
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

author:Enthusiastic universe OK

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Today we introduce the twelfth solar term of the twenty-four solar terms - the big summer, the last solar term of summer. In the hot summer, we not only have to face high temperature and heat stroke, but also face stormy weather.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Therefore, the heat is the hottest and wettest period of the year. At present, the focus of our health regimen is not only to prevent heat, but more importantly, to hydrate. As people say: "hot heat, transpiration", "sauna days" will soon bring heat and discomfort to people, so the diet should not be sloppy, so as not to "overload the body" and cause immune rejection.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

At this time, the diet should be light, drink more water, supplement food in time, and improve resistance.

As the saying goes, "small fire eats beans, fire eats meat". It's so hot today.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people should not worry too much about the problem of money, eat less pork and chicken, and eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency. Delicious, nutritious and fire-free, laying the foundation for a healthy and smooth passage of the four o'clocks. Let's take a look together.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

One of the meats is lamb, and many places have the habit of "drinking hot lamb" on a hot sunny day. Lamb is delicious and nutritious, and the human body consumes more energy in the hot summer, so eating lamb can play a role in nutrition; People will eat cold drinks greedily, and drink cold drinks on three days.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Eating lamb can help dehumidify and protect yang qi in the body.

Recommended recipe【Lamb soup】

Ingredients: 1 small piece of lamb, 1 slice each of green onion and ginger, 1 coriander, 2 tablespoons of high-quality white wine, dried chili pepper, a little white pepper, oil, salt

Production: 1. Put the sheep in cold water, add ginger slices, green onion slices, high-quality liquor, etc. to remove fishy, blanch water to remove blood foam, rinse and set aside;

2. Put the blanched lamb on the electric heating plate;

3. Add chopped ginger, pepper and an appropriate amount of water;

4. Press the function button of stewed beef and mutton on the electric hot plate;

5. After the lamb broth is cooked, add a little salt and pepper to taste, put it in a bowl and sprinkle with coriander powder.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Two meats and one duck, the older generation often says "chicken first and then duck". Duck meat is firm, high protein, low fat and nutritious. Easy to get on fire, it is a cool and nutritious food that cannot be missed in summer.

Recommended Recipe 【Steamed Duck with Ginger Juice】

Ingredients: 1 duck, 1 plate of ginger, 1 can of beer, 1 spoonful of rock sugar, 1 spoonful of white wine, 3 slices of ginger, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, oil, a pinch of salt

Preparation: 1. Put the duck pieces into a pot, boil in cold water, add ginger slices to remove fishy, blanch and rinse for later use;

2. Heat a wok, cold oil, put in blanched duck pieces, and fry until the surface is slightly yellow;

3. Add a little sugar to the pot and stir, then add 1 spoonful of soy sauce and stir to color;

4. Pour in a can of Tsingtao beer;

5. After boiling, cover the pot and cook for 25 minutes;

6. Put the prepared ginger slices into the pot and cook for 5 minutes;

7. Finally, add a little salt to taste, and collect the juice over high heat.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Carp and carp meat are rich in nutrition and delicious, rich in amino acids, protein and DHA, high protein and low fat, and easily absorbed by the body.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Calla lilies not only nourish the body, but also dispel dampness and refresh the mind, especially in the summer heat, scorching sun.

Recommended recipe【Steamed tofu with shiitake carp】

Ingredients: 1 carp, 1 small piece of frozen tofu, 1 plate of oyster mushrooms, a little green onion and ginger, 1 small piece of lard, pepper, oil, salt

Preparation: 1. Use kitchen paper to absorb the moisture on the fish; Stroke the back of the fish two or three times, add a little oil to the pan, put the carp in the pan and fry until golden brown, turn over, and fry the carp on the other side until golden brown;

2. Put the fried fish into the pot, add an appropriate amount of boiling water, add minced ginger and chopped green onion;

3. Put the prepared frozen tofu cubes and mushroom cubes into the pot and cook;

4. Simmer over low heat for about 8 to 10 minutes until the carp broth is milky white.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Finally, season with a pinch of salt and pepper and add the chopped onion.

4. Rabbit meat, rabbit meat is a kind of meat with high protein content, low fat content and low cholesterol content.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

It is delicious, tender and nutritious. It has a higher absorption rate compared to other meats. It has the effects of tonifying qi, cooling blood and detoxification, removing heat and quenching thirst, strengthening the brain and intellect, beauty and beauty.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

It is suitable for all ages.

Recommended recipe【Salt and pepper rabbit】

Ingredients: 1/2 rabbit, 1 cucumber, 1 small slice of ginger, 1 green onion, 1 fragrant leaf, 1 green and red pepper, 1 small piece of cinnamon, 2 dried peppers, salt, pepper, oil a little salt

Preparation: Boil a pot of water, cut rabbit meat in a pot under cold water, add some sliced ginger, green onion and hot wine and cook together, boil to remove blood residue, and then wash with clean water.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

Rinse with warm water before use;

2. Put the blanched hare into the pot, add an appropriate amount of ginger, green onion, cooking wine, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, dried pepper and other star anise ingredients;

3. Add a little lard and boiling water to soak the material; Bring to a boil over high heat, cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste after boiling, and soak for half an hour;

5. Peel and cut the cucumber into chunks, cut the cucumbers into small pieces and put them on a plate;

6 Heat a pan, add a little minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the prepared green pepper and red pepper and stir-fry together;

7. Put the cooked rabbit meat into the pot and continue to fry several times;

8. Finally, add some salt and pepper to the pan and sauté a few times, stirring constantly, and then place the cucumber in the middle.

It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire
It's very hot, eat less pork and chicken, eat more of these 4 kinds of meat to replenish qi and deficiency, delicious and nutritious without fire

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