
Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

author:Twilight life
Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

When we talk about social security, we are often confused by the cold series of numbers and concepts, but in fact, this is not just a simple document, but also about the security of our future life. However, this small disruption to social security payments can have unintended effects, so let's take a closer look at a few main aspects.

Pension insurance

This existence, known as the "eldest son" in the five social security insurances, has a far-reaching impact. The pension seems to be a bridge between the present and the future. However, the suspension of social security contributions will create a gap in the bridge.

It is statutory to receive a pension only if you have paid for 15 years and have reached the statutory retirement age. Once the payment is interrupted, the cumulative payment period will be interrupted. In order to continue to enjoy the protection of the pension, we had to extend the contribution period and start accumulating again.

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

health insurance

is another aspect that cannot be ignored. The suspension of social security contributions means that medical insurance cannot reimburse medical expenses on time. During the renewal period, renewal within 3 months can be considered as continuous enrollment, but if the renewal period is exceeded, the medical insurance settlement needs to wait 3-6 months before reimbursement.

This period will also be considered as re-enrollment and the number of years of participation will also be recalculated.

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

And maternity insurance

It is also crucial for intended parents. Nine consecutive months of contributions are eligible for maternity allowance, but once the contribution is interrupted, it is necessary to wait until 12 consecutive months after the confinement to claim it. What's more, the cost of prenatal care is only reimbursed if the insurance is not interrupted during pregnancy.

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

Workers' compensation insurance

The interruption of payment by the employer will not affect the work-related injury treatment of employees for a period of time, and if a work-related injury does occur, the unit still needs to bear the corresponding responsibilities and expenses, which is to protect the rights and interests of employees.

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

unemployment insurance

It also has a place in the social security system. It is relatively tolerant of social security cuts, as long as unemployment is involuntary, has clear employment needs, and has registered as unemployed, and can receive unemployment insurance benefits after paying insurance for one consecutive year.

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

In addition to these, there is also an impact that cannot be ignored, which is the close connection between social security and many important decisions. In many cities, important decisions such as house purchase, car purchase, and household registration migration are closely related to social security contributions. Especially in terms of house purchase, some cities have stricter requirements for non-local household registration residents, and they need to pay social security for a certain number of consecutive years to obtain the qualification to buy a house. Once social security contributions are interrupted, the home purchase timer will also restart, which has a direct impact on the home purchase plan.

Don't take it lightly! Once social security is interrupted, these benefits or "all canceled"!

In summary, although the suspension of social security contributions will not lead to the loss of the amount paid, its impact is multifaceted. Pensions, medical reimbursements, maternity allowances, etc. will be directly affected, and sometimes even the number of years of contribution will need to be extended to meet the eligibility conditions. At the same time, social security is closely related to important decisions such as home purchase, vehicle ownership and household registration, and the interruption of contributions will have a direct impact on these decisions.

Therefore, social security is not just an insurance policy, it is an important pillar of our future life. In the face of difficulties, it is advisable to seek other solutions to ensure the continuous payment of social security. Let us ensure social security and move towards a more stable and happy life from the perspective of maintaining our future financial health.