
What is it about wanting to go to the toilet when you arrive at an important occasion?

author:Shangguan News
What is it about wanting to go to the toilet when you arrive at an important occasion?

At the scene of the game, you will immediately go to the field

When the show starts, the next one is your own performance

Walk into the exam room and the exam will begin soon


At this moment, the stomach suddenly turned over

Urgent need to run to the toilet

What is it about wanting to go to the toilet when you arrive at an important occasion?

You think

Is it just because you're too nervous?

In fact, it may be irritable bowel syndrome making trouble!

Colon Irritable Syndrome (IBS) is a common intestinal dysfunction disorder, a persistent or intermittent episode, with abdominal pain, bloating, bowel habits and/or stool traits as clinical manifestations, and lack of gastrointestinal structure and biochemical abnormalities.

First, the principle of treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that irritable bowel syndrome is caused by various factors such as spleen deficiency, phlegm dampness, liver depression, Qi stagnation, blood stasis, etc., so the principle of dialectical treatment needs to be followed in treatment. For patients with irritable bowel syndrome, the principles of TCM differential treatment are as follows:

1. Differential treatment according to the specific symptoms and physical characteristics of the patient to achieve the best effect of treatment.

2. Mainly regulate the spleen and stomach, enhance the body's immunity, and improve the overall physical condition.

3. Eat regularly, stick to exercise, maintain psychological balance, and avoid mood swings.

2. Dialectical treatment

According to dialectical theory, treatment should be dialectical according to different symptom types.

1. Hepatobiliary humid fever: mainly manifested as diarrhea, increased frequency of stool, thin and yellow, bitter mouth, red tongue moss yellow, pulse number. Treatment should clear heat and moisture, and should use Coptis, gardenia, wattle mustard and other heat and moisture drugs.

2. Spleen deficiency and moisture obstruction: mainly manifested as abdominal distention, indigestion, poor stool, light fat tongue, thick moss, slow pulse. The treatment should strengthen the spleen and dampness, and it is advisable to use drugs that strengthen the spleen and dampness, such as Codonopsis, Poria, and Baishu.

3. Liver depression and spleen deficiency: mainly manifested as abdominal pain, poor stool, emotional instability, irritability, light red tongue, thin yellow moss, pulse chords. Treatment should loosen the liver and regulate qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the blood, and should use Chaihu, white peony, angelica and other drugs to relieve the liver and regulate qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the blood.

4. Qi deficiency and blood stasis: mainly manifested as abdominal pain, constipation, dry stool, pale tongue, thin white moss, and fine pulse. Treatment should replenish qi and blood, and it is advisable to use angelica, astragalus, Chuanxiong and other drugs that replenish qi and activate blood.

3. Acupressure treatment

Acupressure for irritable bowel syndrome is a very effective TCM self-conditioning method that can relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. Here are a few commonly used acupressure methods:

1. Zusanli Point

The foot is located on the anterolateral side of the calf, three transverse fingers below the knee. Massaging Zusanli points can relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Massage method: take the sitting or supine position, press the thumb and finger on the Zusanli point, and massage vigorously for 5-10 minutes each time.

2. Fenglong Cave

The Fenglong point is located on the anterolateral side of the calf, eight inches above the tip of the lateral malleolus, the outer edge of the tibial anterior muscle, and a transverse finger on the outside of the slab. Massaging Fenglong acupoints can relieve symptoms such as gastrointestinal stagnation and bloating.

Massage method: take the supine position, press the thumb and finger on the Fenglong point, and massage vigorously for 5-10 minutes each time.

3. Qi sea cave

The air sea point is located 1.5 inches below the umbilicus, on the anterior midline. Massage of Qi sea points can relieve diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms.

Massage method: take the supine or sitting position, press the thumb and finger on the qihai point, and massage vigorously for 5-10 minutes each time.

4. Guan Yuan Cave

Guan Yuan's acupoint is located in the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, and the navel is three inches down. Massaging Guan Yuan Acupoint can relieve abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Massage method: take the supine or sitting position, press the thumb and fingertips on Guan Yuan point, and massage vigorously for 5-10 minutes each time.

The above are several commonly used acupressure massage methods for irritable bowel syndrome, but you should pay attention to moderate massage intensity and do not over-massage. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek prompt medical attention.

The best measure to prevent irritable bowel syndrome is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few common precautions:

1. Eat regularly, adhere to three meals, and avoid overeating or fasting for too long.

2. Increase the amount of exercise and do aerobic exercise appropriately, such as brisk walking, jogging, etc.

3. Maintain psychological balance, avoid mood swings, and pay attention to emotional regulation.

4. Avoid overmedication, especially antibiotics and drugs that affect the intestines.

Medication is strictly in accordance with the doctor's instructions. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment requires medication under the guidance of a professional physician and treatment in strict accordance with the prescription prescribed by the physician. Do not arbitrarily change the prescription or dosage to avoid adverse effects on the body.

Jiangqiao Hospital TCM Spleen and Stomach Disease Clinic hours

Every Tuesday morning, every Friday morning

Location of visit

The outpatient department of traditional Chinese medicine on the fourth floor of the outpatient clinic of Jiangqiao Hospital

(800 Huangjia Garden Road)

Correspondent: Zhang Yan

Editors: Shen Yue, Jiang Tianyue

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What is it about wanting to go to the toilet when you arrive at an important occasion?
What is it about wanting to go to the toilet when you arrive at an important occasion?

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