
When choosing oil, you must remember to look at the "smoke point"! Otherwise easy...

author:Shangguan News
When choosing oil, you must remember to look at the "smoke point"! Otherwise easy...

Usually when stir-frying with oil, many people have an intuitive and headache feeling - smoke.

When choosing oil, you must remember to look at the "smoke point"! Otherwise easy...

During the heating of the oil, the temperature at which smoke begins to rise is called the "smoke point". When the oil smokes, the oil smoke will contain acrolein, which has a strong irritating effect on the eyes and respiratory tract. In addition, soot, like the smog particles in the air, can also increase the risk of lung cancer.

While cooking,

We need to pay attention to different practices,

Choose oils with different smoke points.

For example, when the temperature is high when stir-frying, choose to use oil with high smoke point; The cold mix temperature is low, and you can choose oil with a low smoke point.

When choosing oil, you must remember to look at the "smoke point"! Otherwise easy...

Smoke points of common greases

So many oils,

The smoke point is different,

Can't remember?

You can directly choose oil with a high smoke point, and the higher the smoke point, the more scenes can be used.

In addition, the smoke point of edible oil is closely related to the processing technology of oil, and usually the smoke point of "refined" vegetable oil is higher. This is because after refining, the grease can remove any impurities that may be present in it, greatly increasing the smoke point. If you see oil with the words "virgin", "extra virgin" and "cold pressed", do not use it for stir-frying, frying and other cooking at relatively high temperatures.

At last

It is important to remind everyone that

Try not to stir-fry!

Because the temperature during stir-frying is usually 180 ° C to 240 ° C, basically the common peanut oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil and other smoke points do not exceed 240 ° C. This means that stir-frying is easy to produce a lot of oil smoke.

Editor: Lu Jinghui

Source: Popular Science China WeChat public account (author: Ruan Quang Feng, deleted)

Image: Figureworm Creative

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