
Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

author:A brief history of fishing

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Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

In 1868, after Japan's Emperor Meiji succeeded to the throne, in order to realize his ambition and let Japan dominate the world, and in order to ease Japan's domestic contradictions, a meeting of Japanese ministers was convened, at which Japan formulated a four-step mainland policy, which was regarded as the goal of all the people in Japan and Russia, and the established national policy of all future emperors of Japan.

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

Under the guidance of mainland policy, Japan resolutely chose to invade the mainland and Korea, bringing great disasters to the people, and one of the formulators of mainland policy and staunch supporters of mainland policy, Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi bears unshirkable responsibility, and just when he was satisfied, he died in Korea, died under his own ambitions, and his last words before his death were a classic Japanese national insult that Chinese well-known to the people.

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

"Bang" and "Bang" two gunshots rang out, and the most powerful man in Japan, the prime minister of Japan, fell in a pool of blood. And this soldier did not choose to flee after assassinating Ito Hirofumi, but stood in place very calmly waiting for capture.

News of Ito Hirofumi's assassination soon spread around the world, and in Japan, the entire people were furious and demanded severe punishment for the murderers. When this news came back to Korea and the mainland, both the Korean people and the mainland people felt very happy, and the father of the nation, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, spoke highly of the righteous man and praised him as: "Meritorious service to the three Koreas and all nations."

So what kind of legendary story does this priest have? Why did he choose to take the risk to assassinate Ito Hirofumi?

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

This titular named Ahn Jung-geun was born in Haeju, North Korea, and his father and grandfather were both readers, so it is not an exaggeration to praise Ahn Jong-geun's family as scholars.

As a reader, his father and grandfather attached great importance to An Chonggen's education when he was very young, and taught him the traditional benevolence and righteous etiquette letter of the mainland at a very young age, the Four Books and Five Classics, so when An Chonggen was very young, he was determined to dedicate himself to the country, and even sacrificed his life without regret. In addition, An Chung-geun liked hunting at a very young age and developed a good skill.

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

Under the guidance of his family, An Chung-gen became even more civilized and martial when he grew up, and met his best self. However, at this time, the world situation was changeable, the domestic situation in North Korea was turbulent, and Ahn Jung-geun did not encounter the best North Korea. In 1875, Japan invaded Korea and forced Korea to sign unequal treaties, thus becoming a semi-colonial power.

With Japan's victory in the Sino-Japanese War, Korea fell completely under Japanese control. In 1907, in order to better control Korea, the Japanese deposed the Korean emperor and established the so-called governor, and the first supervisor was Ito Hirofumi, another protagonist of the story.

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

As a patriotic young man, Ahn Jung-geun was very distressed by the situation of North Korea, and he was eager to help North Korea regain its country.

Therefore, Ahn Chung-geun established the "Samheung School" to awaken the Korean people's will to fight, joined the rebel army, and fought against the Japanese invaders on the front line, but in the face of the torrent of the times, the individual is always small. As the fighting developed, the number of rebels decreased, and many North Koreans and other countries were willing to help the rebels. In order to save the situation, Ahn Jung-geun made a decision.

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

He decided to assassinate a high-ranking Japanese official to awaken the fighting consciousness of the Korean people and attract the attention of the rest of the world, and Ito Hirofumi naturally became one of the best targets.

On October 21, 1909, An Chung-gen boarded a train to Harbin, and he kept rehearsing the plan in his mind. On October 26, Ito Hirofumi took a special car to Harbin, and in order to commemorate this historic moment, the Japanese side not only forced a large number of people to greet them, but also hired a special photographer to shoot.

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

These people are lucky, because they can see the scene of killing thieves with their own eyes, and when Ito Hirofumi just got off the train and was waving at the crowd, An Jung-gen saw the opportunity and pulled out his gun and fired angrily, Ito Hirofumi's guards did not have time to react, and could only watch Ito Hirofumi fall in a pool of blood,

Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirofumi, who was assassinated by North Koreans, spoke a word of Japanese before he died, and he understood Chinese

Before his death, Ito Hirofumi's last words were a classic Japanese national curse, but he never thought that the Korean and Chinese people who died under his ambition also wanted to say this to him.

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