
As soon as China took a stand on climate change, Macron made the choice to announce France's withdrawal from the energy treaty

author:Leonardo da Vinci's Tony Leung

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After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the tension in Russian-European relations caused serious energy difficulties on the European continent. Subject to the influence of US sanctions against Russia, European countries have fallen into a "gas shortage" and have to face a serious shortage of energy supplies. This dilemma has forced European countries to rethink their energy policies, and the reopening of coal has become an urgent means of maintaining energy supplies. However, this approach runs counter to global efforts to combat climate change and achieve "carbon neutrality", further deepening the contradiction between energy and the environment.

As soon as China took a stand on climate change, Macron made the choice to announce France's withdrawal from the energy treaty

When Sino-Russian relations are tense and Russia stops supplying natural gas, the European Union follows in the footsteps of the United States and imposes sanctions on Russia. However, this act of sanctions has exacerbated the energy supply crisis in Europe, causing many countries to have to look for alternative energy sources, and coal as an alternative energy source has once again attracted attention due to its widespread supply and low prices. However, this emergency measures have left Europe in a dilemma: meeting energy needs on the one hand, and increasing carbon emissions on the other, exacerbating global climate problems.

As soon as China took a stand on climate change, Macron made the choice to announce France's withdrawal from the energy treaty

Recently, French President Emmanuel Macron announced France's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty, a decision that has aroused widespread concern and discussion. According to CCTV News, the French High Commission on Climate believes that the current energy situation in Europe makes it impossible for France to achieve its decarbonization goals within the stipulated time, so it recommends that France and the European Union withdraw from the treaty. The move is seen as a response to the Paris Agreement and a response to Europe's energy supply crisis.

However, the decision was not without controversy. It has been argued that the existence of the Energy Charter Treaty is inherently problematic, protecting the interests of fossil fuel companies and enabling fossil fuel companies to make claims against countries that have reduced the extraction and use of fossil fuels. Therefore, the withdrawal from the treaty has also been interpreted as European countries no longer paying for the interests of fossil fuel energy companies, abandoning the contradictory practice of using coal while calling for "decarbonization".

As soon as China took a stand on climate change, Macron made the choice to announce France's withdrawal from the energy treaty

However, the motivation behind it can be more complex. First, withdrawing from the treaty addresses the potential risk that coal companies will use the treaty to claim claims against the state when demand for coal is reduced in the future. Second, due to the current energy tension, European countries have to continue to use fossil energy sources such as coal to meet energy demand, and the cancellation of the claim rights of coal energy companies makes this decision more convenient. This shows that in their decision to withdraw from the treaty, European countries have not only considered future environmental factors, but also current energy supply issues.

As soon as China took a stand on climate change, Macron made the choice to announce France's withdrawal from the energy treaty

However, this practice also raises some serious questions. European countries have previously advocated reducing carbon emissions and promoting the energy transition, but this withdrawal from the treaty seems to put politics and interests above the environment. This double standard has affected its reputation on international climate issues, and has even been accused of being selfish and short-sighted.

For China, as one of the world's largest developing countries, its efforts to address climate change have attracted much attention. While European countries are mired in energy woes and considering a return to coal, China is firmly committed to reducing emissions and sustainable development goals. This stark contrast makes China an active promoter of international climate issues and contributes to global carbon emission reduction.

In general, the choice between energy and the environment in European countries reflects both the current reality and the contradiction between politics and the environment. The decision to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty may be a quick fix, but it should also provoke deeper thinking about energy policy and environmental protection. Only by forming a global consensus to jointly address the challenges of climate change can we truly achieve a sustainable future. As an observer with a global perspective, I think this event reminds us that tackling climate requires a more holistic and long-term thinking, and that the long-term benefits of the environment should not be overlooked because of the current dilemma.

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