
Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

author:History is for the present


Zhuge Liang, Zikong Ming, Langya Yangdu people. He was born intelligent, gifted, and learned everything extremely quickly, whether it was literature, the art of war, astronomy and geography, and divination talismans. At that time, such a talent was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, he was not complacent about his talent. In the face of competition from his peers, he does not compete with others for strengths and weaknesses, but quietly learns and delves into his own world. Everyone said that he would definitely shine and become an outstanding figure, but he didn't seem to care much about it, didn't have much ambition, just immersed himself in study.

During the Ningkang years, the world was in chaos and wars continued for years. But Zhuge Liang still lives in the countryside and does not seek advancement. Several of his friends, Pang Tong, Sun Qian, and others, saw that talents like him were useless, so they went to persuade him to come out and do things.

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Retreat in a simple house, caring for the difficulties of the world

"The king is in seclusion, reading the books of the ancients, inspecting the affairs of this world, deeply investigating the richness and wealth as the clouds, the key skills of protecting one's life, the chaos of the world, saving it without coming out, thinking of danger in peace? Be prepared for danger in peacetime, and the world is reasonable. Friends persuaded Zhuge Liang like this.

Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "I was born with knowledge, long and studious, not Xiao Jiangxiang, not talented in mountains and forests, not ignorant of the rise and fall of the world." He humbly thinks that he is a man of the mountains, content with the status quo, and should not be self-defeating.

In fact, Zhuge Liang's heart is very mirror-like, he sees through the vain of honor and disgrace in the world. He lived in a grassy house, and although his life was simple, his heart was filled with the sufferings of the whole world and the turmoil under the whole world.

Although he lived a peaceful life in the deep mountains and old forests, his heart was concerned about the great events of the rise and fall of the world. He understands that even if he has outstanding talent, it is difficult to turn the situation in the chaotic world in an instant. Therefore, he endured it, guarding a pure side in this chaotic world, waiting for the opportunity to show his strengths and ambitions.

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Liu Bei, the prime minister of the mountains, supported the foundation of the Han Dynasty

At that time, Liu Bei finally said that Zhuge Liang came out to help. Zhuge Liang saw that although Liu Bei's qualifications were mediocre, he had the ambition to do great things and the heart of benevolence and righteousness, so he decided to assist him and plan big things together.

Zhuge Liang said politely and frankly to Liu Bei: "Although I am a shallow learner, I am willing to follow you in the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains to complete the unfinished business of my ancestors." That's why I live here in seclusion. ”

Liu Bei was very happy about Zhuge Liang's arrival. He said, "With Zhuge Cheng's help for me, my great cause can be successful." Together, we will be able to carve out a way out in this chaotic world! Thank you Prime Minister for not thinking that my qualifications are mediocre and willing to help me!"

From then on, Zhuge Liang began a new journey in his life, vowing to assist Liu Bei in stabilizing the foundation of Shu Han and fundamentally calming the turmoil in the world.

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Think ahead, plan to surprise

Zhuge Liang had extraordinary talent in military affairs and strategy. When Liu Bei was alive, Zhuge Liang managed the major affairs of the military state on his behalf, gave advice, and repeatedly made miraculous achievements.

When fighting against Cao Cao's army many times, Zhuge Liang set a series of plans, attacked the east and west first, deceived and lured the enemy, and successfully defeated the Cao army many times. Cao Cao saw that he used soldiers like a god, so he called him "Crouching Dragon" and "Brilliant Calculation".

After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang succeeded him as prime minister, carried out internal policy reforms, and consolidated the foundation of the country; He adopted a policy of softness in an attempt to ease relations with Eastern Wu and wait for an opportunity to eliminate Cao Wei in the north.

He set up an empty city plan in Wuzhang, and used 20,000 troops to scare back more than 100,000 Wei troops, preserving the foundation of Shu Han. This surprisingly far-sighted tactic was praised by later generations as the "Art of War".

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Support the latter lord, non-stop south to fight the northern war

Before his death, Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang to be alone, hoping that he would assist the young Ah Dou. Zhuge Liang immediately knelt down and said, "I wish to die and never live up to the instructions of the emperor!"

After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang took it as his responsibility to support the Hou Lord and continued the cause of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. He worked in government during the day and military affairs by night, in order to repay the favor of knowledge in his lifetime.

In order to realize his wish to unify the world, he led the Shu army on several northern expeditions, going deep into the Central Plains to deal with Cao Wei. Although he was unable to complete the Northern Expedition, he devoted his life to it.

Even though he was seriously ill at the time of the last Northern Expedition, he gritted his teeth and persisted, hoping to win one more battle for Liu Bei's legacy. In the end, he became ill and died shortly after the Battle of Gojogahara.

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Galloping on the battlefield, just to repay the grace of knowledge

What Zhuge Liang was most concerned about in this life was to repay Liu Bei for the grace he had learned. Liu Bei took care of Maolu, giving him the opportunity and stage to show his ambitions. Therefore, he vowed to repay Liu Bei's virtue of knowledge with his life.

To this end, he assisted in government affairs during the day and practiced the art of war at night. Although he held a high position, he lived an extremely frugal life. Even during the Northern Expedition, he only ate coarse tea and light rice.

Whenever Zhuge Liang embarked on the journey of the Northern Expedition, what he thought about was always Liu Bei's instructions and the strength of the Wei state, and he never slacked off or flinched. He only wanted to do his best and do his best to realize his wish to unify the world, in order to repay Liu Bei's kindness for saving him in the mountains and forests.

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Do your best, bow down and do your best for the country

For the cause of Liu Bei and Shu Han, Zhuge Liang can be described as doing his best and doing his best. Even though he was seriously ill, he still worked day and night, and eventually accumulated fatigue due to overwork.

It is rumored that Zhuge Liang coughed up blood before his death and was already dying. But even so, he struggled to check confidential documents and arrange army dispatches. So faithful, until he was out of breath and closed his eyes.

When the people and soldiers of Shu Han learned the news of Zhuge Chengxiang's death, they were all heartbroken. Some people said: "The prime minister worked for the country, and he couldn't sleep at night, but after all, he was tired and collapsed." The country has lost such a loyal courtier, it is like a big star falling from the sky!"

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause

Shu Han lost him like losing a big star

Zhuge Liang's dedication has made future generations admire. He was faithful and devoted all his efforts to assisting the Lord, and he was a model for human subjects.

He bowed to the Lord and was worthy of his heart; He worked hard for the great cause of the country and was worthy of the country. Although the great cause was not completed in the end, his spirit will always shine and is worth learning from all courtiers.

After the Shu Han lost Zhuge Liang, the kingdom gradually declined. Without this wise and divine mastermind, Liu Chan would be unable to support the overall situation alone. In the end, the Shu Han was still destroyed in the historical torrent of the demise of the Jin Dynasty.

Zhuge Liang's sudden death was undoubtedly a major loss for Shu Han. Like a dazzling star falling from the sky, the foundation he established for the Shu Han gradually disintegrated and died after his death, which is embarrassing.

Zhuge Liang died at the age of only 54, what disease did he have? Modern medicine speculates about the cause


Zhuge Liang has practiced his duty as a human servant with his life's hard work, and his loyal spirit is always worth learning. The prosperity or decline of a country depends on the hearts and minds of the people. If everyone can be as loyal as Zhuge Liang and serve the country with all their hearts, then the Chinese nation will surely create glory again.

We must keep in mind the spirit of Zhuge Liang's salvation, scrupulously fulfill our duties in our respective posts, and build and strengthen the motherland. As long as we inherit and carry forward this spirit, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will certainly be realized!