
Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

author:Pingping Kelly

Wang Shiling, the daughter of Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun, has been studying and living in the UK since her parents divorced. This 13-year-old girl, not only has a super high appearance and temperament, but also has amazing painting talent, once sold for 120,000 paintings, and obtained the qualification to go to the Louvre Museum in France to exhibit. Wang Shiling's growth process has always attracted the attention and love of netizens.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

Recently, Wang Shiling updated her news on social platforms, and on the day before the Qixi Festival, she posted a video of dancing and comparing hearts, and the picture looked super sweet. It is worth mentioning that there is a "Cupid's God" pattern in the video, which looks like Wang Shiling is suspected of officially announcing a relationship and showing love to someone, causing controversy among netizens.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

In the video, Wang Shiling has long hair, a silver hair card on her head is very shiny, and she is wearing a white sweatshirt simply and generously. She dances to the camera, and constantly makes some gestures of love, which is both heart and "yes", and there are many love bears and cupids, which look particularly sweet. If it is an adult who dances like this, there is no problem, but Wang Shiling is only 13 years old, and it is still in the Qixi Festival, such an operation has to make people suspect that Wang Shiling is showing love to someone, officially announcing the relationship, and the irrepressible joy must be announced to everyone.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

Netizens left messages one after another: "Tiantian has grown up! Is there an object? "Is this hinting at something?" Do you have a boyfriend? "It's so sweet! Tian Tian wants to be happy! "Have you started falling in love at this age?" Or is it just a joke? "Wait. Some netizens also ridiculed: "Is this showing love to Teacher He Jiong?" "Is this a show of love to Dad Wang Yuelun?" "Wait.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

What surprised netizens even more was that shortly after the video was released, a boy named "Jasper" left a message in the comment area: "I love you too" with a heart symbol. The boy's avatar is a handsome selfie that looks about the same age as Wang Shiling. His message immediately caused other netizens to watch and speculate, who is "Jasper"? What is the relationship between him and Wang Shiling? Is he Wang Shiling's boyfriend?

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

After in-depth digging by netizens, it was found that "Jasper" turned out to be Wang Shiling's classmate and friend when she was studying in the UK. They have interacted and posted photos on social platforms many times. As can be seen from the photo, "Jasper" looks handsome and handsome, tall and well-proportioned, and is very compatible with Wang Shiling. Their friendship is also strong, and they have participated in school events and competitions together, as well as traveled and played together. Once, "Jasper" also gave Wang Shiling a bouquet of precious white roses, which made Wang Shiling very happy.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

Although "Jasper" and Wang Shiling do not explicitly acknowledge their romance, judging from their interaction and performance, it seems that they have gone beyond ordinary friendship and have deeper feelings. They also don't shy away from expressing their liking and support for each other in public, making people feel that they are very happy. Perhaps, this is Wang Shiling's first love.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

As the daughter of Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun, Wang Shiling has received a lot of attention and pressure since she was a child. Although her parents are divorced, they love her and provide her with excellent living conditions and an educational environment. Wang Shiling is also very sensible, not only has excellent academic performance and artistic talent, but also has a cheerful and optimistic personality and an independent and confident temperament. Her life in the UK is also colourful, with many good friends and happy memories.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

This incident reflects the views and values of contemporary teenagers in love. Although Wang Shiling and "Jasper" are young, their love is not impulsive or playful, but based on sincere feelings and mutual respect. They will not give up their choices because of their parents' identity or the vision of society, nor will they affect their communication and trust because of distance or cultural differences. With their actions and attitudes, they demonstrate a healthy and positive relationship pattern and set a good example for other peers.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

This incident also exemplifies the role and impact of social media. Wang Shiling and "Jasper" share their lives and feelings through social media, so that more people can understand their stories and growth. They also use social media to express their liking and support for each other, making their relationships sweeter and more romantic. At the same time, social media has also brought them a lot of attention and comments, some positive blessings and encouragement, some negative doubts and attacks. They need to learn how to deal with these voices, maintain their mindset and position, and not be disturbed by the outside world.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

This incident also illustrates the attitude and influence of parents towards their children's love. Although Wang Shiling's parents, Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun, have divorced, they love their daughter very much and provide her with the best living conditions and educational environment. They also respect Wang Shiling's choice and wishes, will not interfere with her love, and will only give her some reasonable advice and guidance. They hope that Wang Shiling can grow up happily and find someone she really likes. In their own way, they conveyed a correct and mature view of love to Wang Shiling, so that she could better deal with her emotional problems.

Li Xiang's daughter Qixi love was exposed, dancing sweetly than heart, and the man responded generously and did not mind

Now, Wang Shiling has met someone she likes again, and "Jasper" is also very good to her. We wish this little couple happiness all the time, and hope that Wang Shiling can continue to work hard and become an excellent girl.

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