
I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! With more than one million subscriptions, breeders share them with the animals as soon as possible



The official number of Everland exceeded the 1 million mark on YouTube, and the entire park family went out to celebrate! [Sprinkle flowers] [Sprinkle flowers] [Sprinkle flowers]

I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! With more than one million subscriptions, breeders share them with the animals as soon as possible

But they celebrate differently than anywhere else, and they are the first to run to share it with all the animals in the park. I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! Such a loving zoo made me feel that the animals in the zoo were not so pitiful for the first time! Touched [heart] [almost crying] [than heart]

I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! With more than one million subscriptions, breeders share them with the animals as soon as possible

The first one to share is, of course, our chaebol princess Fubao! Fu Pig did not hesitate to leave its small tooth mark on it! Each medal in Everland is engraved with the seal of the Lucky Pig! [Snickering]

I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! With more than one million subscriptions, breeders share them with the animals as soon as possible

The red panda also looked at it curiously for a long time, thinking to Grandma Shengxi, can this be eaten? All the animals were shared: tigers, elephants, giraffes, baby sea lions, parrots, and even little fireflies. [Ador]

I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! With more than one million subscriptions, breeders share them with the animals as soon as possible

Then there are all the staff of Everland: I feel that every employee at work in Everland is happy and full of vitality [bumping fists]

I really love miserable Love Treasure Land! With more than one million subscriptions, breeders share them with the animals as soon as possible

It is a big family of harmony and love, where people and animals live in harmony, respecting and trusting each other. People and animals, they are lucky to meet each other and achieve each other.