
Is the Tourism Hotel Manager Certificate high? Is it a good exam? What are the entry requirements?

author:Coke that dreams of sunshine

With the current improvement of people's living standards and the liberalization of the epidemic, the mainland's tourism industry has begun to pick up rapidly, and the number of people traveling abroad has continued to increase, which has driven the development of the hotel service industry, and professional hotel management talents are still in short demand. Online Q&A, (application conditions, official registration entrance, process, subject, time, cost, preparation materials, certificate use, etc.) related content directly to the [Study and Thinking Certificate Service] WeChat public account!!

Is the Tourism Hotel Manager Certificate high? Is it a good exam? What are the entry requirements?

Is the Tourist Hotel Manager Certificate high?

The gold content of the tourism hotel manager certificate is still good, it is issued by the mainland public institutions, the tourism hotel manager certificate is received through the formal, the authority of the certificate is still relatively high, and after getting the certificate, there is a record on the official website of the issuing department, you can carry out personal information inquiry, it is no problem to use it for onboarding and responding to inspections, and it can be recognized by the industry.

Is the Tourism Hotel Manager Certificate high? Is it a good exam? What are the entry requirements?

Requirements for the Certificate of Tourism Hotel Manager

Tourism hotel manager certificate is divided into junior, intermediate and high three certificate levels, different levels of certificate application requirements are different, the following are the application conditions for intermediate and senior tourism hotel manager certificate!

Intermediate: Applicants for the intermediate tourism hotel manager certificate must be 20 years old and above, have a technical secondary school or above, and have work experience in hotel management.

Senior: Applicants for the senior tourism hotel manager certificate must be 22 years old and above, have a technical secondary school or above, and have more than two years of work experience in hotel management.

Is the Tourism Hotel Manager Certificate high? Is it a good exam? What are the entry requirements?

Is the Tourism Hotel Manager Certificate a good exam?

Tourism hotel manager certificate is still relatively easy to exam, the exam is conducted online, the content of the exam is mostly the basic theoretical knowledge of tourism hotel management, such as hotel strategic management, hotel human resource management, hotel culture construction, hotel management successful case analysis, etc., the question type of the exam is mostly selection, judgment, fill in the blanks and other objective questions, full score of 100 points, 60 points pass, the corresponding review materials will be issued before the exam, as long as you carefully prepare for the exam, the exam pass rate is still very high. Online Q&A, (application conditions, official registration entrance, process, subject, time, cost, preparation materials, certificate use, etc.) related content directly to the [Study and Thinking Certificate Service] WeChat public account!!

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