
The 12 people who were selected before Kobe Bryant in '96 are now all there?

author:Wild Ball Park

1996 was an NBA draft year known as the "golden generation". At that year's draft, 12 talented players were destined to change the face of basketball, one of whom was Kobe Bryant, who would become one of the greatest players in basketball history.

The 12 people who were selected before Kobe Bryant in '96 are now all there?

Now, twenty-five years later, let's take a look at the footprints of the 12 players who were selected today.

Kobe bryant

Bryant is the brightest and most successful of the players. During his 17-year career, he helped the Los Angeles Lakers win five NBA championships and won multiple Most Valuable Player awards. However, in 2016, when Bryant retired, the world was shocked by the sudden death of him and his daughter Gianna. Bryant left the court, but his spirit will always be in the hearts of basketball fans.

Stephen Marbury

Marbury was another shining star of those years. While he didn't win a championship like Bryant, he had an amazing record in 11 seasons in the NBA. Today, he is back in China as the general manager of Beijing Shougang Team in the China Super Basketball League and has made great contributions to the development of basketball in China.

Ray Allen

When Allen was chosen, he showed his excellent projection ability in front of the world. He is one of the greatest three-pointers in history, having played for teams such as the Boston Celtics and Miami Heat. Today, although he is retired, he is still the player with the most three-point field goals in his career and is inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame.

Jeremy Lee

Jeremy Lee was the first Chinese-American NBA player who made significant contributions to Asian basketball. Despite some twists and turns in his career, he left some memorable moments in his six-year NBA career, and now he moves to China, where he continues his fight for basketball.

Ray Philair

Philair was an excellent point guard who won the Rookie of the Year award in his inaugural season in the NBA. Although his career wasn't as successful as one might expect, he played some pretty good games with the Portland Trail Blazers at the time.

Anthony Walker

Walker was one of the best shooting guards of that era. He played for the Boston Celtics early in his career, where he continued to excel. Although he was plagued by injuries later in his career, he has always been a tough guy on the pitch.

Matteo Gnobili

Originally from Argentina, Gnobli is a skilled defender. He had a very successful career with the San Antonio Spurs, winning four NBA championships. Gnobli is a very intelligent player whose basketball intelligence has been instrumental throughout his career.

Roy Robing

Luo Bing, the youngest of the 12 players, has had a remarkable career. However, due to a knee injury, he had to retire early. Still, he is remembered as a formidable shooting guard.

So, where are these players today? Some have retired, some have joined the basketball coaching industry, some have participated in commercial activities, and some have returned to their home countries to continue to contribute to the basketball cause. No matter where they are, they will always live in the hearts of the fans, and their glory will always be inspired and continue to influence our basketball world.

1996 was an important year in NBA history, Kobe Bryant was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers in this year's draft and gradually grew into a legendary player. However, in addition to Bryant, eleven other players were drafted in that era. Now, let's take a look at the current state of these players and their lives outside of the NBA.

The 12 people who were selected before Kobe Bryant in '96 are now all there?

Allen Iverson

Iverson is known for his lightning-fast speed, clever dribbling, and indomitable spirit. Although he officially retired in 2013, he is still active on social media and maintains close contact with fans.

Ray Allen

Ray Allen was a shooting guard with great shooting skills who changed the landscape of modern basketball with his three-pointers. Although he retired in 2014, he is still involved in some good causes and is committed to promoting basketball.

Antoine Walker

Anthony Walker is a striker with excellent scoring ability who has had a very successful career. However, due to poor personal financial management, he faced some financial difficulties after the end of his career. Today, he runs a basketball training school in the Chicago area and works to help young players avoid making the same mistakes.

Stephon Marbury

Stephen Marbury is a former NBA player who successfully transitioned to the Chinese basketball league. He has achieved great success in Chinese basketball and has become one of the idols of Chinese basketball. Marbury settled and opened a basketball school in Beijing, and he has a high reputation in China.

Kerry Kittles

Jerry Starkhouse is a hardworking player who has shown his excellent scoring and defensive abilities on the basketball court. After retiring from the military, he earned a J.D. and worked in education at Princeton University.

Derek Fisher

Henry Allen is a well-rounded player who has played for the Kings and Lakers. After retiring from play, he served as the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers and continued to contribute his wisdom and ability to the Lakers.

Samaki Walker

Samuel Dalembert is a physically fit forward who has played for many NBA teams. After retiring, he turned to music composition and invested in real estate and tourism.

Zydrunas Ilgauskas

Zach Rowland is a center forward from Lithuania who spent many years with the Cleveland Cavaliers. After retiring, he held a number of management positions in the basketball industry and was actively involved in philanthropy.

Kobe Bryant

Needless to say, Kobe Bryant has left an indelible mark on the history of the NBA. Unfortunately, however, his tragic death in January 2020 in a helicopter crash brought a deep loss to fans around the world.

Conclusion: These twelve players set sail together in that year's draft, and they pursued their personal basketball dreams to different shores. Whether continuing to develop in basketball or diving into a new career through other means, they have shown extraordinary charm in their own way. Although no longer together, their influence and legend continue to this day. We should remember and honor these players for their profound contributions to the development of the NBA and basketball.

The 12 people who were selected before Kobe Bryant in '96 are now all there?