
Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

author:Gluttonous cats love wine

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

Zhongyuan Festival is not only a "ghost festival", but also a festival that expresses gratitude for the harvest and the earth. It is also an important festival of the Chinese national tradition, and every year on the Zhongyuan Festival, every family will hold a ceremony to worship their ancestors, which is a strong cultural inheritance and spend a moment of reunion with their ancestors.

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

On the Zhongyuan Festival, there is an old folk saying "In the middle of July, the ghost door opens", although this statement has no scientific basis, it conveys people's nostalgia for their ancestors. On this day, it is believed that the yin is the heaviest, the ghost door is wide open, and the ancestors have the opportunity to go home and reunite. Although this explanation may not be accurate, it implies people's emotional longing for their families and their yearning for a better life in the future.

However, the real core of the Zhongyuan Festival lies in remembering ancestors and passing on culture. This is a deep respect for ancestors, filial piety, and a prayer for happiness and good luck. This ancient tradition is still relevant in modern society, as a reminder to respect our roots, cherish our families and continue the wisdom of our predecessors.

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

That's why such an ancient tradition is worth inheriting. On this day, these 3 things remind everyone to know that the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

First thing: taste autumn and pass on the beauty of taste buds

During the Zhongyuan Festival, an important traditional custom is "autumn taste". The word may be unfamiliar, but there is a deep meaning behind it. Autumn is the harvest season and when all things are ripe, and people pay homage to their ancestors with the gift of "autumn taste" and let them share the joy of harvest.

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

This ceremony represents the remembrance and gratitude of the ancestors, and the love of food. While we enjoy the deliciousness of food, we are also continuing the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors.

The second thing: sacrifice ancestors, inherit the emotions of bloodline

In the Zhongyuan Festival, the sacrifice of ancestors is a supreme ritual. This is a kind of inheritance of family and affection, through the worship of ancestors, people not only express their respect for their predecessors, but also strengthen the cohesion of the family.

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

During the sacrificial ceremony, people will put flowers, food, paper money, etc., and set up a feast for their ancestors to show respect. In this process, we not only pass on our feelings from generation to generation, but also silently pass on our roots and pass on the emotions of our bloodline from generation to generation.

The third thing: visit the night market and put river lanterns

The Zhongyuan Festival is also a good time to visit the night market. On this special day, many places hold night markets with a variety of snacks and specialty goods. Visiting the night market is not only a kind of entertainment, but also looking for traditional footprints.

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

The custom of releasing river lanterns originated from a traditional belief of ancient folk, mainly out of respect and nostalgia for ancestors and dead souls. It is believed that on the day of the Middle Yuan Festival, ghosts will return to the world and wander the world. By releasing river lanterns, people can guide the souls of the dead to follow the lights, with good wishes and thoughts, to find the direction of home.

The release of river lanterns is also believed to be a way to give comfort and blessings to deceased loved ones and ancestors. In ancient times, it was believed that the flame of the river lantern could burn away the pain and uneasiness of the souls of the dead and give them peace. In this way, people hope that their ancestors can leave in peace and rest in peace.

Zhongyuan Festival is more than just a "ghost festival"! 3 things to know, the traditions of the ancestors cannot be forgotten!

Zhongyuan Festival is not only a "ghost festival", it has a strong cultural connotation behind it. Autumn tasting, ancestor worship, and night market visits are not only the continuation of tradition, but also our respect and inheritance of the past. Let us not forget to admire and pass on these beautiful traditions from generation to generation. No matter how time passes, these traditions are our precious treasures and the bonds that connect us to our ancestors.