
What bugs bite people in the house? Inventory of common biting bugs at home

author:It's really good

Homes are a welcoming haven for people, however, there will inevitably be some small uninvited guests – all sorts of bugs that can bite, bite, cause skin discomfort and even spread diseases. This article will take an in-depth inventory of common biting insects at home, and elaborate on the types of insects, biting characteristics, and prevention methods.

What bugs bite people in the house? Inventory of common biting bugs at home

Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are one of the most common biting insects in the family, especially in summer and humid environments. Female mosquitoes need to suck human blood to get protein, so they bite. Mosquito bites are characterized by redness, swelling, itching, and sometimes allergic reactions. In order to prevent mosquito bites, mosquito nets, mosquito coils, mosquito liquid and other mosquito control measures can be used to avoid staying in a humid environment for a long time.

Fleas: Fleas are another common biting bug, especially if there are pets in the home. Fleas will jump on the human body to bite, usually the bite mark will appear as a small red dot, and the itching is obvious. In addition to biting, fleas can also transmit disease. Maintaining pet hygiene and regular deworming are important means of preventing fleas.

What bugs bite people in the house? Inventory of common biting bugs at home

3. Bed bugs: Bed bugs, also known as bed bugs, are common household bite bugs. They hide in mattresses, bed frames and other places, and come out at night to bite the human body, causing red, swollen, itchy bite marks. The presence of bed bugs may affect the quality of sleep, in order to prevent bed bugs, bedding should be kept clean and dry, and bed sheets should be changed regularly to avoid the growth of pests in bed.

Fourth, spiders: Among the spiders common in the home, a few species will bite. Spider bites are not common, but when the human body comes into contact with spiders or spiders are threatened, some spiders may bite for self-defense. Symptoms of spider bites vary depending on the type of spider, ranging from mild tingling to skin necrosis. Keeping your home tidy and reducing spider breeding places can help reduce the risk of spider bites.

What bugs bite people in the house? Inventory of common biting bugs at home

Ants: Although ants mainly feed on food, some species of ants can also bite. Ants usually bite because they feel threatened, and the bite marks are mostly small red dots, and the pain is light. In order to prevent ant infestation, it is necessary to keep the home clean, clean up food residues in time, and seal food.

6. Mites: Mites are tiny insects, and some species bite people. Bed mites, in particular, are mainly parasitic in bedding and bite at night and suck skin cells and blood, triggering skin allergic reactions. In order to prevent the breeding of mites, bedding should be washed and exposed regularly.

What bugs bite people in the house? Inventory of common biting bugs at home

7. Scorpions: Although less common indoors, scorpions may break into homes in some areas. Scorpions bite primarily in self-defense, and bite marks often cause pain, itching, and swelling. Avoid leaving clothing and shoes outdoors for long periods of time, especially in places where scorpions may be infested.

8. Others: In addition to the above common biting bugs, there are some other insects that may bite people in specific situations, such as bees, wasps, mosquitohoppers, etc. Most of the time, these insects do not actively bite, but may perform defensive bites when they feel threatened or squeezed. Stings by these insects can cause severe pain, swelling, and allergic reactions, and can even be life-threatening. Measures such as avoiding near hives, wearing appropriate clothing, and avoiding waving your arms can help reduce the risk of being bitten by these insects.

What bugs bite people in the house? Inventory of common biting bugs at home

In short, common biting bugs in the home include mosquitoes, fleas, bed bugs, spiders, ants, mites, scorpions, etc. In order to prevent these pests, maintain indoor hygiene, regularly clean bedding, avoid staying in a humid environment for a long time, regularly repel insects, and pay attention to wearing appropriate clothing, are all effective measures to prevent insect bites. If you have severe allergic reactions, infections and other symptoms after being bitten, you should seek medical attention in time.