
Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Author | Yao Qi

This summer, the costume idol drama "Sauvignon Blanc" starring Yang Zi has set off a storm.

Ji Xiaoyao, the king of Haoling, played by Yang Zi, had deep emotional entanglements with Sun Yingying, the king of Western Yan played by Zhang Wanyi, Tu Shanjing, the son of Qingqiu, played by Deng Wei, and Xiangliu, the nine-life demon king played by Tan Jianci.

In this "one woman against many men" drama, it is rare for all parties to come to the table.

The official combination of Xiao Xiao and Qingqiu Gongzi is not necessarily the most palatable, the brother and sister of "Xiao Yao" are very affectionate, and the emotional pull between Xiao Xiao and Xiang Liu has also become the "difficult to peace" of many audiences.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Zi played Xiao Xiao in "Sauvignon Blanc"

The status of male characters can be called tripod, and fans choose different positions and follow the update of the series "sucking to death". And the lively storm wrapped up several actors who were not originally optimistic at the same time, and continued to rise to the top.

In the month since its launch, Zhang Wanyi's Weibo followers have grown by more than 1.8 million, Deng Wei by nearly 3 million, and Tan Jianci by more than 2.5 million.

This reminds people of Yang Zi's "koi physique". The popularity of "Sauvignon Blanc" seems to continue to confirm Yang Zi's ability to "lead people", and the actors seem to be very likely to rise to the rank as long as they play with Yang Zi.

This is the unique "Yang Zi phenomenon" in the entertainment industry.

What makes people wonder is whether the "poplar-purple phenomenon" has a law or is it just a metaphysics?


"One Ji Milk Three Ways"

Wang Ji Xiaoyao of Haoling Kingdom now has her new nickname, called "Neiyu Cai Wenji", referring to the strongest assistant in a certain game, the king of blood on the battlefield.

As long as you have the Xiaoxiao version of "Cai Wenji", whether it is Lingying, Tu Shanjing or the Nine-Life Demon King, they can all turn over against the wind with her assistance and win their respective battles.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

"Sauvignon Blanc" stills

And this is also the battle situation of "Sauvignon Blanc" in the real world, a game against the wind.

Initially, when Yang Zi announced her new drama "Sauvignon Blanc", she was ridiculed as "resource downgrade", because what seemed to be a bad card on the table: Zhang Wanyi, who had never set off many splashes, Deng Wei, a handsome wooden guy with immature acting skills, and a director team who failed equally.

There is never a shortage of film and television productions in domestic entertainment, but there are also frequent "overturning" situations. There may be no shortage of resources, the key is to see if the "card" can be played well.

People who can play bad cards well are the most rare.

At first glance, Yang Zi seems to be the only turning point for the "Sauvignon Blanc" crew. Everything that happened this summer showed their good luck, Wang Ji Xiaoyao's "One Ji Milk Three Ways", three main actors, all ushered in the flashpoint of their acting careers.

It's like Akasui Fenglong said to Xiao Xiao who came back to life in the play: "As soon as Xiao Xiao comes back, it will be all good news." ”

Yang Zi, and three male stars

"Sauvignon Blanc" stills

Similar phenomena have occurred repeatedly in the past few years.

In 2018, after the broadcast of the costume idol drama "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost" starring Yang Zi and Deng Lun, Deng Lun, who played Xufeng, and Luo Yunxi, who played Runyu, both ate corresponding role dividends and turned from an unknown student to the object of competition among the audience.

In 2019, "Dear, Love" was broadcast, which directly prompted Li, who played Han Shangyan, to increase his fans by tens of millions in more than 20 days. The popularity of "current boyfriend" has increased amazingly, and the business value has spilled out. That year, the sales of the electronic version of the magazine he appeared on the cover exceeded 340,000, directly breaking the sales record of fashion magazines. Even the jeeps driven by Han Shangyan and the mansions he lived in were bought by fans.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

A still from "Dear, Love"

It is worth noting that the male characters who stand out in these two episodes do not just get ordinary gains, but jump directly to the front line, or even become the top.

And the broadcast of "Sauvignon Blanc", Yang Zi showed a jaw-dropping ability to raise coffee. She has an emotional entanglement with three of the main male characters at the same time, and collides with each of them enough to immerse the audience in it. In other words, the Xiao Yao she played and these three roles are full of "CP sense".

"CP sense" is the core factor that promotes male characters in idol dramas out of the circle.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Premature CP

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Silent CP

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Dead willow CP

Only when the male and female protagonists show a high enough emotional concentration and strong enough emotional tension can a fictional on-screen couple be truly established. The emotions of female characters can withstand speculation, and the attractiveness of male characters is more imaginative.

This series of independent male stars became popular in the circle, and finally became the "Yang Zi phenomenon". Fans commented on it as "Wangfu Zi", which refers to the phenomenon that male artists with low coffee positions soared after playing with Yang Zi.

In this year's summer season, the most significant example of the "Yang Zi phenomenon" is Deng Wei. A former internal entertainment "small transparent", Weibo followers surged from more than one million to more than four million, red and purple to be hung on the hot search list almost every day.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Deng Wei

In the unpredictable entertainment industry, the fate of artists is sometimes like a big gamble, and even a star and a half in the gamble will increase the chance of winning. And analyzing Yang Zi's existence is like secretly spying at the cards in a gamble.


Laws that don't work

In terms of koi physique, the example that is often compared with Yang Zi is Yang Mi. It is also from Yang Mi that we can see a clearer set of operating modes.

Since the broadcast of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III" and "Palace", the high market popularity has allowed Yang Mi to sit on the throne of the four little Hua Dan after 85. When her own market voice is large enough, film and television capital will also be more inclined to judge, and the film and television works related to her may have better traffic prospects.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Mi played Tang Xuejian in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III"

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Mi played Qingchuan in "Palace Lock Heart Jade"

In 2017, "Three Lives and Three Lives and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" was a hit, and most of the important actors in the play came from Yang Mi's company Jiahang Media. The play starred Yang Mi, Di Li Gerba, who had not been fully exposed at that time, played the second actress, and Gao Weiguang, Zhang Binbin, Liu Ruilin, Zhu Xudan, Daisi and other artists promoted by Jiaxing played supporting roles in the play.

The popularity of "Three Lives and Three Lives and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" directly sent Di Li Gerba, Zhang Binbin and others to the top "helicopter". In 2020, another drama of the same series "Three Lives and the Third Pillow Book" was broadcast, starring Di Li Gerba and Gao Weiguang, which further consolidated Di Li Gerba's market position.

The broadcast of the "Three Lives and Three Lives" series has created a set of effective film and television companies to recruit newcomers -

Stars who have already gained market recognition pick the beams to create traffic IP, so that potential newcomers have squeezed into the wings of their predecessors and take off together. When the rising stars eat rich IP dividends, they will guide the audience to strengthen their "stereotypes" through a relatively homogeneous path, and then establish a personality and consolidate their market position.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

A still from "Three Lives and Three Lives and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms"

Yang Zi's story sometimes seems to be a copy of this mode of operation, and she herself carries the IP banner and becomes a solid background board for a TV series. While she continues to attract popularity, other actors who have potential but are not yet fully recognized have the opportunity to share the dividends of traffic.

In 2021, Yang Zi's old club Huanrui Century fell into a storm in the process of producing the new drama "Agarwood Like Crumbs".

At that time, "Agarwood Like Crumbs" had entered the official preparation period, but in addition to determining Cheng Yi as the male lead, it was never possible to finalize the choice to play the female lead. At that time, Cheng Yi had just emerged in 2020's "Liuli" and became the main actor of Huanrui Century, but he was fledgling and still needed to deepen the audience's impression of him.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Cheng Yi played Yu Sifeng in "Liuli"

Later, Huanrui Century and Youku platform released "About Yang Zi participating in TV series

In the later stage, the heroine was never determined, until the project stalled, and Huanrui once again invited Yang Zi, "hoping that Yang Zi can help and participate in the play." In the end, because Yang Zi himself was a signed artist of Huanrui, he took over the series.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

A still from "Agarwood Like Crumbs"

Judging from the beginning and end of the "Agarwood Like Crumbs" incident, Huanrui was willing to let Yang Zi star from the beginning. This has triggered a lot of speculation from the outside world, perhaps Huanrui just wants to replicate Yang Zi's previous successful experience of leading male stars to promote coffee, and let Yang Zi make a wedding dress for Cheng Yi. This also triggered a boycott of Yang Zi's fans for her to appear in the play.

If you look at Huanrui's behavior according to this idea, it is not difficult to find that their wishful thinking is not so smooth.

The word-of-mouth reputation of "Agarwood Like Crumbs" eventually met Waterloo. Due to the routine of the script and the same character image as other dramas, it once appeared on the hot search because it was "ugly". It can be seen that when the actors themselves do not recognize the script, even if they want to reproduce the traffic miracle according to the successful template, it can only be in vain, and even cause blows to both male and female protagonists.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

"Agarwood Like Crumbs" Douban score 5.9

If you want to customize a law behind the "poplar purple phenomenon", this road is actually difficult to follow.

This also reveals part of the truth of "Yang Ziwangfu": it is not just a matter of playing with female stars on the traffic throne to help male artists soar.

This is not Yang Zi's energy metaphysics, which can be contaminated with good luck if rubbed, but the result of her longer-term prudent choice of her own development path.


Not "Wangfu", but Wang himself

Yang Zi actually hates being evaluated as "Wangfu Zi", and she has publicly expressed her views on this phenomenon:

I want to explain this matter, everyone is on Weibo every day, saying who I brought red. But I think it's all unfair to them, everyone is working hard, not because I can make them popular personally, a good show is the efforts of the whole team, they put in 100% effort to be where they are today. If you simply say who I brought red, this is very unfair, which is equivalent to grinding down their efforts. I don't particularly like to hear things like that. I can understand that mentality very well, if I am hot today, people say that I am because of who is angry, I will also feel bad in my heart. Because I worked hard.

If we put aside Yang Zi's personal aura and re-examine the actors in "Sauvignon Blanc", we can indeed make new discoveries.

Zhang Wanyi, who was once ridiculed as "only acting in leftovers", may be a rare strength in idol dramas.

In the "32nd Huading Awards", he was named the best actor in a contemporary TV series for the role of Qiao Erqiang in "Children of the Qiao Family". In "Sauvignon Blanc", he played Xiao Xiao's cousin Lingying, and also performed the psychological pull of love and dare not speak in the scene of taking the road of the emperor.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Zhang Wanyi played Qiao Erqiang in "Children of the Qiao Family"

The actor Kenji Tan, who plays Xiangyanagi, has a likable personality. With his unique personality charm, he has also accumulated a large number of his own fan base in the early days. In the identity of Xiangliu, he is a weird nine-headed demon king, he loves Xiaoxiao but never dares to be really close, and in the infatuation and withdrawal, he creates a sadomasochistic aesthetic that belongs to the "Xiaoliu party".

Chief director Qin Hao once revealed in an interview that the crew's motivation for finalizing these castings, "Zhang Wanyi has a young imperial temperament, and in previous dramas, his performance method is relatively natural, suitable for the restrained and forgiving role of Lingying." As for Kenji Tan, "(I) knew his acting style better before we met, and he has always been the only person for the role of Sangyanagi." The characteristic of Deng Wei is that the appearance conditions are very close to the temperament and Tu Shanjing.

As Yang Zi said, a work that can move people's hearts is by no means created by a star alone, but is often promoted by the joint efforts of many parties.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Zi

If Yang Zi has contributed anything to the popularity of others, it can only be said that she has done what she should do professionally.

Qin Hao describes Yang Zi as a "highly talented scholar-type actor", when she really likes a character and wants to restore the brilliance of the character as much as possible, she will make herself very familiar with the character's story in order to better understand the psychological and behavioral motivations of the character.

Under her careful shaping of the characters, we got to know the ghostly horse elf in "Honey Sinks Like Frost", and also met Wang Ji Xiaoyao, who has a strong market atmosphere in "Sauvignon Blanc".

In the moment when Jin Mi and Xiao Xiao feel happy, the audience can share the same joy from her eyebrows, and when they feel pain and sadness, the audience will also empathize with the same melancholy for their fate.

Yang Zi, and three male stars

Yang Zi played Jin Mi in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost"

The road of climbing on a tree like a parasitic plant to live is difficult to walk through in the human world, and traffic can be shared, but word of mouth cannot.

The vitality of the actor comes from the continuous superposition of good works, which is a difficult road, but closer to the truth. Even Cheng Yi, who once hoped to take advantage of Yang Zi's momentum in "Agarwood Like Crumbs", could not show his value with "Agarwood Like Crumbs" in the end, but in the recent "Lotus Building", his ability to figure out the role and the charm of independently shaping the character were seen by more people.

In the end, perhaps there is no law of who "wants" whom, whether in the entertainment industry or in a wider world, the ultimate reliable is their own prosperity.

Yang Zi is not a wangfu, she just became her own koi.

Edit | Wu Qing

Typesetting | Eight pounds

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