
A monument that will never fade One by one Lei Feng spirit!

author:Coke F6u who loves life

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Looking back, it seems like yesterday. In the blink of an eye, time has flown away, taking away the years that have passed, but leaving an eternal memory. In March 1963, Chairman Mao inscribed the instruction to "learn from Comrade Lei Feng", which opened a legend of a name, a touching story of serving the people, inscribed on the land of Shenzhou, inspiring countless people to follow in Lei Feng's footsteps. Now, 60 years have passed since that request, and that name, Lei Feng, still shines in our hearts. As Comrade Mao Zedong said: "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng." ”

A monument that will never fade One by one Lei Feng spirit!

Back in 1963, as a young soldier, I was transferred from the field army to the Political Department of the Chengde Military Subdistrict. On that breezy day, the auditorium of the military sub-district sounded with a passionate melody, and the people at the commemoration meeting were full of passion, and they jointly remembered Lei Feng, a hero who wore a red scarf and served the people wholeheartedly. I remember that Director Wang of the Political Department at that time personally instructed me to speak on behalf of the comrades of the Political Department at the meeting, and I said in a heartfelt voice: "At this special moment, we deeply remember our comrade-in-arms Lei Feng, whose spirit blooms in the glory of the times, he is a loyal son and a model for us to learn from." ”

A monument that will never fade One by one Lei Feng spirit!

Lei Feng's life has left a deep imprint on my heart. He was born in 1940, five years younger than me. At the age of seven, he became an orphan, but the party made him wear a red scarf and set him on the road to school. The party created new life opportunities for him. He then joined the People's Liberation Army, received education in lofty ideals and beliefs, and finally joined the Communist Party of China with honor, establishing a lofty belief in serving the people wholeheartedly. This original intention and pursuit come from deep patriotic feelings and gratitude to the party. His "Lei Feng's Diary" records his deepest ideals, which is very emotional to read. Just like the roll call ceremony of the company back then, it still uses "Lei Feng!" "To!" tradition, passing on Lei Feng's spirit from generation to generation.

A monument that will never fade One by one Lei Feng spirit!

Lei Feng's spirit is eternal. After 60 years of ups and downs, we retired military cadres now live in a happy harbor - military rest centers. However, Lei Feng's spirit is still our role model. We go to the community, to the people, and integrate the spirit of Lei Feng into the service, and this noble spirit will surely shine in the new era. On the new journey, we continue to forge ahead and continue to write the value of life in the new era. Just like the old man Bai Chuantao, this veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, after retiring from the army, has been guided by the spirit of Lei Feng, and has silently made great contributions in educating the next generation and participating in public welfare undertakings. He is the inheritor of the spirit of Lei Feng in that era and an actor in the new era.

A monument that will never fade One by one Lei Feng spirit!

60 years of ups and downs have gone through a long journey. In the new journey, we will still closely unite under the banner of the Party, uphold the spirit of Lei Feng, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Lei Feng's glorious deeds will continue to lead us and inspire us to forge ahead without forgetting our original intention. Just as the old man Bai Chuantao said, we must continue to inherit the spirit of Lei Feng in the new centenary journey and add more light to China in the new era.

Chairman Mao's inscription has now become the driving force for our progress. Although Lei Feng's name has passed away, his spirit lives on in our hearts. He is a model of his time, an example worthy of our emulation. Whether in the past, present or future, the spirit of Lei Feng will shine in our hearts and lead us towards a better tomorrow.

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