
After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

author:So it's summer

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On August 24, despite opposition from all sides, the Japanese government resolutely discharged nuclear sewage into the Pacific Ocean, and will continue to discharge it for 30 years.

Japan is gradually destroying the world

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the marine environment, and there are more than 60 kinds of radioactive elements in nuclear sewage, which have a huge impact not only on marine life, but also on human beings.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

The Japanese government also claims that the contaminated water has been treated, has very low reflective element content, meets emission standards, and is still drinkable, but the Japanese government has refused to allow foreign scientists to enter the Fukushima nuclear power plant for testing.

All the statements are unilateral explanations of Japan, and many countries in the world have long distrusted Japan's handling of nuclear accidents, after Japan announced that it would store nuclear water reasonably.

As a result, it was revealed that Tokyo Electric Power Company had repeatedly discharged nuclear sewage into the sea, and although it was discovered, it only bowed and apologized, and then rushed to the matter.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

Moreover, TEPCO publicly admitted on August 28 that more than 60% of the nuclear wastewater contained radioactive elements in excess of the standard, that is, admitting that the previous test report was fake.

People are angry and worried about what the future holds, and as things stand, Japan is choosing to continue emitting even though it is opposed by many countries.

Japan's evil deeds have a long history

People on the island of Japan also held rallies in the streets to protest this environmental destruction by the Japanese government, and this is not the first time that Japan has destroyed the environment.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

Half of the eight major environmental hazards recognized in the world are from Japan, and Minamata disease and bone pain are all due to the illegal discharge of untreated sewage by Japanese chemical companies.

As a result, the lives and property of the Japanese people have been irreversibly damaged, and organic mercury continues to accumulate in seafood, and the people of Minamata Prefecture in Japan have long relied on fishing for a living, which is also an area with relatively rich fishery resources in Japan.

Since the fifties of the last century, some people in Minamata Prefecture have begun to suffer from headaches, body aches, blindness and other symptoms, and some people have died mysteriously.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

Although the disease was found to be caused by illegal emissions from the chemical plant, the chemical plant did not apologize and continued to discharge.

After repeated complaints from the Japanese people, the chemical plant only compensated more than 10,000 people affected in the seventies of the last century, and the Japanese government spent a lot of money to improve the local environment.

Moreover, Japanese companies have not stolen sewage once or twice, and it has also had a great impact on their own environment, and this time the sewage discharge is Japan's desire to let the world bear the mistakes they put down in the Fukushima nuclear accident.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

Shameless behavior of some merchants

Japan has long prided itself on its products with high quality and high standards, but it has constantly concealed the Fukushima nuclear accident, which eventually led to the occurrence of a seventh-level nuclear accident.

After the nuclear accident, the area around Fukushima was designated as a contaminated area, and several countries, including China, announced that they would ban the import of goods from Japan's nuclear radiation contaminated area.

However, there are always some unscrupulous merchants who, for their own interests, secretly import products from polluted areas, which seriously violates Chinese law.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

They try to muddle through by changing the label of the import area to a non-polluted area, or not labeling the source of the product, but bad things will one day be discovered.

In July 2023, a food company in Zhejiang illegally sold gummies from contaminated areas, and in August 2023, a foreign trade company in Zhejiang imported goods from the radiation zone of Nagasaki, Japan, without Chinese labeling, deceiving consumers.

Not only did the above two companies commit such violations, but also a number of companies were punished by the relevant authorities for illegally selling goods from contaminated areas.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

Japan is self-inflicted

On August 24, the day Japan discharged nuclear sewage, China's Ministry of Commerce announced that it would completely ban the import of seafood from Japan, which was a devastating blow to the Japanese fishing industry.

You know, China is the largest importer of Japanese seafood, so many Japanese seafood companies are preparing to export products to China completely unsold.

Not only China, but also several countries have announced that they will impose restrictions on Japanese goods, including the United States, which supports Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater.

After the nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, China issued a ban on strict inspection of food, and many businesses were severely punished for committing crimes against the wind

People in Japan are also reluctant to buy seafood from the sea area where nuclear sewage is discharged, and domestic supermarkets sell seafood from Fukushima at half price, and no one buys it.

Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company immediately explained to China that nuclear sewage is harmless, and the Japanese government also protested this behavior of the Chinese government.

Since Japan wants the world to share the risk of nuclear pollution, Japan must be prepared for the slow sale of its products, and I believe that in the near future, more countries in the world will announce a ban on importing Japanese products.

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