
230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!

author:Blaser meets the world

230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!

230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!

Affectionate is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved! This concise and profound sentence expresses our pursuit of an ideal partner, and also conveys the value of spiritual connection and sincere emotions.

In the journey of life, we not only pursue material success and satisfaction, but also desire to find a person who is in line with our hearts. What is the essence of life? This is a long-thought question. Many people think that the essence of life lies in the pursuit of power, wealth, or pleasure. However, when we experience a moment of failure, loneliness, or pain, we realize that these are superficial phenomena in life, not the core essence.

The human quest for happiness has always existed. Both ancient philosophers and modern scientists have tried to find the meaning of life and the source of happiness. In the process, we come to realize that love is one of the most important and profound forces in life.

Sex has a special place in life as a continuation of human life and a way to experience pleasure. However, there are not a few people who actually own and experience sex. Only after understanding the essence of life and understanding the true meaning of sex can you truly have and experience it.

Similarly, love is an important part of human existence. Love is essentially an emotional communication and connection, a depth of expression and acceptance. Love makes us whole and gives us the strength and courage to face life's challenges. Love plays an important role in relationships, not only providing us with satisfaction and comfort, but also stimulating our inner potential and creativity.

However, it is not easy for us to have our ideal partner and sincere love. Fate is a mysterious and beautiful concept that guides us to meet those who are connected to our hearts. Only those who know how to appreciate, understand and cherish this fate can truly understand and have a happy marriage and happy interpersonal relationships. Therefore, when faced with marriage choices, we need to keep an open mind and go with the flow, not force it.

Lily Heart Speaks is a collection of philosophical texts that express emotions and hearts. It delves into the nature of life, sexuality and eroticism, and advocates a correct view of marriage and interpersonal relationships based on this.

In "Lily Heart Words", the author uses philosophical words to describe the beauty and complexity of the human living world. Through his own thoughts and experiences, he expounded his knowledge and understanding of life. He tells us that the meaning of life is to discover true love, feel true emotions and express the truth of our hearts.

At the same time, the author emphasizes the importance of marriage choices. He believes that a correct view of marriage can make us more aware of our needs and desires, so that we can choose a partner that suits us. And too much pursuit of external factors or being swayed by public opinion can easily make us lose our way and choose the wrong marriage.

Therefore, we need to recognize the nature of life and the core meaning of love. Only when we understand and accept ourselves, are willing to find people who are close to our hearts, and hold a correct view of marriage and interpersonal relationships, can we truly have an affectionate long-term companionship and feel selfless love. Let's read "Lily's Heart Words" to explore the meaning of life and the true meaning of love!

230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!
230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!
230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!
230830 Lili's heart words Affection is not as good as a long companion, you who understand me have always been, I have always loved!