
Sullivan said the key to the change in the pattern, Biden wants to achieve a two-front battle and drive China to a corner

author:Zhou Zhou has money to collect

Recently, high-profile news spread around the world: Blinken's trip to China. Although the visit to China was a success, the White House set Blinken several tasks before he left for China, but the most important one, the restoration of military communication between China and the United States, was not achieved. Despite this, Blinken received high praise from Biden for the accomplishment of other tasks, praised as accomplishing a "remarkable mission." However, this raises the question: Why does Blinken, who has not completed an important task, still receive such high praise? The answer may lie in recent statements by White House national security adviser Sullivan. According to media reports, Sullivan said during his visit to Japan that Blinken's visit to China did not make any breakthrough in Sino-US relations, so for the United States, the attention is not high. In contrast, the United States pays more attention to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the United States.

Sullivan said the key to the change in the pattern, Biden wants to achieve a two-front battle and drive China to a corner

Sullivan's remarks are actually not difficult to understand. According to reports on Blinken's visit to China, China and the United States had friendly talks, but no major breakthrough was made. This means that the United States will continue to adhere to a tough policy towards China, and may only be more cautious in dealing with the Taiwan issue to avoid frontal conflict. Since Sino-US military communication has not been restored, the United States is reluctant to start the fire. Given that there are no high expectations for this visit to China, as long as it can be successfully completed, it will be a good achievement for the United States. As for the United States' great attention to Modi's visit to the United States, it is not surprising. Recently, almost all of the small circles constructed by the United States have included India, which clearly shows the importance of India.

Sullivan said the key to the change in the pattern, Biden wants to achieve a two-front battle and drive China to a corner

In fact, the reason why the United States values India so much is not just because of its geographical location. As China's neighbor, India disputes territory with China and sees China as a rival. This makes India the best target for the United States to woo. Although India has always remained neutral and tried to follow an independent diplomatic line, as Russia has become embroiled in various disputes, India seems to have developed a desire to approach the United States. India has participated in US-led multilateral meetings, but it remains questionable whether India can firmly maintain its independent position in the context of the Sino-US game.

Sullivan said the key to the change in the pattern, Biden wants to achieve a two-front battle and drive China to a corner

Sullivan's words bluntly reveal the shift in the global landscape and the Biden administration's strategic desire to launch a two-front operation. Once the United States succeeds in wooing India, it will mean not only one more ally, but also one more country that can exert pressure on China's land border, which will be a huge challenge for China. If the Biden administration really plans a two-front operation, that is, igniting the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the contradictions between China and India, it will greatly force China. However, it is too early to say that India will move towards the United States, as India has long aspired to become a great power, but following the United States could also mean failing to realize its great power dreams. Therefore, we should closely monitor the progress of India's visit to the United States, while China also needs to prepare for the worst.

Sullivan said the key to the change in the pattern, Biden wants to achieve a two-front battle and drive China to a corner

To sum up, although Blinken's visit to China has not brought a major breakthrough in Sino-US relations, from the perspective of the United States, as long as the task can be successfully completed, it is already a success. For Modi's visit to the United States, this is also in line with the current efforts of the United States to build a strategic alliance. However, it is worth pondering that the change in the global pattern and the strategic intention of the United States to fight on a two-front front require us to remain vigilant and take countermeasures. After all, international politics often evolves unexpectedly, and we have to be fully prepared for possibilities to safeguard national core interests and regional stability.

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