
These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

author:C Mom School

The closer to the due date, the more nervous pregnant mothers tend to be. Especially pregnant mothers who have no experience in childbirth, they do not know what the process of childbirth is. Most of their impressions of having children come from film and television dramas.

When female characters in film and television dramas give birth, they always make heart-rending screams, and large drops of sweat ooze from their faces.

These scenes also subtly affect pregnant mothers, making them panic about having children.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

After entering the third trimester, the pregnant mother Xiaoyi's mood is somewhat complicated. She eagerly awaited "unloading", and the enlarged belly had a great impact on her life.

Xiaoyi's legs have begun to swell, and she also loses sleep at night one after another, and she can't sleep well.

But as a pregnant mother who is pregnant for the first time, she is a little afraid of the arrival of her due date and hopes that time will pass slowly.

The reason why Xiaoyi has this ambivalent psychology is because she always recalls the heart-rending roar of those mothers in the TV series when giving birth. Every time she thought of this kind of picture, she felt a little flustered in her heart.

Xiaoyi doesn't know what sins she will suffer when she gives birth, nor does she know how long her childbirth process will last.

Xiaoyi's usual job is a fitness trainer, and when she was pregnant, she still maintained the habit of fitness.

However, under the influence of her pregnant belly, she changed her exercise program to light aerobic exercise.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

Xiaoyi originally thought that it would not be launched until the due date, but he didn't expect his baby to be so eager to come out.

One morning at 38 weeks pregnant, Xiaoyi found herself red, and a strong sense of contractions reminded her that the day of "unloading" had arrived.

What Xiaoyi didn't expect was that his entire labor process was very fast. From the time she launched to "Open Ten Fingers", it took only 2 hours. Such a fast delivery speed saved Xiaoyi from a lot of sins.

Even the doctor sighed: "For women who give birth for the first time, this speed is really fast." ”

Xiaoyi herself was also a little confused, originally thought that the process of giving birth to a child would take longer, and she would suffer a lot of sins.

I didn't expect that I was so lucky and opened ten fingers so fast. The pregnant mother in the same ward as Xiaoyi was still making heart-rending cries for the pain of uterine contractions at this time, and she opened her fingers slowly, hurt for a morning, and had not opened 2 fingers.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

The same are all mothers, why is there such a big difference in the timing of vaginal delivery?

These four types of women open ten fingers quickly during childbirth, and suffer less, come and see, are you one of them?

These four types of pregnant mothers open their fingers quickly and suffer less when giving birth

(1) Self-physical fitness is better

The reason why Xiaoyi can give birth so smoothly has a lot to do with her regular fitness habits.

Xiaoyi's body is very good and has a low body fat percentage. Usually, she runs 3 kilometers or 5 kilometers.

Although Xiaoyi is very slim, she is not thin at all, and she has a lot of muscles on her body.

Pregnant mothers with this physique are very popular with doctors and nurses, because they have a lot of physical strength and no excess meat. Childbirth is not much of a challenge for such pregnant mothers.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

They will also open ten fingers faster, and the whole delivery process will be smoother.

It can be seen that a good physique can make pregnant mothers much easier when giving birth. Pregnant mothers, if the body allows, maintain a certain amount of exercise even during pregnancy.

The exercises that are more suitable for pregnant mothers include walking, yoga, etc., and pregnant mothers can choose according to their preferences.

(2) Pregnant mothers who have experience in childbirth

There was once such a news, I don't know if everyone still has the impression that there was a pregnant mother walking on the street, walking and walking, and the fetus fell out from underneath.

Such news is surprising, why can some people have children so quickly? Most of these pregnant mothers who give birth very quickly have experience in childbirth, and are not new mothers.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

The reason why multiparous women open ten fingers quickly is because their external cervical opening has already been dilated once and is relatively loose.

The fetus is less resisted when it passes through the cervical opening, so that the fetus can travel through the birth canal relatively quickly into the world. This is also why many mothers feel that having a second child is less laborious than having a first.

(3) Positive fetal position and fetal weight standards

The speed of delivery has a lot to do with the size and position of the fetus. If the weight of the fetus is standard, not overweight, and the fetal position is correct, then the mother will be more smooth during childbirth and take less time.

The fetal position of the fetus is not controlled by the pregnant mother, and the pregnant mother does not have to worry too much about the problem of whether her fetal position is correct.

If you want to give birth smoothly, quickly and well, pregnant mothers must control their appetite during pregnancy and avoid eating and drinking.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

Without incontinence, the pregnant mother's own weight will exceed the standard, and the fetus will also be affected to become a "giant baby".

The fetus is not fatter as possible, pregnant mothers control the weight of the fetus within the standard range, not only for the health of the fetus, but also for the process of delivery.

(4) Pregnant women with a high degree of cooperation with medical staff

There is a group of women who are loved by medical staff, who do not yell when giving birth, who are very intelligent and know how to "build up".

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

In addition, they know how to work well with health care workers, and such women give birth faster and suffer less crime.

The process of vaginal delivery is hard, and pregnant mothers need not only force, but also the right force. If you do not cooperate with medical staff, use brute force, or yell, the labor process will be prolonged.

If you want to suffer less from the pain of childbirth, pregnant mothers should maintain a good attitude and not be too afraid before childbirth.

At the time of delivery, you just need to trust the medical staff, cooperate with them, and use the right force. In this way, your delivery process will be smoother.

These types of women "open ten fingers" quickly, the labor process suffers less, see if you are not among them

Parenting Message

These types of women have a fast rate of vaginal delivery and suffer less crime, which is really enviable. Pregnant mothers, don't just envy these types of mothers, you can also become one of them through your own efforts.

The process of giving birth is actually not as scary as imagined, pregnant mothers do not have to be too anxious, a good attitude can also help childbirth!

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted immediately)