
China and the United States are clashing from three major directions, Yellen wants to visit China, and China leaves room for Blinken, in sharp contrast with Blinken

author:Sincere wind LkK

In the current international arena, the competition between the two giants of China and the United States has become increasingly intense, and a tense confrontation has begun around three major directions: military, political and economic. This struggle not only involves the evolution of international political relations, but also directly affects global peace and stability. From the perspective of the United States, its attitude has been tough and pressing. While trying to pressure China through a show of force, they also seem to be seeking some form of dialogue with China, and the delicate balance in this confrontation has brought the actions of Yellen, Blinken and others into the spotlight. However, China's attitude towards different figures is stark contrast.

China and the United States are clashing from three major directions, Yellen wants to visit China, and China leaves room for Blinken, in sharp contrast with Blinken

The military field has always been a sensitive focus between China and the United States. The United States has sought to put pressure on China through a show of force, creating a deterrent effect by sending warships into the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Meanwhile, joint U.S. military exercises with the Philippines are also taking place in key areas in the South China Sea, a move seen as a provocation to China. Not to be outdone, the PLA responded by holding exercises. After the end of the "United Sword" military exercise, the Shandong aircraft carrier formation continued its eastern voyage, while the PLA's military exercises were also carried out in the South China Sea, covering the entire period of the US-Philippine joint military exercise. This-for-tat posture continues to heat up at the military level, with each side demonstrating its resolve and strength through action.

China and the United States are clashing from three major directions, Yellen wants to visit China, and China leaves room for Blinken, in sharp contrast with Blinken

In addition to military confrontations, the confrontation in the political sphere has also become sharp. The G7 foreign ministers' meeting became a microcosm, bringing together the common positions of Western countries. At this meeting, issues involving China became hot topics, especially around the consistency of positions on China and attempts to interfere in China's internal affairs. Behind this phenomenon is related to a series of statements made by French President Macron after his visit to China. He called on Europe to reduce its dependence on the United States and avoid getting involved in confrontation between the United States and China over Taiwan, while emphasizing Europe's "strategic autonomy." This stance caused an uproar, which also caused the G7 foreign ministers' meeting to pay attention to the issue of China and try to form a unified position on China among Western countries.

China and the United States are clashing from three major directions, Yellen wants to visit China, and China leaves room for Blinken, in sharp contrast with Blinken

Competition in the economic sector is equally fierce. The United States is facing the dual pressures of inflation and debt crisis, coupled with the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike policy, which has damaged the credibility of the dollar. In this context, in order to avoid risks, China continues to reduce its holdings of US Treasury bonds, increase gold reserves, and maintain the stability of foreign exchange reserves. At the same time, the US government is also eager for China to continue to support the dollar, so Yellen, Raimondo and others frequently shout and try to have a dialogue with China. However, China's response to different people is different. For Yellen and Raimondo, China gave a certain response, while for Blinken's visit to China, China maintained relative reservations and did not respond clearly. This change in attitude also reflects China's strategic handling of different issues and people.

To sum up, the confrontation between China and the United States is not only a simple confrontation, but also a complex game involving military, political and economic fields. The two sides demonstrate their strength and position through different means, while also safeguarding their core interests. The outcome of this game will directly affect the trend of the international order, and it will also require global attention and joint response. At a time when the world is facing many challenges, stability and cooperation are particularly important, and it is hoped that all countries can resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation and jointly build a peaceful and stable international environment.