
User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

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User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

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User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

The goal proposed by Station B at the 2018 National Internet Audiovisual Conference is to "make more young people fall in love with documentaries at Station B". In 2016, CCTV premiered "I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City", which attracted less attention, but became "overnight famous" after being broadcast on Station B, and was known as the first phenomenal "explosive" documentary in 2016.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

Station B launched the documentary "Search Plan" to increase the attention to the documentary section. The subsequent documentary "A String of Life" became a phenomenal hit and became a topic that the audience was keen to talk about. This documentary about barbecue not only allows the audience to see the barbecue food across the country, but also allows the documentary industry to see the huge energy behind the online student documentary, so Station B invested more resources in the production of documentary content, and launched the first season of the police documentary documentary "Guardian Liberation West" in the fall of 2019, and the new documentary "Life is Boiling" for food netizens.

At the same time, Station B actively opens up cooperation channels with overseas institutions, co-produces documentaries with the BBC, and cooperates with Discovery to integrate more Chinese elements into international cooperation documentary projects, and continuously improve the quality of new documentaries produced by Station B. Through the emergence of the new school documentary of the B station netize, we see nationalism and patriotism in the "two-dimensional" group that is always not recognized by mainstream social and cultural groups and is ignored. It turns out that it is not because young people do not like to watch documentaries.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

The birth of documentaries such as "A String of Life" and "Guarding the Liberation West" has continuously injected impetus into the development of new documentaries of station B netizens.

In 2018, a number of self-made documentaries on Station B were broadcast and phenomenal works were exposed. Through the retrieval and combing of the new school documentaries of station B in 2020, a total of 17 documentaries were produced by station B in 2020, which can be divided into the following categories according to the type of theme:

Humanities documentaries: "But, There Are Books", "Little Boy", "China on the Stage", "I Am XX Student", "I Am Your Porcelain", "Daddy's Log Cabin 3". Food documentaries: "College Food Guide", "Life is Boiling". Historical documentaries: "The Mausoleum of the Great Tang Emperor", "Historical Legend".

Nature documentaries: "Our National Park", "Land of the Gods". Tourism adventure documentaries: "Winning the Secret Land of Huaxia in the Wilderness", "Poor Travel". Science and technology documentary: "Smart China Season 3". Police documentary: "Guardian Liberation West Season 2".

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

It is not difficult to see that Station B has a more comprehensive plan in the documentary section. At the 2020 China International Record Festival, the latest documentary production plan of Station B was announced. It is reported that in 2021, Station B will launch more than 30 new films, including 8 original innovative films such as the word-of-mouth work "But There Are Books" and the second season, in addition to two documentaries jointly produced with the BBC.

Station B's first co-production "Dynasty: Vixen Special" after reaching a strategic cooperation with the BBC will land on Station B at the end of December, and the other is a historical documentary "Ancients" co-produced with the BBC. At present, Station B has produced nearly 100 documentaries, won a number of domestic and foreign honors, and accumulated more than 3,000 high-quality documentary works covering many popular themes such as society, humanities, history, science and technology, and nature.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

The content innovation of the new documentary of the B station netizen

In the new environment, the content aesthetic ecology of the new school documentary of station B is changing, the content text creation elements of documentaries and reality shows and other programs are fused, documentaries present the form of pan-documentary content ecology, and the boundaries and connotations of documentaries are being dissolved, bridged and reshaped by the content innovation of online student documentaries led by new school documentaries of station B.

The selection of materials is close to life, and the small sees the big. Taking the food documentary "A String of Life" as an example, in the case that the type of food documentary is not uncommon, the lens focuses on the "barbecue" in ordinary city life, recording the dialogue that is busy but still loves life, barbecue comes with rivers and lakes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, there is never a lack of people on the streets and alleys who touch wine glasses, people eat not only barbecue, but also feel romantic feelings, just like a monologue in the film:

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

"Roasted eggplant satisfies not only our appetite, it is also a symbol, a symbol of the city we live in, even if it is gone one day, it is still there, it will become a memory, left in the heart of every diner." , "A String of Life" is different from the macro narrative content of "China on the Tip of the Tongue", and creates an impressive and vivid character image in people's appetite performance.

Shorten the length of the film and fully concentrate the audience's attention. With the rise of short videos in the new media environment, in the face of the market seized by short videos, film and television works must be adjusted in duration, because the main users of station B watch a single episode of animated dramas in about half an hour, shortening the duration of the documentary is more in line with the media consumption habits of the young audience of the "netizen generation" of station B, and the duration of "Nourishing All Things" has been changed from about 50 minutes in the first season to about 30 minutes in the second season. A fast-paced editorial narrative delivers more information, and is informative without being verbose.

Rejuvenate content narratives. Netstudent New School documentaries are different from the traditional documentary "Gao Leng" expression in terms of narrative style. Netizen New School documentaries "brainstorm" on the basis of story-based narrative methods, integrate different ways of narration, and integrate the content elements of variety reality shows.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

For example, RAP elements, talk show elements, etc., will also be added to post-processing editing similar to reality shows. Language selection of online hot words to achieve a youthful narrative effect, such as "History Those Things" in the narration a lot of avant-garde language such as "foodie", "happiness index", hip-hop, animation elements are also integrated, the audience will have a new viewing experience in such content innovation. The rich presentation of the expression effect of the netizen documentary "storytelling" is also reflected in the integration of high technology.

The young content narrative is indispensable to the use of high and new technology in the new era, and the audience can see the style of the national treasure in "If the National Treasure Could Talk", thanks to the presented 3D scanning, micro-trace extraction, three-dimensional acquisition and other technologies. Microscopic, ultra-microphotography and other technologies in the new school documentary "Flavor of the World" can clearly display the "texture" of food on the screen.

Interactive mode: All employees participate in the content discussion. Barrage is the standard for netizen new school documentaries. TV documentaries consider the ratings after the broadcast without knowing the audience portrait, and the one-way communication basically has no interaction with the audience. The netizen documentary is more customized and user-oriented, truly approaching and understanding users, listening to users' feedback, evaluations and ideas, and establishing a social field with the audience that transcends time and space.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

The audience is the barrage publisher, diver, liker, retweeter, commenter, and when you become one of them, group identity is already forming. Open and shared communication not only meets the needs of the audience, but also provides impetus and guidance for creators' content creation, and forms a benign interaction with each other's achievements. For example, in "Guarding the Liberation West", barrage commentary has become part of the content composition of the documentary, and the audience expresses their opinions in the language with a sense of network, often colliding with unexpected sparks and content innovations in the original content expression

The dissemination effect, in this way, the barrage has released a great promotion effect on the content innovation of the new school documentary of the B station netize. The content innovation and production of station B should organically unify the creative requirements of content producers, the platform characteristics of station B, and the aesthetics of users. It can be said that the biggest feature of the content production of station B is the user-oriented content innovation mechanism, which explores a new path for the overall professional content innovation production of netizen documentaries and provides the wisdom of station B.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

Analysis of content innovation of "Guarding the Liberation West"

"Guarding the Liberation West" is a new documentary of police documentary online students launched by Station B, which is pioneering and experimental in content innovation. Through several months of discussion and creative research, the creative team reached relatively unified opinions on the creative form, core output content, production and shooting methods, broadcast platform selection and other related aspects of the program.

The main creative team set up a film team of more than 40 people to settle in the police station, set up a studio in the Pozi Street police station, take turns to shoot with the police 24 hours a day, and install 35 fixed camera monitoring, OSMO handheld cameras, drones and police law enforcement recorders throughout the institute to achieve objective and true records, a total of 776 police shoots, and the total time of collecting video material reached more than 33,700 hours.

"Guarding the West of Liberation" is not the first police documentary in China, and the broadcast of the first season has been a great success. The second season was grandly launched on Station B in October 2020, with a score of 9.7 points. So far, it has been played 56.42 million, barrage as high as 1.02 million, and liked as high as 1.32 million.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

The program takes the police of the Jiefang Xipozi Street Police Station in Changsha, Hunan Province as the core characters, and uses the Internet language that young people like to hear and see, popularizing relevant safety and legal knowledge. Changsha Jiefang West is the most prosperous area in Hunan, with complex sources of population composition, large flow, fast flow speed, and many unstable factors, and various civil disputes, political security and criminal cases caused by love and hatred are "staged" here every day.

"Guarding the Liberation West" is not as thrilling as the confrontation between police and bandits that ordinary people think, it is not the investigation of a major case with twists and turns, nor is it a case told from beginning to end like "Legendary Story", but the camera focuses on the heart-warming dispute mediation, fixed in the short ordinary police in parents again and again.

It concentrates on the daily work of the police of the Pozi Street Police Station of the Tianxin Branch of the Changsha Public Security Bureau, with no actors, no scripts, no lines, no rehearsals, how to shoot the police case, what police situation to shoot, from beginning to end of the real scene shooting, flexible law enforcement to convey humanistic care, real stories reflect the warmth and coldness of the world, documentary means to record the variety of living beings.

User-oriented content innovation: "At Station B, let more young people fall in love with documentaries"

The image of the public security police presented in "Guarding the Liberation West" is not a serious and rigid law enforcement machine that does not smile, but a reasonable, flesh-and-blood security guardian.


1. Fang Fang. History of Chinese documentary film[M].Beijing:China Drama Press,2003.

2. Peng Jixiang. Film and Television Aesthetics (Revised Edition)[M].Peking University:Peking University Press,2009.

3. ZHOU Zhenhua. Re-construction of documentary images[M].Nanjing University Press,20151.)