
The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

author:Yanagi Hachihara
The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience




The film "Titanic" is on a luxury cruise ship called the Titanic, through the description of the 1912 Titanic wreck, to describe a virtual love story.

Through clever narrative techniques, the film intertwines the story of modern archaeological explorers looking for shipwreck jewelry and the love story of Jack and Rose.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

"Titanic" blends romance, love, disaster and other elements, while adding a lot of color to the film with realistic visuals and wonderful music.

So, what is the role of "Titanic" in using the narrative form of time and space?

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Grab people's attention

The art of film storytelling lies in how to arouse people's emotional resonance and arouse their curiosity. The unique treatment of the narrative structure of the movie "Titanic" appropriately uses the climactic display, flashback and the switch between the main narrative, creating an emotional and tense audio-visual feast for people.

At the beginning of the story, the film skillfully shows the climax of the main event - the sinking of the Titanic. This technique is like revealing a gripping mystery before people's eyes, but it does not fully reveal the truth.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

People are introduced to a curious situation, desperate to know what caused this tragedy and how the fates of the protagonists, Jack and Rose, will be intertwined. This method of arousing curiosity draws people firmly into the plot of the film and makes them eager to learn more.

The film adopts the alternating method of flashback and positive narrative, cleverly presenting the multi-layered structure of the story. This not only adds more complexity and depth to the movie, but also makes people feel a strong tension from the mood and plot.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The main narrative part shows Jack and Rose's acquaintance, acquaintance and gradually warming up love. People are able to deeply understand the emotional world of the two protagonists and feel the truth and purity of the emotions between them.

However, the interpolations and insinuations in the main narrative also laid the groundwork for the subsequent plot, making people start to think about what caused the disaster of the Titanic.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The flashbacks show modern archaeological explorers looking for shipwreck relics, giving the whole story more historical context.

People gradually understand that the shipwreck is not only a disaster, but also carries the memories and joys of countless people. This narrative switch is visually and emotionally intertwined, allowing people to maintain tension in every moment of the film.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

People maintain tension throughout the film, not only wanting to solve the mystery, but also deeply immersed in the fate of the protagonist. The ingenious use of this narrative makes the film a classic with intertwined emotions and stories, continuously influencing and touching people's hearts.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Strengthen emotional resonance

By blending modern archaeological explorers and historical events, the film creates a romantic atmosphere that transcends time and space. Modern archaeological explorer Bullock explores the ruins of the Titanic at the bottom of the sea, introducing people to a world connected to the past.

This connection allows people to cross different timelines in the film, feel the intersection of past and present, and deepen people's sense of commitment to the story.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

This connection also creates a sense of romance, allowing people to imagine that people from two different eras have experienced similar emotions and conflicts.

The film reveals their growth, spiritual changes and emotional development by showing the experiences of the protagonists Jack and Rose on different timelines.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The narrative of time and space creates an emotional connection for people. One can feel the admiration and admiration for history from the perspective of modern archaeological explorers, as well as the sincere love and sacrifice from the story of Jack and Rose.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

This narrative method opens up different time and space emotionally, allowing people to not only feel the importance of historical events when watching the movie, but also bring themselves into the emotional world of the protagonist, and then experience the emotions conveyed by the film more deeply.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The movie "Titanic" creates a romantic atmosphere that transcends time and space by combining modern archaeological explorers with historical events, and using the narrative method of interlacing time and space.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Enhance suspense and tension

This time-space interlaced narrative not only keeps people high tension and attraction, but also interweaves love clues with historical events, enhancing the compactness of the plot and people's sense of commitment.

The film uses the alternation of "past" and "present" to arouse people's attention and curiosity about the fate of characters. At the beginning of the movie, people expected the Titanic to be sunk, but they knew nothing about what would happen to Jack and Rose.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

People will continue to search for clues in the plot to solve this problem, but each new discovery and progress will make the plot more complicated, making it difficult to predict the next development.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Such a continuous plot always makes people feel nervous, making it difficult to predict how the plot will develop, so it is more attractive.

This narrative pulls people deeply into the world of the film. People don't just watch passively, but actively engage in it, trying to solve the mystery and experience the emotions and fate of the characters.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

People will have a close emotional connection in the film, experiencing ups and downs with the protagonist, sharing joys and sorrows, and growing with them.

The movie "Titanic" constantly switches between past and present narratives, arousing people's worries and curiosity about the fate of the characters, this narrative strategy not only makes the emotions and stories of the film richer, but also makes people have a deeper sense of investment in the film, which has become one of the important factors in the success of the film.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Add story layers

"Titanic" with its unique cross-narrative technique, the protagonist's past, present and future are skillfully interspersed, showing readers a colorful and colorful film.

This narrative not only makes the film more engaging, but also gives people a fuller picture of the protagonist's growth, changes, and emotional experiences, which enhances the effect of character building.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The interlaced narrative makes the film present multiple layers on the timeline. People can span different time periods in the film to understand the life and emotional experiences of the protagonist at different stages.

From Jack and Rose in their teenage years to contemporary archaeologists, characters from each era add new content to the story. In the film, people can not only witness the growth process of the protagonist, but also experience the flow of time and life changes, making the film more three-dimensional and rich.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

This narrative gives people a more comprehensive understanding of the inner world of the protagonist.

For example, one can witness Jack and Rose's first encounter on the Titanic and their predicament in the disaster, as well as learn about the modern archaeological explorer Bullock's admiration and passion for history.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The multi-layered display of these emotions enhances emotional resonance by making people more engaged in understanding the motivations and emotions of the characters.

The staggered narrative enhances the effect of characterization. In the interweaving of various historical threads, readers are able to see the changes and growth of the protagonists, so as to gain a deeper understanding of their character and character characteristics.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Jack went from being a free-spirited painter to a supporter and protector of Rose, and Rose gradually freed herself from her shackles and became more independent and strong.

This evolution of roles makes them more authentic and people are better able to empathize with them and feel the emotional impact of their growth and change.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The movie "Titanic" skillfully shows the past, present and future of the protagonist through a staggered narrative, making the story richer and more multi-layered.

This sense of layering gives people a more comprehensive understanding of the protagonist's growth, changes and emotional experiences, and enhances the effect of character building. People can experience the inner world of the protagonist more deeply, so as to better engage in the emotions and story of the film.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Author's opinion:

The movie "Titanic" with its unique narrative form of time and space interlacing has created lasting attraction and emotional resonance among people.

This narrative not only gives depth to the story, but also stimulates curiosity and engagement, making the film a popular classic.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The narrative method of time and space interlacing successfully enhances the tension and suspense of the film. By showing the climax of the main event at the beginning - the sinking of the Titanic, people are drawn into the story and can't wait to learn about the cause and development of the event.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The alternating switching between flashbacks and positive narratives constantly reveals the truth of the plot and maintains people's tension. In the process of constantly searching for clues and solving mysteries, people not only connect with the protagonist, but also experience a constant tension that immerses them in the world of the film.

This narrative deepens the characterization and makes the character more three-dimensional. By showing the protagonist's experiences on different timelines, people can get a fuller picture of their growth, changes, and emotional experiences.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

Jack went from being a free-spirited painter to a supporter and protector of Rose, and Rose gradually freed herself from her shackles and became stronger and more independent.

The evolution of these characters makes them more credible and emotionally resonant, and people are able to experience their inner world more deeply, creating a stronger emotional connection with them.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The interlaced narrative of time and space also helps to highlight the theme and moral of the film. By comparing the past and the present, people can see more clearly the changes in society and the growth of characters, thus deepening the message conveyed by the film.

The film emphasizes themes such as social class inequality, human nature good and evil, and the pursuit of love and life, which are more vividly presented in the narrative of time and space, triggering people to think deeper.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

This narrative enriches people's aesthetic experience. People can enjoy the costumes, environments and music of different time periods, and these elements echo each other in the narrative, bringing greater visual and auditory enjoyment to the film.

The narrative method of time and space interlacing makes people feel as if they have traveled through different eras and feel the emotional atmosphere of different time and space, which further deepens the viewing value of the film.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience

The movie "Titanic" successfully creates an attractive and emotionally resonant film through the narrative form of time and space.

This narrative method not only enhances the tension and suspense of the story, but also deepens the characterization, highlights the theme and meaning, and enriches people's aesthetic experience.

The unique narrative technique and the progressive storyline successfully resonate with the audience


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3. Yao Li, & Yaping Zhang. (2018). Love and Human Care in Titanic. Film Culture, (3), 21-22.

4. ZHANG Li. (2015). Analysis of the humanitarian thought of "Titanic". Art Education, (5), 121-122.