
88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

author:The Commercial Press

📖 The classic in the Chinese translation classics is exquisite hardcover and worth collecting

88 Chinese translation masterpieces with subject classification editions

Come on! philosophy

1. "The Wealth of Nations" Adam Smith by Guo Dali Wang Yanan Translation [Economy] Introduction to Economics must read, the pioneering work of Western economics is known as "one of the 100 greatest books of all time"

As the originator of Western economics, Adam Smith has been quoted and interpreted countless times. In order to truly understand the original and complete picture of his economic thought, everyone should read The Wealth of Nations.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

2. "History of Western Philosophy" (Supplemented and Revised Edition) [US] by Tilley [US] Wood Supplement Gerley Translation [Philosophy] Philosopher Tilley's representative works are authoritative translations of classic works in the history of Western philosophy, best-selling for a hundred years

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

3. "Confession" [Ancient Rome] Augustine Zhou Shiliang Translation [Philosophy] The ancient Roman philosopher Augustine's representative work is a double classic authoritative translation of philosophy and literature, and the Chinese translation has been selling well for more than 50 years

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

4. "Sex and Society" by Pan Guangdan and Hu Shouwen translated [Philosophy] World-famous psychologist, authority and grandmaster of sexual psychology

Everyone admits that sex is one of the great problems of our time, and everyone admits that Richard is the most knowledgeable, detailed, and sound person on the subject. His Journal of Sexual Psychology ... Almost all aspects of sexual psychology are included. - Pan Guangdan

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

5. "On Human Nature" [English] Hume by Guan Wenyun translated [philosophy]

The most important work of Hume's life, the most important aspects of Hume's thought, are elaborated in this book, and the classic work on cognition, human nature, and morality: "All science is related to human nature, and the study of human nature should be the basis of all science." ”

Any science has something to do with human nature to a greater or lesser extent, and no matter how far apart the disciplines seem from human nature, they will eventually return to human nature in some way. - Hume

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

6. Nicomachean Ethics [Ancient Greek] by Aristotle Liao Shenbai Translation [Philosophy]

The pioneer of Western ethics and moral philosophy, the basic classics of Western philosophy are recognized as one of the basic sources of education for Westerners

Aristotle said that no one praises happiness as much as an act of justice. Happiness is a revered and perfect thing, and happiness should be tasted and feared.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

7. "On American Democracy" [fr] Tocqueville by Dong Guoliang Translation [Politics] One of the wisest ideas of the 19th century, a must-read to understand American democracy

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

8. "Leviathan" by Hobbes by Li Sifu Li Tingbi Translation [Politics] can be compared with the ancient Aristotle's "Political Science", Hobbes was the first political thinker in modern times

One of the outstanding representatives of modern materialism

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

9. "The Theory of the Social Contract" [fr] Rousseau, by Li Pinghu, translated [Politics] The driving force of the French Revolution

Man is born free, but he is always in chains. - Rousseau

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

10. "On Monarchy" by Niccolò Machiavelli Pan Handian Translation [Politics] One of the ten most influential contemporary world masterpieces, the desk book of European monarchs

The supreme guide of the statesman: the most original and incisive anatomy of the technique of political struggle that mankind has ever seen

Fate is the master of half of our actions, but it leaves the remaining half or almost half at our disposal. - Machiavelli

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

11. "Republic of Ideals" [Ancient Greek] by Plato by Guo Bin and Zhang Zhuming, translated [Philosophy]

Plato's masterpiece, recognized by Western philosophers, is the "Encyclopedia of Philosophy"

The entire Western philosophical tradition is a series of footnotes to Plato. - Whitehead

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

12. "Saints and Sinners: A History of the Pope" by Eamon Duffy Long Xiuqing trans. [Philosophy] about the history of the Pope and its origin

The most informative book studied on relationships with secular authorities, Roman Catholic historian Duffy carefully paints a careful picture of each pope's strengths and weaknesses, as well as their successes and failures

Duffy has revived the study of church history through vivid stories from different popes, and Saints and Sinners is a remarkable achievement. - The Times

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

13. Being and Time (Chinese Revised Second Edition) [de] Heidegger, by Chen Jiaying, Wang Qingjie, translated [philosophy]

Heidegger's representative work: One of the most important philosophical works of the 20th century: a major shift in Western philosophy

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

14. "The World as Will and Representation" [de] Schopenhauer Shi Chongbai translated [Philosophy] contains all the details of Schopenhauer's philosophy, and then he spent his long life merely explaining or supplementing this work, which opened a major school in the history of modern Western philosophy, voluntarism, and Schopenhauer was only 28 years old

In this book, I saw a mirror that reflected the world, my life, and my own state of mind incomparably. - Nietzsche

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

15. "The Road in the Forest" [de] by Heidegger Sun Zhouxing translated [philosophy]

One of Heidegger's later masterpieces: a classic of Western thought in the 20th century: an "anti-philosophical philosophical work";

If we want to understand Heidegger's thought in the later period, this "Road in the Woods" is a must-read. - Sun Zhouxing

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

16. "Academia and Politics" by Max Weber Translated [Political Law] "Academia as a Business" and "Politics as a Business" The book Max Weber delivered two speeches to a German student academic group in 1919

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17. "On the Idle Class" [US] Veblen by Cai Shoubai, translated [Economy] Veblen's representative work is a classic work of the institutional school, discussing the status and value of the leisure class in modern life

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18. "Community and Society" [de] by Ferdinand Tennis, translated by Zhang Weizhuo [Sociology] A famous work by one of the founders of modern German sociology

Revealing the meaning of the opposition between "community" and "society", its author, Ferdinand Tennis, founder of the German Sociological Society, was once his academic assistant by the famous sociologist Max Weber

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

19. "Outline of the Theory of Pilang" [Ancient Greek] by Cyxdu Enpyrico Cui Yanqiang Translation [Philosophy] The basic outline of skepticism, the complete translation of Cyxdul Enpirico's "Outline of the Theory of Pilang" is directly translated from Greek, and the main views of almost all schools of Greek philosophy before the 2nd century AD are described more objectively, and the primary documents that cannot be bypassed by the study of Greek philosophy today

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

20. "The Fable of the Bees" [Dutch] by B. Mandeville Translated by Xiao Yu [Economics/Philosophy] Mandeville, the most influential and controversial philosopher, political economist and great satirist in England at the beginning of the 18th century, is on a par with the Dutch humanist Erasmus, the "father of international law", the great philosopher Spinoza

"Private vices, if properly managed by sophisticated politicians, can be transformed into the public good."

Even if Shakespeare wrote a book about the motivations of human behavior,...... It is also very likely that it is less than half of the powerful argument seen in The Fable of the Bees. —T. Macaulay

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21. Principles of Economics by Marshall Zhu Zhitai Chen Liangbi Translation [Economics] The main achievement of the book "Principles of Economics" is to establish static economics as one of the talented mathematicians, Marshall in his works strive to express ideas in concise language, using the quantitative material of mathematics only as appendices and footnotes.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

22. "Plato's Dialogues" [Ancient Greek] by Plato, translated by Wang Taiqing [Philosophy]

The insurmountable classics and translations were edited by Mr. Wang Taiqing, a famous scholar-turned-philosophical translator

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

23. "Little Logic" [de] Hegel by He Lin translated [Philosophy]

Translated by the famous scholar He Lin, a work representing Hegel's mature logical system in his later years

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This book is a translation of the first book in Hegel's Complete Book of Philosophy, Logic. The book is sometimes called "Whole Book Logic" and sometimes "Little Logic" by Hegel's philosophers, to distinguish it from his larger two-volume Great Logic.

24. "Persian Letters" [fr] Montesquieu by Xu Minglong Translation [Literature] "Incredibly boldly written" The first important literary work of the Enlightenment period opened the precedent for rational criticism, "Persian Letters" (1721) is the first and only novel by the French Enlightenment thinker Montesquieu, which was a great success as soon as it was published.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

25. "The Theory of Legal Argumentation: A Rational Theory of Argument as a Theory of Legal Argumentation" [de] Robert Aleksey, translated by Shu Guoying [Law]

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

26. "On Freedom" by John Mill, translated by Xu Baokui [Politics], is a collection of classic liberalism in political science, one of the most famous ideological enlightenment readings, and since 1903, when it was translated by Yan Fu as "On the Rights of the Masses," it has been reprinted many times in the mainland

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

27. "The Golden Bough" by J.G. Fraser, by Wang Peiji, Xu Yuxin, Zhang Zeshi Translation [Sociology] The foundation work of modern anthropology, an authoritative work that expounds the origins of witchcraft and religion

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28. "Geometric Primitives"

[Ancient Greek] Euclid Zhang Butian Translation [Mathematics/Philosophy] The foundation work of Euclidean geometry, a masterpiece that has profoundly influenced the way of thinking of Westerners, translated by the famous translator Zhang Butian and translated according to the English translation of the famous historian of mathematics, Heath

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29. "New Principles of Political Economy" [fr] by Say, Chen Fusheng, Chen Zhenhua Translation [Economy] Sismondi's main economic work "New Principles of Political Economy", Sismondi started from the interests of the petty bourgeoisie and criticized the capitalist economy and the classical political economy of England

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30. "Introduction to Political Economy" [fr] by Say, Chen Fusheng, Chen Zhenhua translated [Economy] is known as Adam Smith's successor and propagator

Say's Introduction to Political Economy is divided into four parts, including an introduction, the production of wealth, the distribution of wealth, and the consumption of wealth

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31. "Welfare Economics" by Arthur Cecil Pigou by Zhu Yang, Zhang Shengji, Wu Liangjian Translation [Economy] This book is Pigou's most important masterpiece, and its title of "father of welfare economics" comes from the influence of this book

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

32. "The Theory of Interest" by Irving Fisher Chen Bioru Translation [Economy] One of the masterpieces of the famous American economist Irving Fisher is a must-read book for studying the issue of interest and money

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33. "The Theory of Economic Development" [US] Joseph Schumpeter, He Fear, Yi Jiaxian and other translations [Economy] Schumpeter's early famous work In the book, he explained the essential characteristics of capitalism with the "theory of innovation", which was famous in the field of bourgeois economics and had a great influence

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

34. "Mathematics in Western Culture" by Maurice Klein Translated by Zhang Zugui [Philosophy] This book is a masterpiece of Klein, and since its publication in 1953, it has been reprinted many times, and it has been welcomed by Western cultural circles and mathematical circles for a long time

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35. "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson Translated by Xiong Jiao [Popular Science/Environmental Science/Ecology/Social Science] A book that lays the foundation for environmental protection in the modern world is this unusual book, which arouses people's attention to wild animals around the world, arouses people's environmental awareness, and at the same time arouses public attention to environmental issues, prompts environmental protection issues to be raised to governments, and various environmental protection organizations have been established.

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36. "The Capitalist Economic System" [US] Oliver M. E. Williamson, by Duan Yicai, Wang Wei, Translation [Economy] The author of this book is the name of "New Institutional Economics" and winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

37. "Treatise on Benefits" [Ancient India] by Zhu Chengming Translation [Political Law]

This is the only remaining treatise on the element of "profit"

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

38. Hermeneutics I, II: Truth and Method (revised translation) [de] Hans-Georg Gadamer by Hong Handing Translation [Philosophy] This book is Gadamer's masterpiece. Since its inception, not only has Western philosophy and aesthetics been greatly influenced by it, but this influence has quickly spread to the Western fields of literary criticism, history, law, theology and other fields of the humanities.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

39. "Lectures on Early Institutional History" by Henry Sumner Main by Von Klee Wu Qiliang translated [Legal History] Economic History, Institutional History and Legal Classics

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

40. "Institutional Economics" [US] Commons Translated by Shusheng [Economy] This book is a classic work of institutional economics and a masterpiece of Commons

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

41. "The Distribution of Wealth" by Clark Chen Fusheng Chen Zhenhua Translation [Economy] This book is considered to be the theoretical basis of American economics

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

42. "The Scope of Jurisprudence" by John Austen Translated by Liu Xing [Jurisprudence] This book is a concentrated embodiment of John Austen's legal thought and philosophy, the "father of modern British jurisprudence", and the author is also known as one of the founders of legal positivism.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

43. Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (9th Edition) [de] Winfried Hasmer [de] Ullfried Neumann Editor-in-Chief [de] Frank Salig Zheng Yongliu translated [Law]

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

44. "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money" by John Maynard Keynes, Gao Hongye Translation [Economy] This book is recognized as the most important Western economic work of the 20th century, and its main purpose is to deal with difficult problems related to theory, and the application of this theory occupies only a secondary position in this book.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

45. "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" by Joseph Schumpeter, translated by Wu Liangjian [Economy]

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

The book is divided into five parts: Marx's Doctrine, Can Capitalism Survive? Does socialism work? , Socialism and Democracy, History of Socialist Parties.

46. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, by David Ricardo, translated by Guo Dali and Wang Yanan, [Economics] Masterpiece by the classical economist Ricardo

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

47. "New Rhetoric: A Theory of Argumentation" [by] Haim Perelmann [by] Lucy Alblechts-Tetika Translated by Yang Bei [Philosophy of Law/Philosophy] The representative work of the famous Belgian professor Perelmann in the field of rhetoric is an indispensable classic document for the study of rhetoric, argumentation theory and legal argumentation.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

48. "Crime, Its Causes and Correction" by Cesare Lombrosso, translated by Wu Zongxian [Law]

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

Crime and Its Causes and Correction is Lombrosseau's most representative work in his later years, the third volume of the fifth edition of his 1897 three-volume Treatise on the Perpetrator, which systematically deals with the causes, correction, and prevention of crime.

49. "Peeping Directions (On "Not Different")" [de] Nikolai of Kusa Translation [Philosophy] This book is not only an important crystallization of Kusa's late thought, but also one of the representative achievements of the German Michi philosophical tradition.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

50. The Critique of Pure Reason by Kant Han Lin and translated [Philosophy] is recognized as the most widely circulated and influential work of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and one of the most important and far-reaching works in the entire history of Western philosophy.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

51. "The Four Roots of the Law of Good Reason" by Schopenhauer Chen Xiaoxi Translation [Philosophy] The foundational work of Schopenhauer's philosophy

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

52. "Federalist Papers" by Hamilton Jay Madison by Cheng Fengru in Han Shuson Translation [Political Law] The Source of the U.S. Constitution, a classic work of political science

As one of the most important historical documents for the study of the US Constitution, it has also had a major impact on the formulation of the constitutions of many capitalist countries in later generations.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

53. Principles of Sociology of Law by Eugen Ehrlich Translated by Shu Guoying [Law/Sociology] The author of this book, Eugen Ehrlich, is one of the founders of the sociology of law in Europe, and this book has greatly contributed to the understanding of legal research objects and research methods, and laid the basic status of the discipline of social law.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

54. "Theory of Character" [fr] by La Bruyère, translated by Liang Shouqiang [Literature]

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

55. "Principles of Logic" by F.H. Bradley by Qing Zepeng Translated [Philosophy] The works of the British philosopher F.H. Bradley

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

56. "On War" [de] Carl von Clausewitz Translated [Military/Political] The most classic work of General Carl von Clausewitz, the founder of modern Western military theory

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

57. "On Government," by Locke, Qu Junong, and Ye Qifang, translated [Politics], this book has had a great influence on bourgeois political thought

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

58. The Yoga Sutra [Ancient India] by Huang Baosheng translated [Philosophy] An early classic of ancient Indian yogic philosophy

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

59. "Morning Time: Or Speech on the Existence of God" by Mendelssohn by Liu Weidong and Li Hongyan [Philosophy] Mendelssohn, a representative of the German Enlightenment

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60. "Political Arithmetic: The Political Anatomy of Ireland" by William Pedi Chen Dongye Zhou Jinru Translation [Economy] "Political Arithmetic" is William Pedi's ten coping strategies or suggestions to the English king to deal with the challenges of the Netherlands and France. The economic statistics of Ireland in The Political Anatomy of Ireland are considered the beginning of modern statistics.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

61. "The Theory of Taxation: A Brief Treatise on Money" by William Pedi Chen Dongye Ma Qinghuai Translation [Economy] Land is the father of wealth, and labor is the mother of wealth

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The book "On Taxation", consisting of 15 chapters, analyzes government and public funds, and from what aspects and in what reasonable and effective ways to raise funds, and also discusses land rent, oral expenses, real estate taxes, customs duties, tithes, domestic consumption taxes, and even currency interest and changes in monetary value. In this book, he proposed that land and labor were the two sources of wealth, and analyzed the relationship between the two bearing taxes, which is an earlier discussion of the labor theory of value. "Dedicated to the Wise," a ten-chapter book that analyzes estimates of the kingdom's wealth, population value, fiscal revenues, ways of taxation, and how to "use the people." "Currency Strategy" analyzes old coins, currency reminting and comparison of the value of currencies in different countries in the form of questions and answers.

62. The Upanishads

Huang Baosheng Translation [Philosophy] The book is the fundamental text of ancient Indian Brahmanism, reflecting the sacrificial activities and spiritual life of ancient India, embodying the typical oriental way of thinking and Indian ethical norms.

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63. "On Spinoza's Doctrine - Letters to Monsieur Mendelssohn" [de] Jacobi by Liu Weidong Li Hongyan Translation [Philosophy] After Lessing's death, Mendelssohn, who was a close friend of Lessing, planned to write a biography to Lessing. By chance, Jacobi asked Mendelssohn if he knew that Lessing was a Spinozanist, and Mendelssohn, who considered himself Lessing's friend, had no idea about it, and Jacobi's question angered Mendelssohn, which directly triggered a mutual debate between the two.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

64. "The State and the Law" [Ancient Rome] Cicero, Shen Shuping and Su Li translated [Politics] The State and the Law are two important works of Cicero in the field of politics and law.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

65. "On the Distribution of Wealth" by George Ramsey, translated by Li Renchu [Economics] An important masterpiece by George Ramsey, one of the important representatives of the classical political economy school

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

66. "On the Industrial System: Questions and Answers for Industrialists" [fr] by Dong Guoliang, Xu Zhongnian, Xu Jien, Zhao Mingyuan, Wang Minhua Translation [Economy] This book is a complete article on Saint-Simon's discussion of industrial issues in the original "Selected Works of Saint-Simon" (three volumes), and the discussion of industrial problems is an important academic achievement of Saint-Simon.

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67. "New View of Society" by Robert Owen, by Ke Xiangfeng, He Guanglai, Qin Guoxian, translated [Philosophy] A selection of important works by the famous utopian socialist thinker Owen in the early period. Robert Owen was the first educational theorist and practitioner in history to establish a preschool institution, and he was one of the most accomplished industrialists of the early 19th century, an outstanding management pioneer, and known as the "father of modern personnel management".

This book collects Owen's works from 1813 to 1821, mainly his earlier works, including "The New View of Society, or On the Formation of Human Character", "On the Influence of the Industrial System", "The Book of the Earl of Upper Liverpool", "Letter to the British Factory Master", "Letter to the Working Class", etc.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

Owen's experiments in social reform were highly successful, and the factory area was greatly changed and became known as the "New Lanark". The educational activities here were also the main educational activities in Owen's life. The "New View of Society" is a theoretical summary of Owen's long-term exploration and practice here, especially the theory of the formation of human character.

68. "Revolution in Human Thought and Practice" by Robert Owen, translated by Ke Xiangfeng et al. [Social Sciences/Politics] This book was written by Robert Owen, a British utopian socialist in the early 19th century, to get governments and peoples to adopt and implement his ideas of social reform.

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69. "The New World of Economy: Or Cooperative Behavior in Accordance with Nature" [fr] by Fourier by Zhao Junxin, Wu Moxin, Xu Zhimian, Wang Wenyi Translation [Social Sciences/Sociology/Politics] This book comprehensively and systematically expounds Fourier's views, as its representative work, and is also an important work that marks the development of utopian socialist thought to an advanced stage in the 19th century.

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70. "On the French Revolution" by Edmund Burke, by He Zhaowu, Xu Zhenzhou, Peng Gang, translated [Politics] Burke's masterpiece "On the French Revolution" in his later years, with his passionate and hearty writing, violently attacked the principles of the French Revolution.

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71. "Economic Growth of Countries: Gross Output Value and Production Structure" by Simon Kuznets, Chang Xun et al., translated [Economy] Contemporary Western Economic Masterpieces

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72. "Transforming Traditional Agriculture" [US] Theodore M. Translated by W. Schultz by Liang Xiaomin [Economy]

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

73. "The Art of Beauty Reduced to the Same Principle" [fr] Charles Bartow by Gao Ji Translation [Art/Philosophy/Aesthetics] This book is of great significance in the history of art and aesthetics, in which poetry, painting, sculpture, music, dance, oratory, and architecture are collectively referred to as "art of beauty", believing that they follow the same principle, that is, they are all imitations of beauty in nature, thus having a major impact on the establishment of modern art systems.

88 Chinese translation classics in hardcover|Family collection

74. "On the Scientific System" [fr] by San Simon, by Wang Yansheng, Dong Guoliang, Zhao Mingyuan, Lu Loufa, translated [Marx/Philosophy of Science] One of the three utopian socialists

An important founder of sociology

This book is the entire article on Saint-Simon's discussion of scientific issues in the Chinese translation of the world-famous edition of the Selected Works of St. Simon (three volumes), representing the prototype of St. Simon's scientific thought.

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75. "On Business: The Fallacy of Reason" [fr] by Fourier by Wang Yaosan, Pang Long, and Ji Fu, trans. [Social Sciences/Politics] This book includes two articles: "On Business" and "The Fallacy of Reason." This was part of several important articles published by his disciples after Fourier's death in the magazine "Francis" that they edited.

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76. Principles of Philosophy [fr] by Descartes Chen Qiwei Translation [Philosophy] A more systematic presentation of Descartes' philosophical system The Principles of Philosophy is a work of Descartes' later years, published in Latin form in 1644, and later translated into French by Pico. The Principles of Philosophy presents Descartes' philosophical system more systematically.

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77. "Report to Lanarkshire" by Robert Owen, by Ke Xiangfeng, He Guanglai, Qin Guoxian, Translation [Politics] This book is a sign of the maturity of Owen's doctrine and a turning point in his turn to utopian socialists.

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78. "Political Science" [Ancient Greek] Aristotle translated [Politics] Aristotle's book "Political Science" can be called the founding work of exploiting class politics in a certain sense.

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79. "A Lonely Walker's Dream"

[fr] Rousseau Translation by Li Pinghu [Literature] is an indispensable work to study Rousseau's actions and ideological development trajectory throughout his life

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At the time of writing this work, Rousseau was in his twilight years, had completely abandoned the futile efforts to deal with the enemy and fight against fate, and left everything to fate, so that he was in a relaxed mood and very leisurely, and wrote ten "walks" into ten beautiful prose poems.

80. "Moral Politics: or National Governance Based on Morality" [fr] Holbach by Di Yuming, translated [Philosophy]

Holbach wrote this work in the eighteenth century

It represents the views of the French Enlightenment on morality, legislation, etc

Its ideas are still relevant today

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81. "The Anti-Logician"

[Ancient Greek] Sykes Npilico by Cui Yanqiang Translation: [Philosophy] One of the important works of Sexdu Enpirico, a collection of ancient Greek skepticism

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This work covers almost all the major problems of Greek epistemology, especially the development of the problem of mind and matter, and the problem of propositional logic.

82. "The Theory of Economic Harmony" [fr] by Frederick Bascia, translated by Tang Zongyi [Economy]

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83. "The History of Tang Law" [de] Carl Bingle by Jin Jing translated [Law]

It is well-known in Western historiography and legal historiography

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As one of the most influential sinologists and legal historians of the Tang Dynasty in the Western world in the last century, Binger used the unique working method of "commentary and commentary" of German jurists to conduct in-depth annotation and research on the Criminal Law Records and Tang Huiyi of the old and new Book of Tang, and completely revealed the legislative style, legal form and criminal judgments of the Criminal Law Records of the Tang Dynasty.

84. "Ancient Law" [English] Main Translation by Shen Jingyi [Law] This book is the famous work of the famous British jurist and representative of the historical legal school in Britain, and the famous phrase "from identity to contract" is even more familiar to the legal circles

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85. "Lecture Notes on National Economics" [Sweden] by Knut Wicksell Liu Hailin Translation [Economy] This book is a collection of jurisprudence, legal history, civil law, etc., spanning Roman law, common law and equity, which is the best choice for legal beginners to appreciate the charm of law and legal researchers to explore the profound meaning.

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86. "Kant and the Metaphysical Problems" [de] Heidegger, by Wang Qingjie, translated [Philosophy] The publication of "Kant and the Metaphysical Problems" is precisely to correct the superficial understanding of "Being and Time", and to directly point to the core problem of ontology through Kant's mouth, which can be regarded as the most important passage to understanding "Being and Time" and even Heidegger's existential theory.

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This book is primarily a groundbreaking activity to take shape of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, with the aim of presenting metaphysical problems as a fundamental existential problem.

87. "The Phenomenological Interpretation of Aristotle: A Presentation of Hermeneutic Situations" [de] Heidegger [de] Günther Neumann ed. Sun Zhouxing Translation [Philosophy] This book was provided by Heidegger to the philosopher Natopp of Marburg University in order to apply for the position of professor of philosophy at the University of Marburg, so it is called the "Natorp-Bericht Report".

The first book to publicly display Heidegger's philosophical talent. - Gadamer

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88. "Lectures on Law, Police, Revenue, and Armaments" by Adam Smith [English] Cannan Edited by Chen Fusheng Chen Zhenhua Translation [Economics] This book is part of Adam Smith's lectures when he was a professor at the University of Glasgow, reflecting Adam Smith's early economic thought.

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