
It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

author:Microdream Courtyard

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It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

Text/Look North


It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

Hi! Good evening.

I am looking north, I want to be a big brother, I love to drink Wahaha~

Share a long-hidden melon tonight:

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

"You know what? She made a move on her mother-in-law, slapped her hard, and made the old man so good that he couldn't think of secretly buying pesticides. ”


"It's miserable, it's really miserable, I don't know how to be so unlucky, such a woman on the stall."


"It's really pitiful, originally her mother-in-law looked so good, after bringing her a child, she was tossed to the point that now only skin and bones remain, alas."


Three "Huh? "It's enough to show how shocked I was with the melon I ate this time.

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!
It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

People are like this: when something that shocks people to the eye happens close to you, such as the hero of the story is the person you know or know, you will really be stupid when you hear it.

Gossip is human nature, and sometimes the story of gossip is even more off-the-beaten. However, when you turn around and think about it, after experiencing a lot, you will feel that it is nothing.

Why is it so shocking? That must contain a big reversal.

For example, this melon I ate some time ago, in my previous impression, the protagonist in the story has a harmonious family and is praised. It can be said that the praise of the people around me at that time was so good that I remembered that I didn't care much about these things.

Because the child got married at an older age, parents were very happy, and I remember that many people were saying at that time: "It's really good, this solves the lifelong event, don't worry about it anymore." ”

Behind the scenes, I also heard frequent discussions: "I heard that this girl is highly educated and beautiful, it's so good!" ”

Seeing that everyone was so happy, I began to be happy for them.

As a result, life will come to you: Sample, don't rejoice too early.

So I heard the news of the family's harmonious breakdown. Someone not only slapped his hands, but also made all kinds of insults; Some people are so heartbroken that they can't think of secretly buying pesticides.

And the girl who was praised to the sky at the beginning has now become the "crazy woman" of those people.

"The only constant in the world is that people are fickle." It turns out that the song has long sung the truth.

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!
It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

If it had been before, I would not have believed that such an outrageous thing was happening around me, and I might even be a little angry.

Although I am not the person in the story, I think that it was they who praised people to the sky before, and it is they who trample people to death now, and this kind of inconsistent behavior is what I despised the most when I was young and vigorous.

And now I, after many beatings in life, will not be like this.

There may still be a trace of old thoughts, such as when I hear a strong accusation that "that crazy woman, crazy, sick", I still open my mouth to try to remind: "Don't say this, you didn't praise people in the beginning, and now you say this about people." ”

Then, the response was, "Who?" Where is it? Don't talk nonsense, who praised it before? Something that doesn't. ”

Well, well, if you say no, you don't have it.

Let's pretend that the bright smiles on all of your faces at that time are illusions, and pretend that the proud expression on the face of someone who was slightly proud to publicize it because of the girl's high education.

I've learned to be less tendons now, because in family relationships, learn to throw in the towel and you win.

After that, I didn't refute it, and let the girl who was treated as a glory be scolded again for having a bad temper and a brain disease. First, I don't know how true the story I relayed, and second, I suddenly feel the fickle nature of human nature, which is really naked.

This kind of thing is impossible for a junior like me who is like a mute at home, and I can't say anything. However, I did learn a little more from this melon.

That is: again, to illustrate the voices of the outside world, you can listen to them, but you don't have to go too far into the heart. Because the group of people who say you are good is also likely to be the group of people who say you are bad.

If you always listen to what they say and do, you may not control it, and you will split your personality.

Therefore, listening to ten thousand voices, it is better to listen to your own heart more.

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!
It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

I didn't realize this before, and at the beginning you said this is okay, then I will follow it. If you say this is bad, then I won't do it.

Occasionally there are complaints, but my thoughts and actions still follow the outside world.

After growing up slowly, you say okay, I think it's good, then do it, you say it's bad, I still feel good, then I still have to do it.

So far, you said that the good and the bad, it's okay, I want to do it myself.

Before that, I always felt that the world was divided into two, not one or two, some people said this is good, then the other group of people naturally said that it was not good.

I completely forgot that in addition to one or two, there are three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and so on, and those who say good and bad can also be the same set of people.

Just like surfing the web, the longer you rush, the more pronounced this feeling becomes.

When something happens, topics such as equal rights calls and feminism often lead to discussion. Every time, I can't help but see a lot of people arguing on the Internet, all kinds of online violence.

Over time, some netizens found that people who advocate stopping online violence sometimes turn around and are also doing things that abuse others online.

When I first realized this, I really felt outrageous. However, human nature is complex, and it will seek advantages and avoid harm.

When I say good, it is because for myself, the impact is also good. When you say something bad, it's because saying bad things at this moment will have a bad impact on yourself.

So most people essentially have the potential to be wallgrass - wherever the wind blows, I can say that you are good, and I can say that you are not good at all. Some of these actions are intentional and some are unintentional.

This adds up to the thought: let the brain run with the public, but it is very dangerous.

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

For me, this melon can only be eaten to satisfy my curiosity. As for how to solve the problem, to be honest, I also asked.

But in the end, it seems that this is the only way - even if people are angry, they are helpless.

And what I learned from this is that when people grow up, they should have their own thinking, and don't follow the clouds. Don't always "my mother said, my father said, my seven aunts and eight aunts said..."

There is a good saying: "Don't care why others say it, care more about why you care so much, listen to it." ”

In Buddhism, there is a word called "self-satisfaction", which means that we do not have to meet the standards of the outside world, nor do we have to beg outward, but look inward and experience everything in the world with the feelings we feel at the moment.

Bottom line: You can't control what others think, but you can always trust your feelings.

Guys, work hard to grow, this is the time to practice.

Above, together.

I am looking north, and today is also a day I want to wish you happiness

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

And, thank you for always being by my side

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!
It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

The eldest brother asked: What are the stories of the big reversal around you? Welcome to leave a message nagging

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!
It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

Guess what you want to see:

Introduction of the main number:

Look North: I want to be a big brother more than a woman who is a big brother. 95 Sagittarius Chaoshan girl, focus on personal growth, hope you can be a little happier.

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

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Author/Look North

Image/Internet, invasion and deletion

It turns out that you can't listen to everything that the people around you say!

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The owner has loved writing for 5 years, and has published a total of 700+ original articles.

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