
[Original] Scholar and Red Sleeve Story (1): First Love in Life!

author:Zhang Rongxin with the world in mind

I also had a beautiful online relationship, which was also my first love online. I was also the father of a five-year-old child, and the other party had just become a bride. But I wasn't very happy with my marriage.

My first love in life began when I was in the second grade of junior high school. Unfortunately, I haven't touched my hand so far, which can be described as a real platonic love!

She is one of the most beautiful classmates in the class, taller than me, better than me in all aspects, at that time there was no such title as "class flower", now I think about it, she is also a class flower. I have long loved people in my heart. But I have always been a more introverted person and have never dared to approach her. Once, she asked me for a physics problem, and I gave her a serious answer. Maybe it was my excellent academic performance at that time that caused her favor, so she took a big book and asked me to help her copy songs, and I don't know if she still keeps this big notebook. After I finished copying, I couldn't help but admire her, and I copied a poem by the heroine Qiu Jin in the back:

  Cherish each other and know each other,

  I have to know the sound and die.

  To help your fellow citizens,

  Only good friends Mo Yanshi.

  When she returned her notebook, she felt so uneasy.

  Unexpectedly, she quietly asked me how to explain this poem when no one was around, I only remember that I was very embarrassed at that time, and I can't even remember how to explain it at that time, one is that I was young at that time, and I was also very hazy about love, and the other is like a person who is drunk and completely blank the next day. Fortunately, she didn't delve into it, but she understood that I liked her. Soon she gave me a picture.

It seemed that things were settled, but I was very introverted at the time, and I didn't dare to say anything other than paying attention to her every move from time to time in class. And she is so beautiful, naturally there will be boys in the class who take the initiative to offer her courtesy. Of course, as a girl, she occasionally gives a little in return. This, in my opinion, is undoubtedly a "shame". But as long as no one pays attention to her, my mood will be better again.

I don't know what she thinks of me, and I think she's especially nice to me too. Once when I was on duty, it was originally stipulated that after the previous class, the students on duty had to wipe the blackboard clean, and I and my classmates forgot to wipe it (at that time, our tablemates were still male students, and they sat at the same table with male students). When the bell rang, and as her classmates were walking into the classroom, she suddenly walked up and wiped the blackboard clean. This reminds me that it is our duty day, and when my classmates see this action, they must also envy me. I am grateful to her from the bottom of my heart. Because the teacher who came to class right away is usually very mean to the students, and his words are sarcastic, he can beat people into the eighteenth layer of hell, and it is difficult to turn over.

[This post has been edited by the author on 2007-5-8 0:05:34]

[This post has been edited by the author on 2007-5-8 0:33:24]

Holy Scholar Posted: 5/8/2007 0:06:00

[Original] Scholar and Red Sleeve Story (1): First Love in Life!
[Original] Scholar and Red Sleeve Story (1): First Love in Life!
[Original] Scholar and Red Sleeve Story (1): First Love in Life!