
Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

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Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

Recently, three sisters surnamed Zhang in the Quyang region of Baoding, Hebei Province, bravely exposed their biological father, Zhang Yixian, and detailed the four major crimes he committed.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

First, 20 years ago, he had an incestuous relationship with his niece, which resulted in the birth of a pair of children, which constituted bigamy.

Second, he colluded with his niece to murder his mother, which can be described as an evil conspiracy to endanger the lives of others.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

Thirdly, it is shocking that he should commit attempted rape of his three biological daughters, which is a sad act of moral turpability.

Finally, he illegally practiced medicine, was suspected of pharmaceuticals, and illegally procured drugs for personal gain, which is not only illegal, but also poses a potential threat to the public's health and safety.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

It is rare for three daughters to work together to report their biological father. Especially now that the eldest daughter is over thirty-five, why they chose to make it public at this time must hide many hidden secrets.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

From the words of the three sisters, it can be seen that their father, Zhang Yixian, is definitely a talented man, most likely a doctor.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

Twenty years ago, they were young children and gave birth to three daughters in succession.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

It is likely that Zhang Yixian longed to have a son, but according to the birth policy at the time, the limit of having three children was exceeded, and Zhang Yixian's wife may have been sterilized and could not have any more children.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

By chance, he was about the same age as his niece, and Zhang Yixian's family should have been very good at that time.

As a result, they became an improper couple, cohabited and gave birth to a boy and a girl, fulfilling Zhang Yixian's inner expectations.

The veracity of the alleged murder of the mother of the three sisters is difficult to ascertain.

Considering that Zhang Yixian is at least a cultural person, it is hard to imagine that he would fall into such a cruel crime.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

The friendliness and humility he has long displayed are far from the association of such vicious events.

Perhaps a more reasonable plot is that the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper, and in order to maintain a long-term love relationship, Zhang Yixian inadvertently exerts psychological pressure, making his wife overwhelmed, breaking down in his heart and finally choosing to cut himself off.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

From this perspective, it is difficult to determine whether Zhang Yixian intended to kill.

As far as Zhang Yixian's alleged rape of his daughter is concerned, due to the passage of time, many pieces of evidence have been difficult to find, and it is difficult to prove exactly whether Zhang Yixian really committed such a crime by relying only on the statements of the three sisters.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

Allegations involving the illegal practice of medicine and the unauthorized procurement of drugs span a long period of time, and the persons involved have changed or passed away, which makes case review difficult.

This complex situation makes the confirmation of the truth extremely tricky.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

However, the only criminal act that can be clearly identified is bigamy.

If Zhang Yixian cohabits with other women and has children while the marriage is still valid, this will constitute the commission of bigamy according to the law.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

The reason why the three sisters did not report their father in their real names until now is unclear.

Perhaps in the past years, they have faced various difficulties and struggles that have made them afraid or unwilling to reveal the secrets of the family to the outside world.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

It is possible that they have been under psychological pressure and control from their fathers, causing them to be trapped in silence for a long time.

Now, it is possible that due to some trigger or other reasons, the three sisters angrily came forward and reported Zhang Yixian's behavior to the relevant authorities.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

There is no conclusive evidence to prove the allegation that Zhang Yixian gave all of his property to the other siblings, and whether the accusation caused anger among the three sisters.

This hypothesis is only a possibility, and in-depth investigation is needed to confirm the true situation.

Righteous annihilation! The three sisters exposed their father's dark side and resolutely exposed their father's four deadly sins

In such complex family disputes, we should respect the wishes of the parties concerned and leave it to the outcome of the investigation and the proceedings.

Only through adequate investigation and trial procedures can the truth behind the incident be uncovered and the realization of fairness and justice ensured.