
America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

author:Sport Jamie 4L1

"I try to think back to when I was fascinated by a woman's throat. I was fascinated, I wanted more, it was God's curse on me. That's why I haven't been caught for so long, it's the life of a serial killer."

Here's what America's number one serial killer, Samuel Little said, in his prison transcript.

He voluntarily confessed that a total of 93 people were killed in 35 years, from 1970 to 2005, most of them raped and then killed.

He was very proud of his "great achievements" and claimed that God had signaled him to save these women from the sea of misery, since most of them were street girls caught in a sea of poison, and most of them were fallen black women.

Is this really providence or is there another reason?

Why did Samuel Little get away with it for 35 years and then voluntarily confess to the police?

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Samuel Little

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Portraits of the victims handwritten by Samuel and Little Lesser

01. The female corpse in the cemetery

One day in October 1982, in Pascagoula, southern Mississippi, police were alerted to the discovery of the body of a badly decomposed woman in a local cemetery. After the police arrived at the scene, the identity of the deceased was confirmed after investigation.

The woman, Melinda Laperry, 22, was the next son born to Zhou Gang two years before she disappeared. Why did this new mom die in the wilderness? Did she commit suicide or murder?

Soon the police released the autopsy results, and she was strangled.

Two women gave leads to police. They said they had seen the deceased get into a black man's car and found the man after a police investigation. His name was Samuel Little Ter. He is not a local, and no one in the area knows him.

Police quickly arrested Samuel Little but eventually had to release him.

Due to the limited technology of criminal investigation at the time, the police could not provide any evidence to the court that he had committed murder, and eyewitness accounts could not be used as evidence for conviction. And there is another very important reason, that is, the identity of the deceased is quite special.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Sacrifice Melinda Laperry

Melinda Laperry was a prostitute and drug addict and police thought anyone could kill her. The two witnesses were also colleagues of the late Melinda, and the court was reluctant to allow the two prostitutes to testify.

And just like that, Samuel Little was released. The Pascagoula police never dreamed that they let the tiger go back to the mountain, but what they released was a killer who didn't blink.

In the coming days, Samuel Little will continue to hunt women in U.S. states.

In the 35 years from the first rape in Miami, Florida, in 1970 to 2005, Samuel Little killed 93 people, almost all of them women. The dead had similar characteristics: they were overwhelmingly black women, mostly young women, and mostly drug-addicted prostitutes.

Samuel Little once admitted that such groups were chosen because the police would not pay attention to such groups, and no one would care whether they were dead or alive. Even if they suddenly disappear, no one will track them down.

But if you learn about Samuel and Little growing up, you'll find another reason.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Samuel Little

02. Oedipus complex

Black women, drug addicts, prostitutes, these are not only labels for the dead, but also labels for Samuel Little Mother. The target he chose to hunt was in some ways similar to his own mother.

Samuel-Little has extremely mixed feelings for his mother, love and hate, and the dead man.

He pretended to be guests and asked them out, sometimes invited them to dinner, took them shopping to gain their trust, and strangled them to death when they had sex.

What exactly happened between Samuel Little and his mother that would make his psyche so twisted?

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Samuel Little

Samuel Little was born in 1940 in a prison somewhere in the interior of the United States.

According to information released by police, Samuel Little was a teenager at the time, addicted to drugs, arrested for participating in the sex trade, and gave birth to a child in prison, but she did not realize it. Who is the father of the child. I do not know.

Unable to support her, she abandoned the child.

After the child's grandmother found out, she quickly took the child back to raise it.

But there is another version that, according to the reporter's investigation, Samuel Little grew up in Ohio, and his father was a prominent local church member.

The family had seven or eight children, one of whom died at a very young age.

Consistent with what the police have announced, Samuel's mother, Little is a drug-addicted street girl, and Samuel and his siblings were raised by grandparents.

Samuel said his older siblings called him Sammy as a child, and his mother died in 1973. Samuel went to Florida to visit his mother in his twenties and lived with her for a while.

I don't know if it's because of the lack of maternal love since childhood. Samuel Little was obsessed with women from an early age.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Samuel Little

He said to himself that he liked women's necks very much (he used to strangle their necks when he killed people). When he was in kindergarten, he was obsessed with the neck of a female teacher. Gradually, he wanted to touch the teacher's neck, and finally had the idea of strangling the other party.

But he didn't tell his family that he had such a twisted, sick mentality, and even if he did, his family didn't have time to take care of him.

As a poor and humble African American, family life was very difficult. Adults are worried about filling their stomachs and have no time to take care of their children's education. As a result, Samuel Little ended up as a troubled child, like many local African-American teenagers. The absence of a mother and the environment in which she grew up were important factors in Samuel Little going astray.

03. Demon repair

At the age of twelve or thirteen, Samuel Little began dating local African-American teenagers. He soon dropped out of school and earned money from theft to buy anything he wanted, including alcohol and drugs. For this, he was often taken to the police station.

But since he is still underage, he will soon be released.

Samuel Little quickly became accustomed to this life. He is not worried about being caught, his main worry is that he will not have money to spend.

At the age of 16, he was sent to a juvenile detention center for stealing a bicycle. The police told him that we don't want to arrest you anymore, just hope you get out of here and don't cause us any trouble.

I don't know if it's because of the police, or if he wants to go out and see the outside world, or maybe there's nothing to steal around here. In short, after coming out of the juvenile prison at the time, Samuel Little left his hometown, where he had lived for 16 years.

He began wandering between towns and cities in various states in the United States, making money by stealing, fraudulent, and selling drugs.

In 1961, at the age of 21, Samuel Little was again imprisoned for theft. This time he spent three years in prison. In the days that followed, he was frequently arrested and imprisoned in various U.S. states, sitting for months, a year or two, and then released.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Samuel Little

In his 20s, Samuel Little came to Florida, where his mother lived.

Under the persuasion of his mother, he tried to change his ways, stop breaking the law, and earn a living on his own ability. He was recruited to the cemetery as a gravekeeper and also as a paramedic.

He also talked about love and entered the palace of marriage.

However, Samuel Little could not suppress the twisted evil thoughts in his heart. He later admitted that he had to force himself not to look at his wife's neck because he didn't want to hurt the people he loved.

The marriage did not last long and ended for unknown reasons.

Samuel then left Little Mother and continued to wander, which was his favorite wandering life.

In 1970, 30-year-old Samuel Little came to Miami to kill for the first time.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Map of the murders of Samuel and Little Telter

It was New Year 1970.

He finds a chubby blonde phone girl and invites her to a restaurant for dinner. When she touched his neck a few times in front of him, this unconscious action was seen by Samuel as "a gift from God to Little."

After dinner, he took her to an abandoned coconut grove in the Miami wilderness, where they strangled her while they had sex.

Samuel Little thought he was an angel and that God sent him to help them out of their suffering.

From that moment on, a terrible killer was born.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Samuel Little

04. Hunting prostitutes did not know that on New Year's Day 1970, in a barren coconut grove in Miami, a poor woman was brutally murdered and a murderous demon was born, glorifying herself as a redeemer sent by God.

Because it was God's arrangement, he said, the police would never catch him.

He traveled all over the United States, and whenever night fell, he took to the streets in search of the "loot" he wanted to exchange. His goal was clear: they were black women like his mother, prostitutes under anesthesia.

Although he will never admit it, he actually imagines himself as the angel who saved his mother.

In 1973, his mother died, but he did not stop killing.

On the contrary, because he can escape every time he commits a crime, he becomes more and more bold, more and more willing to brainwash himself with providence, and kills more and more. As soon as a suitable hunting target is found, he will be executed.

In fact, he has not been discovered by the police, but as long as there is suspicion, he can escape without problems.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Every time you get caught, you will quickly escape

For example, in September 1976, in Sunset Hill, Missouri, a ran on the road with her hands tied behind her back with cloth and wires behind her back. Fortunately, she eventually found her family unharmed.

Police arrested Samuel Little and charged him with rape and violence, but he was eventually released after three months in prison. Such a small punishment only made him more lawless.

Subsequently, Samuel Little was arrested twice, in September 1982 and October of the same year.

Hill, a 26-year-old prostitute, and Melinda Laperry, 22, were strangled to death. Witnesses in both cases noted that they had seen the deceased board Samuel Little's car, but that did not serve as evidence to prosecute his murder. He was all acquitted.

Until September 2012, 72-year-old Samuel Little was arrested in Kentucky for drug trafficking and subsequently extradited to Los Angeles, California. At this time, criminal investigation technology has been highly developed, and the police collected his DNA, which made unexpected gains in the comparison process.

The assessment concluded that Samuel Little was the perpetrator of three major murders between 1987 and 1989 in which three women were brutally killed.

In addition, police found one surviving victim to testify against Samuel Little in court.

In the end, Samuel Little was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Family members of the victims

After Samuel Little was imprisoned, police found more doubts when investigating some old cases in the early years. They realized that the number of people killed by Samuel Little may have been much higher than they knew.

In order to investigate the crimes committed by Samuel Little, the FBI communicated with him and transferred him to a comfortable prison where he could enjoy his old age, and Samuel Littler truthfully explained every murder he committed. Not only that, Samuel Little personally painted more than 30 portraits of women and handed them over to the FBI. He admitted that these were the women he killed. The F.B.I. has set up a website to publish the portraits for the families of the victims to identify.

According to Samuel Little's own confession, he killed a total of 93 people in 35 years, and he was able to tell in detail the location and details of each case. The FBI confirmed more than 50 cases based on his confessions.

America's No. 1 killer: Arrested and killed multiple prostitutes, just because his mother was a prostitute and his ex-wife got away with it

Portraits of victims

Samuel Little said about why he cooperated with the FBI in admitting his guilt:

"There may be many people who have carried my guilt for me over the years, and if my confession today can help them clear their guilt and get out of prison, God may give me an extra smile."

The man who claimed to be a "saving angel" sent by God did not stay in prison for long.

On December 30, 2020, 80-year-old Samuel Little died in a California hospital.

He is a pathetic and hateful killer.

Unable to recover the childhood trauma of being abandoned by his mother for a lifetime, he did not even dare to face the past with his mother, choosing to "comfort" himself by looking for women similar to his mother.

Perhaps many people did not expect that the original family would have such a great impact on a person's character and psychology. Of course, not everyone is like this, and most people can get rid of the harm of their native family.

But in fact, there are also a few people who are bound by the harm of their original family.

But whether to choose to fall into pain, or choose to get rid of the harm of the original family and live a new life, the choice has always been in our own hands. When the mentality changes, the world and life will be very different.

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