always insisted that its own casualties be 150,000. This stark discrepancy reveals the ulterior behavior behind it.

How many casualties did the U.S. military have during the three years of the Korean War? Chen Geng's statement is true.

A comparison of different versions of the data shows that the number of casualties in the US military is likely to be underestimated. The situation with regard to the South Korean American military is even more complicated. According to some records, the U.S. military even equipped a large number of South Korean soldiers in the establishment to reduce its own casualties. However, South Korean soldiers are treated far less favorably in the U.S. military than U.S. soldiers, and are even severely discriminated against.

In short, the data on U.S. casualties in the Korean War are questionable. There are huge differences in the data from all sides, and the different versions of the interpretation are puzzling. In this history, the truth behind the casualty numbers may never be fully revealed. Perhaps, this mystery will remain unsolved forever.

How many casualties did the U.S. military have during the three years of the Korean War? Chen Geng's statement is true.

Looking back on this history, I can't help but reflect on the brutality of war and the political manipulation behind the casualty figures. War is a great tragedy for human civilization wherever it may be. And for every participant in war, whether military or civilian, every sacrifice of life should be remembered. As the history blogger said, we should cherish peace and work for a lasting and harmonious future.

In every chapter of history, we can draw wisdom from it and understand the preciousness of peace. In any case, let us remember the lives of those who died in war and strive to create a better world.

How many casualties did the U.S. military have during the three years of the Korean War? Chen Geng's statement is true.

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