
Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

author:Shangguan News

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and once a year, Shanghai Longhua Suzhai's freshly baked mooncakes are on the market again. The thought of that crispy taste makes people drool. Although there are some colorful "net celebrity mooncakes" from time to time, for Shanghainese, the most memorable thing is the bite of classic old taste from snacks to big ones.

Moss nuts, pepper and salt fruits, top-grade nuts, rose bean paste, sugar alcohol fruits, these five can be described as the most classic "five golden flowers".

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

Moss nuts

A moss nut mooncake full of greenery seems to have the magic to dispel troubles, and the moss filling inlaid with nuts exudes the fragrance of the sea, as if you are on an island where the wind is blowing.

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

Pepper and salt baguette

The freshly baked pepper and salt baguo mooncake has a bit of tenacity, and the salty aroma of pepper and salt is particularly prominent among the mooncakes, and the large plump cashew nuts, pine nuts and other nuts are crunchy and delicious, making the salty and sweet taste dance on the tip of the tongue.

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

Rose bean paste

The gentle township in the hearts of Shanghai people is always reserved for rose bean paste mooncakes. The bean paste is delicate, fresh and soft and slightly sweet. The gentle and long rose fragrance makes people feel relaxed.

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

Top quality nuts

Pine nuts, walnuts, cashews and other ingredients are combined with white bean paste, and the golden petal-like puff pastry is pleasing to the eye.

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

Sugar alcohol baguo

Sugar alcohol hundred fruits, hidden with delicate thoughts, the soft and sweet taste renders the tip of the tongue, which is really lovely.

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

Longhua Suzhai's vegan mooncakes are not only delicious, but also adhere to the original intention and original heart. Longhua Zen food making skills are Shanghai's intangible cultural heritage, and Longhua Vegan mooncakes have won a number of prestigious reputations and must-eat lists for their strength. The craftsmen of Longhua Zen Food adhere to the ancient techniques of intangible cultural heritage production, strictly select the finest raw materials, and a series of processes such as material selection, proportioning, noodles, filling, pastry, skin pushing, preparation, and cake wrapping are all handmade, bringing everyone a classic delicacy of health and mind. They have kneaded 1700+ years of hardened craftsmanship into this freshly baked mooncake, and conveyed the beautiful intention of the thousand-year-old moon festival with the classic old rice road that is fragrant and crispy.

Freshly baked mooncakes must be "eaten hot"! When it first comes out of the oven, the aroma stirs the heart. Mooncakes and coffee are a stylish new pairing. Eat vegetarian mooncakes, drink fragrant coffee, and choose from the three flavors of iced coconut coffee, worry-free (clear coffee) and Shanyuan (oat coffee) in the vegetarian restaurant.

How about it, do you really want to go to Longhua Suzhai Restaurant right away? I heard that there are really many people who think this way, and many old customers have lined up in Longhua Suzhai Restaurant in order to eat a bite of freshly baked mooncakes. But office workers who don't have time to queue don't have to worry, to tell everyone the good news: now, without queuing, without leaving home, you can buy freshly baked mooncakes by placing an order online!

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

After baking, the mooncake can still be maintained at 45 °C within 2 hours, and the environmentally friendly takeaway 45 °C insulation is delivered directly to the home, super fresh and super convenient, and it is still warm to hand. Come and try it.

How to buy mooncakes

Offline purchase address

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

How to buy online

(1) Search for "Longhua Zen Food" in the WeChat mini program, click "takeaway to home", and Longhua baked mooncakes will be delivered to your door. If you have a large number of orders, you can also "group purchase booking", which will be more discounted!

Keep warm and delivered to your home! Freshly baked mooncakes are turned on the oven, please eat mooncake →

(2) Download or open the "Douyin", "" and "Meituan Takeaway" APP, enter the keyword "Longhua Suzhai" in the search bar, and you can buy freshly baked mooncakes at Longhua Suzhai (Jinglian Road store).

Tips: Please search and buy from 8:30 to 17:00.

(3) Taobao search for the store "Longhua Suzhai" and enter the Taobao store to buy.

(4) You can go to the "Hema Fresh" APP to purchase.

(5) Poke "Read the original text" in the lower left corner and enter the micro-store to buy.

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Xiaobian will draw 10 users

Each will give away 4 Longhua Vegan mooncakes

(Hint: it's easier to win a prize!) )

Event Deadline:

08/29/2023 at 14:00


1. There is only one chance to win the lottery on the same WeChat account in this event.

2. Xiaobian will reply to the winners through private messages within 7 working days after the end of the event, and inform the offline way to collect the prizes, please pay attention to the private message notification of the "Shanghai Xuhui" WeChat public account in time, those who do not come to the site to collect the prize within the time limit will be deemed to have automatically forfeited the qualification for the award, and the prize will not be reissued.

3. The final interpretation right belongs to Xuhui Financial Media.

Note: After the prize is picked up, if you encounter any problems, please contact the merchant store for after-sales processing.

Reporter: Yin Zhijun, Li Jinlin, Lu Xiang

Editor: Chen Haixiao

Proofreader: Xu Zheyun

Reviewer: Wei Li